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Where Do You Buy Wraps And Nails?


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I am new to bending, did not start yet. I recently bought jedds nail bending book and will be ready in a couple of weeks.

Where is a good place to buy leather wraps?

I see the fat bastard company sells them, are these any good.

Ironmind sells the cordura's, but Jedd recommends leather ones in the beginning until your hands become acclimate to nail bending. so I probably will not go with these.

Are the fat bastard begininner nail package good?

thanks for the info


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The begginer package is a real good deal.Also once you progress on all the goodies of the begginers you go to the goodies of the advance is even better.Cant beat the price and the different strenght levels of steel to bend.Their bending wraps from fbbc are quality too..So good luck in your future bending.

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Get a pair of Ironmind wraps and bend in those from the start...your hands will thank you.

Definetely agree. I bent using the IM cordura for the entire first year of bending and am glad I did. After awhile, I started mixing in leather/suede to different stock.

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I am new to bending, did not start yet. I recently bought jedds nail bending book and will be ready in a couple of weeks.

Where is a good place to buy leather wraps?

I see the fat bastard company sells them, are these any good.

Ironmind sells the cordura's, but Jedd recommends leather ones in the beginning until your hands become acclimate to nail bending. so I probably will not go with these.

Are the fat bastard begininner nail package good?

thanks for the info


I've never bought anything bad from FBBC.

TOP NOTCH stuff!!! ;)

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IM wraps to start, agreed. old work gloves work alright too

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did any of you guys who started out with ironmind wraps get injured. I am concerned because I just do not need another injury. I don't mind the pain when I am bending, I just do not need nagging pain all day.

From what I read in Jedd johnsons book he reccommends wearing leather and suede. He says in his book the Im wraps are rather thin and if you were going to use them, combine them with a towel.

thanks for all your help and input


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did any of you guys who started out with ironmind wraps get injured. I am concerned because I just do not need another injury. I don't mind the pain when I am bending, I just do not need nagging pain all day.

From what I read in Jedd johnsons book he reccommends wearing leather and suede. He says in his book the Im wraps are rather thin and if you were going to use them, combine them with a towel.

thanks for all your help and input


Different ideas, different philosophies all correct. You need to choose what seems right to you. I chose working my hands quickly towards less and less wraps other decided to work their hands first. Bottom line, we end up in the same place eventually. A very wise bender also said that the pain from using smaller wraps will prevent you from pushing yourself to far at first and therefore reduce the risk of injury in the wrists and shoulders...like i said you must choose. ;)

Edited by alexis
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did any of you guys who started out with ironmind wraps get injured. I am concerned because I just do not need another injury. I don't mind the pain when I am bending, I just do not need nagging pain all day.

From what I read in Jedd johnsons book he reccommends wearing leather and suede. He says in his book the Im wraps are rather thin and if you were going to use them, combine them with a towel.

thanks for all your help and input


I had a few wrist strains over the first couple of months. I remember one of these was trying to move up to 1/4" round. It probally doesn't have to be like that. I think I could have avoided some of these injuries if I would have rested more between sessions.

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Guest Bullitt

I think it's smart to bend in all kinds of wraps and all different styles. Different styles: DO, DU, reverse, vertical, etc. will make you a well rounded bender and by developing different tendons and muscles somewhat protects you from injury. Also if one style is causing some discomfort, you can bend in another style for awhile and don't have to stop cold turkey until everything heals up.

As far as wraps, I think following the same philosophy is good. Use them all. Thick wraps will help you build the strength to kill bigger pieces down the road, medium suede helps to hone your technique, while very thin wraps or IMPs help toughen up the hands and build the pain tolerance you will need. I think neglecting any one of them can work against you. Bending only in thick wraps will not toughen up your hands and can lead to muscle, tendon, or ligament injuries because it allows you to bend steel your technique might not be ready for yet. Bending only in very thin wraps or IMPs will toughen your hands, but will slow down your strength gains for the bigger steel if that's all you do. I also think that the discomfort you get from IMPs can cause you to not concentrate on learning the proper techniques. I find that medium thickness suedes work best for working on technique. Not so much padding that you are reaching for too big steel, yet give your hands enough protection to really concentrate on technique and what you're doing.

So hopefully this didn't confuse you too much. You won't go wrong if you concentrate on technique early on. Get your technique down and you will avoid 90% of the injuries that strike most benders. Try different styles of bending and different wraps. Once you have several months of bending under your belt, you will naturally gravitate toward what suits you best and what you have the most fun at.

A lot of guys on the board have been bending longer than I have, so get lots of advice from the experts. That's how I learned. I've only been doing this on and off for about 18 months, but I have yet to have a serious injury. KNOCK ON WOOD! :trout

Good luck and welcome to the addiction!

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Mike, there's a couple different ways to look at the wraps.

If you are bending with the intent to certify then there is nothing wrong with starting out with the IM cordura wraps from the start. The benefit of this is that you won't be shocked with how thin they are when you transition from suede to the cordura wraps because you'll already be used to the thin cordura. A lot of people have mentioned how shocking it is to go from suede to cordura.

Some guys actually feel very little to no pain bending in IM pads.

If you are bending just to bend or if you are interested in doing a grip or bending contest, then you may want to stick with suede. Suede enables you to really mess up some scary steel that you may not be able to do with the IM wraps. But who knows what you will be capable of in a few months after ramping up and practicing.

Again, it's up to you. For a while you could certify on the Red Nail with towels and cordura on the bar. You can't anymore, but that is actually a pretty comfortable combination. Good padding, but not too much.

Hopefully this helps you decide which way to go. If you have any more questions, feel free to email me or post here. It is good to see what other guys think and discuss with them, and this is the best place to do that.

I also have a ton of posts up at DieselCrew.com if you are looking for more ways to improve at bending and other grip feats.

All the best Mike. Thanks for picking up the eBook.


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I am going to go with everybody here and try Im wraps first. If I feel uncomfortable, I could always buy leather or suede ones.

I am also going to with fbbc nails.

thanks everybody for replying and your help


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Hobby Lobby or Michaels craft stores carry Tandy brand suede. You want the "suede trim piece". Each one of those cut in half longways will make one set of wraps. You can also use a bandanna!! :yikes Good luck, and welcome to the addiction!! :mosher

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  • 8 months later...

I am new too. I went to the shoe repair store and my old army staff sergeant happened to be working there. He gave me some suede leather for free. Pretty much its exactly what I needed - the right size, length etc so I will just stick with these.

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