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Gator's Comeback Or Coming Back-lol


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I DID IT! I was still mad about the 450 but felt I had a little still left in the tank. I said damn it I am going to try that RED one more time so with one that Ben sent me I wrapped it up tight with some chalk and hit that mutha!

My fiance was my camera women and I think hit AVI instead of hitting VGA so it turned out a little gainy but it is documented and I am pleased with this Great Bend For Me especially in IMPs which I can say if it wasn't for you guys I would have never even tried!

So thank you all for all your support and motivation, yall all made me believe I could do this in Ironmind wraps....One day I hope to actually certify on the Red now!

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Fantastic bend buddy!!! Congrats on a big Ironmind pad bend. I know there will be many more to come.

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That was very fast too! I clocked about 9 seconds when you crushed it to the 2" gap. You added another crush just to be sure though. That's pretty impressive considering you just started bending in Ironmind pads recently. I think - with your natural explosiveness - you've got a great shot at having the fastest Red Nail cert on record. I think the record is around 7 seconds.

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Ben I couldn't have done it without you thanks for sending me the IM Pads and reds and the immense encouragement!

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Destroyed that red! :rock

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Thanks Wayne I couldn't have do it without my fellow bender's support and encouragement! :mosher

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Wow, you destroyed that thing Gator! The cert is yours for the taking.

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Thanks Perry - I think Ben said it took about 9 seconds so I hope to certify in the future - got to practice without rubber bands and I hear that chalk is frowned upon so we will see. Thanks Again My Friend!

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Gave my lowest piece of drill rod a go DU - Not my preferred style but you have to start somewhere-right! critique welcome :whistel

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Great bend Gator, you have soo much power! I used to only train DU when i did bending. In my opinion on that first hit I didnt like letting the hands drop too low, cos then you start putting quite a high strain on the wrists.

Keep up the strong comeback dude!

EDIT: Oh! congrats on the red nail in single IM wraps,the pain and power of that is way beyond me !

Edited by Pete1006
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Thanks Pete your kind words and encouragement motivates me to push onward.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Playing with the #3 gripper today and amazingly I can still qualify as a Mash Monster 0 (trying out new camera)

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Well that looked easy for you :rock

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Thanks John you know I need to get back to grippers and knock out that MM1 this year, thanks for the motivating comments and support!

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Thanks Shoggoth that means alot coming from a fellow gripster especially of your caliber!

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I love bending and will always be my favorite feat of strength but I want to get that MM1 cert conquered as I failed on it years ago. I am looking for payback this year and get my pride back on grippers. I am also going to start using my only piece of equipment I have left which is the PDA Pegasus for building my wrist strength up for bending bars, bolts and shoes when I get my hands on some. Andy has led me to believe that if I ever want to heart a shoe then I had better have some serious wrist strength, he says he needs more and is a beast already. I am also going to use my J.A.G (Johns Adjustable Gripper) to slowly build my crushing strength. I feel weak compared to all you guys but I can't complain if I don't train.

Today: 7 closes on the #3

1 - 7" x 1/4" Square

1 - 6" x 1/4 Square

1 - 410 DR 7"

1 - Red nail (down to 1 1/4" Gap)

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Thanks Shoggoth that means alot coming from a fellow gripster especially of your caliber!

Hahaha thanks man. My caliber is about a .177 pellet though :-). I've got a long ways to go buddy.

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Couldn't let well enough alone tonight so after my other bending I decided to go for a 21/64" x 7" Drill Rod rated at 455 pound yield strength, this one took some serious effort for me (tired a little I guess but this was a mutha for me nonetheless)


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Couldn't let well enough alone tonight so after my other bending I decided to go for a 21/64" x 7" Drill Rod rated at 455 pound yield strength, this one took some serious effort for me (tired a little I guess but this was a mutha for me nonetheless)


Excellent! The crush on that 21/64" is brutal. Great job on the Red too!

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Trying some double underhand bends with what I have that I have a chance of bending. Nothing special but getting stronger, I tried a grade 8 black bolt and it went nowhere YET!


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Excellent gripper work!:mosher Very nice on the DU work too. I wish I had taken my DU further than I did. Glad you're hitting yours - you will go far!

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Thanks Ben that means alot coming from you man, I have along way to go to get back to where I was but I am not quitting until the Bite Is Back! :tongue

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Nice! That grade 5 just melted!

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