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Gator's Comeback Or Coming Back-lol


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I snuck out of the house without my Fiance noticing and bent this piece of steel rib injury and all. Yall all are bending so much tough stuff this ain't much but it is my best effort at the moment! Off Center a bit but crushed DO nonetheless. :D


This bend will go on my string of nails, bolts and bars I have bent since starting back at the beginning! (Thanks again Ben) Anyway the poor pic is just to show yall the ole Gator is still trying to get back to being a bender. lol


My rib was healing then I went and helped a lady move her furniture from a storage facility and re-injured it this time the part closest to my spine. This cracked rib, torn muscle or cartilage is a pain in the ass. If I cough to hard or sneeze it hurts like a mutha!

I am trying to heal and get back to more bending as most of this was done in well under a month until bronchitis set in and the cracked rib thing.

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I snuck out of the house without my Fiance noticing and bent this piece of steel rib injury and all. Yall all are bending so much tough stuff this ain't much but it is my best effort at the moment! Off Center a bit but crushed DO nonetheless. :D


This bend will go on my string of nails, bolts and bars I have bent since starting back at the beginning! (Thanks again Ben) Anyway the poor pic is just to show yall the ole Gator is still trying to get back to being a bender. lol


My rib was healing then I went and helped a lady move her furniture from a storage facility and re-injured it this time the part closest to my spine. This cracked rib, torn muscle or cartilage is a pain in the ass. If I cough to hard or sneeze it hurts like a mutha!

I am trying to heal and get back to more bending as most of this was done in well under a month until bronchitis set in and the cracked rib thing.

Cool pics Gator! I hope your rib injury heals soon. Those are a bugger to get rid of...

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Thanks for the motivating words Frank, my goal is to get back to bending Insane Bastards and getting that cert from my past out of the way.

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Good going there Gator!!! :mosher

You've bent a lot of steel my friend!

Stay with it. Your goals are within reach with consitency.

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I slipped out a little earlier this evening and bent another 7", 6" CRS and a 7"x5/16" G2 Bolt.

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That string of nails is about the coolest thing I've ever seen. Great bends Gator!

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After the motivating words of today for my earlier bend I felt like trying some more so again nothing special but I took a pic of the

7"x5/16" CRS ---- 6"x5/16" CRS ---- 7"x5/16" Grade 2 Bolt


Thanks Again Guys For All The Kick Ass Compliments -- It amps me up to do more!

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Thanks for the motivating comments it drives me onward!

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I snuck out of the house without my Fiance noticing and bent this piece of steel rib injury and all. Yall all are bending so much tough stuff this ain't much but it is my best effort at the moment! Off Center a bit but crushed DO nonetheless. :D


This bend will go on my string of nails, bolts and bars I have bent since starting back at the beginning! (Thanks again Ben) Anyway the poor pic is just to show yall the ole Gator is still trying to get back to being a bender. lol


My rib was healing then I went and helped a lady move her furniture from a storage facility and re-injured it this time the part closest to my spine. This cracked rib, torn muscle or cartilage is a pain in the ass. If I cough to hard or sneeze it hurts like a mutha!

I am trying to heal and get back to more bending as most of this was done in well under a month until bronchitis set in and the cracked rib thing.

Tres cool!

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  • 1 month later...

I couldn't resist the steel long so after I tore off 3 rolls of duct tape I bent these 3 little bends back to back. I was feeling weak because I hadn't had but a few cups of coffee today but hope the video works of the Red, I also did a 375 and 410 DR just prior to videoing this. I wore my python shirt and the skull bandanna you sent Ben for a laugh. Where's my Harley now to go with my new head rag? Dedicated to Ben and my fellow warriors!

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Great video Kel! So glad to see you back in the steel destruction business buddy.:mosher Glad you liked the 30lbs of steel.

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  • 2 weeks later...
:mosher :mosher :mosher :mosher
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Long time no see for me Pawel r thanks for your motivating message. I am trying to get back into the swing of bending again after a 3 year layoff. I appreciate all the support I get from you guys.

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That was a very strong bend!And Fast! Great Job Gator!

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Thanks Pete the Gator still has a little left in the tank!

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I forgot how much yield strength a Red Nail has so if any body can let me know I would appreciate it. I have some drill rod that Ben sent me, I suspect is easier than the red but I need confirmation.

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Thanks Rick for the motivating comments, I am trying to get back into it! An old gator will lay as still as a log then burst into action, Gotcha!

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Hey Gator. Pobly don't remember me I havn't been around in years but I always loved reading your posts cause you were always so positive and wanting to motivate everyone. I see you certed with a mag bastard that is sick, dude. I hope your injury heals fast and you come back strong. Oh and congrats on the forthcoming marriage, Sir. Just remember it's her special day. Don't have too many glasses of champagne and start bending things :upsidedwn Peace.

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Good to see you back at it.


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Great to see you both on the board helps me remember the good old days. lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bent my first pieces of Drill Rod in IMPs today. I was a leather (suede) man from the beginning but there has been a recent upsurge in going with IMPs to bend the bars. I have to admit this makes it much tougher but if I am ever going to cert on the Red Nail then this is the route I must take.


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Still stoked about my earlier success with the Ironmind Wraps I tried a Red but it just wouldn't budge so I grabbed another 410 pound drill rod and warped it down to 1 1/8" gap spacing! Yall are right this IM pad bending is addicting, now I need something to bridge the gap between the 410 DR and the IM Red nail!

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