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Gator's Comeback Or Coming Back-lol


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Second full body workout today was still sore as hell but the workout seemed to loosen me up a bit, so thanks for the advice Jason. Came home with my arms and chest pumped up a bit and mama said I looked swollen icon_twisted.gif and she don't like those tumors on my arms and traps - icon_lol.gif Can't wait to see what a few months of working out consistently will show... icon_e_surprised.gif icon_lol.gif

Weighed in at 235 today sheeesh A 5 pound jump in less than a week, better watch my diet better but I am taking whey protein and creatine for the last few days might be water weight to....

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Second full body workout today was still sore as hell but the workout seemed to loosen me up a bit, so thanks for the advice Jason. Came home with my arms and chest pumped up a bit and mama said I looked swollen icon_twisted.gif and she don't like those tumors on my arms and traps - icon_lol.gif Can't wait to see what a few months of working out consistently will show... icon_e_surprised.gif icon_lol.gif

Weighed in at 235 today sheeesh A 5 pound jump in less than a week, better watch my diet better but I am taking whey protein and creatine for the last few days might be water weight to....

Good stuff buddy! My triceps were still killing me from last Wednesday, gave them a bit more of the same this morning and feel great! Our bodies lie to us a lot too :grin:

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Thanks Joe for your always well received advice, you always make the mind muscle work aswell as the brawn. I hope others are reading your posts as they are gold!!!

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3rd full body workout today and I had the little lady follow me around this time and do the same thing but much lighter weight -we are both going to be sore tomorrow I bet but it was good quality time together - a family that plays and prays together stays together.... :)

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10 min cardio treadmill warm-up

Assisted dips 4x10 140lbs

Machine Flies 4x10 120lbs

Shoulder Press 4x10 120-140lbs

Tricep Extensions 5x10 then finished off with lighter weights for about 4 or 5 FST sets (good pump)

Cable Rows Narrow Grip 4x10

Behind the neck pulldowns 3x10

Preacher Curls 4x10 then finished off with lighter weights for about 4 or 5 FST sets (good pump)

Dumbbell Shrugs 65lb to 75lb each hand 3x15 and 3x10

Going to start breaking up my workouts into upper body then lower body then eventually into maybe a 3 session body part workout so I can hit my different muscle groups 2-3 times a week. I am losing energy to fast to give my lowerbody and upperbody justice in one workout. Still feel weak but I am getting a hell of a pump. icon_e_biggrin.gif

I am always willing to listen to suggestions on building a productive program...

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This afternoon felt under the weather, so I did a leg workout...

10 minute warm-up on the treadmill

Leg sled 315 3x10

Leg extensions single and double leg 6x10

Seated calf raises 4x15

Hip adductor/abductor machine 3x15-20 of each

Leg curls 3x10 100-120 felt easy

Legs started shaking so I felt they had been hit enough for one workout ... :grin:

237.8 lb weigh in today --that's a 7.8 pound increase in like 10 days so I don't know how much is muscle, water or fat probably a combination of all three....My women says I look a little bigger so maybe it is working for the best...still taking creatine and whey protein 2x per day plus 2 meals a day of solid food. :shuriken:

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Still feeling under the weather from a chest cold but managed to get a little workout in for today-Boy this creatine makes for a massive pump in the muscles, arms felt like balloons! :grin:

Assisted dips 3x10

Machine Flies 4x10

Shoulder Press 3x10

Tricep Extensions 6x10 then finished off with lighter weight during FST sets (good pump)

Preacher Curls 6x10 then finished off with lighter weight during FST sets sets (good pump)

Dumbbell Shrugs 75lb each hand 1x20

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Well I have decided to do a split of chest and triceps, back and biceps then lower body leaving me energy to put enough into each body group. So today was chest & triceps

Assisted dips 4x10

Incline Press 3x10

Machine Flies 4x10

Shoulder Press 3x10

Tricep Extensions 6x10 then finished off with lighter weight during FST sets

Tomorrow will be back with trap work and biceps.

weigh in 236 today

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Fairly short workout today (as me and the little lady celebrated Valentines last night with a good bit of champagne) icon_e_biggrin.gif

Back & Biceps Workout

Wide grip pull-ups (weight assisted)

Narrow grip pull-ups (weight assisted)

Lat pulldowns

Wide grip rows

Preacher Curls

Dumbbell Shrugs

237 weigh in today

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Gym was a little crowded today so I couldn't get to the assisted dips so I followed through with the following:

Incline Press 3x10

Machine Flies 4x10

Shoulder Press 4x10

Tricep Extensions 6x10 then finished off with lighter weight during FST sets

weigh In today 238.6

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Wasn't feeling that good today so I went for a short workout, I think I will take off the weekend and go back to it on Monday!

