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Gator's Comeback Or Coming Back-lol


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Thanks buddy, it didn't feel that bad now onto a grade 8 DU!

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I bent two of those Grade 8 6" x 1/4" black bolts DO and it did't feel that bad maybe my mind is playing tricks on me. ( they didn't feel like a 500 pound yield strength )

Edited by GatorGrip
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This evening I challenged myself to a dual with the 470 21/64th Drill Rod in 1.5" or less suede wraps. I did it in less than a minute but the video came out to blurry so displeased I found my last 470 bar a 5/16" diameter and gave it a go, both came out off center but at least this video came out better. I have to say that both felt harder than a red nail especially on the crush down. I am pleased because two weeks ago I could barely bow one, last week I managed to kill one but had to lay it down and come back to it a couple times on the crush, this time both were completed in a less than a minute off center to boot. This tells me I am slowly getting stronger and that is the name of the game. Thanks for all the motivation you guys give me to keep pushing the bar till it bends.

May the bar always bend before you break!

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Strong bending there!:mosher You're quite a bit stronger than you give yourself credit for right now. You'll be moving a KOAB before the end of the year.

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nice work!

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Thanks guys yall all give me the motivation to keep pushing past my comfort zone!

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I don't know who he is but I thank you for the compliment (I think) :tongue I have short fairly hick hands.

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I don't know who he is but I thank you for the compliment (I think) :tongue I have short fairly hick hands.

You wrote "hick" hands. Is that what you ment :upsidedwn:laugh

Cyplenkovs is an armwrestler with like 22 inch forearms.

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I don't know who he is but I thank you for the compliment (I think) :tongue I have short fairly hick hands.

You wrote "hick" hands. Is that what you ment :upsidedwn:laugh

Cyplenkovs is an armwrestler with like 22 inch forearms.

NO I meant THICK but HICK hands is what I really have - freudian slip LOL My Moms maiden name is HICKS so Hick hands are indeed what I have lol :upsidedwn

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am stoked I just went back to that 6" piece of Stainless Steel that put me in the dirt a couple weeks ago (literally I passed out in the yard) well I only bowed it a little but I said self you feel strong today and your going back after it and I did and here is what happened (man I wished i would have videoed it) I know it is not fully dead because of the crushdown but I am very pleased with my efforts and it wasn't crazy hard but it was a challenge. I feel I am getting stronger and that is what I am in it for. I want that Insane this year (on video) this time......


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Very, very strong bend man!:mosher:whistel Is that a marked piece that I sent you a while back? It's either an official Huge Shiny or a 6" piece of Stainless-304 that I ground the edges down on and cut to length. The edges look pretty tight to me so it might be a Huge Shiny. Well done buddy! What pads did you use? And are you going to use crush pads on the finish? I prefer crush pads from 2.75" down to wherever I want to put the steel.

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The ends were ground fairly well so it could have been an official FBBC bar but either way i am proud of the bend since I had already done 4 other bars prior. Ben is that a zinc plated piece or stainless?

6" CRS (Best CRS Bend Yet)

6" something that could have been zinc plated

6.5" CRS

470lb Y.S. Drill Rod

All of these were back to back and pretty easy except the crush down on the 470 but it was easier than before so I am getting stronger!


If I had some steel at 5.5" I believe I could get it based on the feel of that 6" stuff, the GATOR is getting back to business..... I have 2 Reds left and the rest of my steel is 3/8" stuff so ISO is all I'll be able to do very soon.

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That was definitely Stainless. Either FBBC Stainless-303 or Fastenal Stainless-304. The 304 usually hits 470lbs at 7". The FBBC Huge Shiny varies from about 470 at 7" to 545 at 7".

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I am working with what I have so I am trying to bend (ISO Bar) 3/8"x7" CRS so far I have moved it around 2-3 degrees enough to wobble when it is rolled. I figure until I get the money for some steel (not looking good right now -were struggling to keep food on the table at the present time-sad to know I have worked since I was 14 and made a career out of the U.S. Army to be barely hanging on right now-but anyway no sad stories not what I meant to do)

I have moved a 3/8"x7" CRS just a bit but I have wobbled it so I ain't quitting! :flame

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Sean cashman sent me a St. Croix #2 Horseshoe and a Diamond DC1 today. I haven't bent a shoe in years and this is the first brand new shoe I have ever bent.

I know this isn't a top shoe by any stretch but it felt really easy but the DC1 was considerably harder and I only got it half way bent. I know I need to watch some videos for proper technique instruction but I will bend that DC1 one day I promise. :tongue

St. Croix #2 Horseshoe

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Its been a few days since I could even bend a Red but tonight I bent the following in record time back to back.