Back & Biceps Workout

Narrow grip rows

Lat pulldowns

Wide grip rows

Preacher Curls

Dumbbell Shrugs 70-85lb dumbbells

Weigh In 338.8

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2/18/2012Triceps & Chest Workout

Incline Press 3x10

Machine Flies 4x10

Shoulder Press 3x10

Assisted Dips 4x10

Tricep Extensions 6x10 then finished off with lighter weight during FST sets

weigh in: 237.8

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Back & Bicep ( short workout)

Narrow grip rows 6x10

Lat pulldowns 2x10

Behind the neck pull downs 2x10

Preacher Curls 5x10

weigh In: 240lbs

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Kel!! It's been years since I was active on the GB and it brings a huge smile to my face that you're still in the game, taking down steel, and going for bigger and better things. Warriors for life bro! Keep it up.

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Great to hear from you my friend , I was out of the loop for several years myself but been back for a little while now. I'm glad you have come back to the world of Gripsters!

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Went to the gym today with a couple friends to show them around as my guest, now they want to sign up so I will have some spotters soon. I did finally get on the bench press today with my spotter and did:


135 x 10

225 x 10

275 x 1

285 x 1

I am not where I want to be yet but 315 isn't out of reach if I get to training more on the bench. :D

Weigh In 238.6

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Great work happening buddy! Having a couple of good training partners should accelerate your progress bigtime.


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Triceps & Chest Workout

Incline Press 4x10

Machine Flies 4x10

Shoulder Press 4x10

Assisted Dips 4x10

Tricep Extensions 6x10 then finished off with lighter weight during FST sets to failures

weigh in: 238.6

Feeling stronger as I am going up on all my weights, 10 -30 pounds on each movement...

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Triceps & Chest Workout

Bench Press did 275, 285 and almost got 315 by myself but the spotter lifted up a little on the bar at the sticking point...

Incline Press 4x10

Machine Flies 4x10 even maxed out to see what my one rep was did the stack of 250

Assisted Dips 4x10

Tricep Extensions 4x10 then finished off with lighter weight cable rope extensions during FST sets (7-8)

weigh in: 240lbs

Feeling stronger as I am going up on all my weights, the addition of the two young bucks with me push the old man to dig a little deeper and show off a bit! :grin:

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Back & Bicep

Narrow grip rows 6x10

Lat pulldowns 4x10

Shrugs 6x10

Preacher Curls 6x10

Finished off with dumbbell hammer curls (light weight) until burnout (love that pumped feeling) :grin:

weigh In: 242lbs

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Good workout today with the two jitterbugs we all left swollen and pumped up so we made our mission:

Assisted dips 4x10

Machine Flies 4x10

Shoulder Press 4x10

Tricep Extensions 4x10 then finished off with cable tricep extensions light weight during FST sets (good pump)

Preacher Curls 4x10

Machine Shrugs 5x15 done the stack of 250lbs

Still going up on my weight and reps so I still feel good about my progress...

Weigh In: 244.4 I hope this is mostly muscle.... :huh:

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Back & Legs

Narrow grip rows 4x10

Lat pulldowns 4x10

Squats 3x10 - got a 385lbs rep but it wasn't as deep as the rest so I can't really count it :roll:

Leg Extensions 3 x 10

Leg Curls 4x10

weigh in: 244.2

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Today was my 1 month mark since starting my gym workout, I started at 230lbs and weighed in today at 241.2 so I have gained around 10 pounds of what I hope is good quality muscle. I feel tighter and a little more dense in the muscle tissue (chests and arms have definitely got a little bigger but I haven't measured them as of yet).

Focused on the bench pressed today and was able to bench a solid 265, 275 and 280lbs without a spotter helping. My goal is 315 so I am not to far off and would imagine I could do this within the next 3 months if I focus more on the bench press itself.

Still taking creatine (dropped the dose down a bit since I have been on it for the last month) and at least one protein shake per day post workout.

All in all I feel I have made some good progress in the last month and look forward to what the next month brings as far as gains both muscularity and strength...

Thanks for the motivating words and support in advance!

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Right on buddy! That's some solid progress. :rock

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Month 2 Begins!

Back & Bicep

Narrow grip rows 4x10

Lat pulldowns 4x10

Shrugs 6x15 worked from 75 to 100 pound dumbbells

Preacher Curls 6x10 tried to go slow today to see how that felt, good pump! :D

weigh In: 242.4lbs

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