All done in 1.5" suede wraps

Grade 5 6"

Grade 8 6"

Grade 8 Black Bolt 6" (last one)

Red Nail

FBBC Bastard (only one)

Went for a FBBC Huge Bastard and bowed it before I tore the skin off my inner middle finger knuckle, man I hate when that happens but it does on me on occassion. I need to get some electrical tape before I try to bend again or let it heal up. Slows the progress down, darn skin! :blush

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Gator, any new bends to report lately? You have no idea how motivating it is to read about your comeback to bending.

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  • 4 weeks later...
:mellow Just boxed up my remaining gripper collection around 30 from CoC, RBs, HGs, BB & a Left hander Lemely. Times are really rough right now and a father has to do what a father has to do. So I sold my grippers for a little money to make sure my kids get some sort of school clothes before they start in the next 2-3 weeks. I will miss the old things but many of them I couldn't close but maybe half, I had a few since 2001. Well now I HAVE to just focus on the steel.
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  • 6 months later...

Well I did my first whole body workout at the gym today, I am sore already icon_redface.gif so I know I am going to feel it tomorrow. I tried 315lbs for a bench but couldn't quite get it without a spotter stepping in for a little gentle help so I was disappointed but hopefully I will get my bench back up with a little time and training. I really felt out of shape today especially due to cardio but I did 30 minutes on the treadmill for good measure. I got a good pump and my right bicep didn't bother me to bad so that was a blessing. Thanks for the support guys, I plan on giving Rick Walkers regimen a try so I incorporated some FST 7 sets towards the end especially with the tricep extensions and preacher curls. All in all it was a good day and I look forward to going back to continue to my journey to get in shape! icon_e_biggrin.gif

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DOMS -Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness has wrecked my body for the last two days, I have tried soaking in Epsom salts baths, Max Freeze muscle rub with Arnica in it and I still can't hardly move. icon_redface.gif They say no pain no gain but this is sheer ridiculousness icon_cry.gif I know one thing I know I hit the weights hard and they hit back so when they heal up I just have to be a little stronger-lol icon_e_biggrin.gif

Is there any thing else that I can do to accelerate the healing process? I am all ears brothers! icon_e_geek.gif

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I like to do some light or medium work to get rid of muscle soreness and help with recovery. It usually doesn't take to much to make a difference say 3 sets of 5-8 with 65-75% of your 1RM. It should be fairly easy but will help a lot quite soon.


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WOW Gator!

Somehow I've missed this thread on your comeback to bending. My apologies brother!!!

Bending is NOT my specialty at all but man you are doing some serious damage to that steel brother.

From looking at your progress and now the onset of DOMS you could have accumulative trauma from

all that bending without sufficient recovery.

Remember, contrary to what some folks out there are claiming positive adaptation DOES have an OFF switch,

(Rippetoe, Kilgore, 2005) Yes, negative adaptations can occur but in my studied opinion a negative adaptation is backwards progress which to me is no progress at all and 100% of the time leads to injury. Kind of pointless!

Keep in mind with a 3 year lay-off you are as a beginner or at best intermediate level athlete trying to perform the volume or intensity of an advanced or elite athlete. With that long of a lay-off it doesn't take as much workload as you may think to disrupt homeostasis and force adaptation. Go back and look at your bending journals (hopefully you keep a journal) and determine what workload you've accomplished and in what time frame. Take a break and then starting at 50% of your past training sessions gradually increase volume/intensity and monitor your recovery times (in days) and determine just how much recovery YOU need. Remember also, that no 2 individuals are alike. You may require more recovery time than say an athlete 10 years younger than you. Also keep in mind that as you age everything changes from all levels including recovery, hormonal responses, chemical responses, biological processes, etc. This is precisely why "cookie cutter programs" are NOT one's best bet. Individual differences are a huge factor to consider when designing training programs. ;)

Just to be clear here on "cookie cutter programs", I'm NOT referring to KTA or RRBT as both programs have built in planning for the individuals current abilities with where they are with their current level of gripper strength. For example, a stronger more advanced gripster will start out with different grippers than a beginner. :)

Stay with it Gator and monitor your recovery times as diligently as you do your progress. Recovery can be trained just like


Keep us updated and thank you for sharing your progress and determination to succeed!

You're a true inspiration Gator!!! :bow


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With soreness, I try to keep my mind occupied doing things around the house, garage or yard. Sometimes take a long walk, shower and nap. Sometimes watch a movie or sports or get on the internet for a while to keep my mind off of the soreness.

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Your first workout (ever or after a long break) is allyays a painfull experience. Just hang in there. It will get way better as Im sure you know.

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