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Round Stock Vs Square Stock


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I was planning on buying a bulk order of steel and was just wondering if anyone could tell me how much of a difference there is between a 3/16 7" round stock vs a 3/16 7" square stock, are they pretty close or are they worlds apart? im a newbie just starting out and was planning on buying both, is there any need for the square stock at this moment in time or is that much more difficult then the round. All comments would be greatly appreciated.

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The 3/16" square helped me out a lot when I was trying to move up to 1/4" round. I am using 1/4" square now to get me closer to the Red and Bastard. I don't think there is a major difference between the 3/16" round and square from what I can remember. I had inital trouble with the kink but was quickly able to work through that.

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I don't think the square will be to much. It is pretty much right between 3/16 and 1/4, maybe closer to 1/4 in strength. But I still consider them to be at beginner level.

With some practice on DO form and some good wraps my girlfriend was able to bend a 3/16x7 square. Now if your using the DU or reverse technique the difficulty goes up, but if you're using the DO technique you shouldn't have much trouble with theese, unless your technique is off.

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If you're bending the square stock DO you'll find initial kink harder - but the crushdown will be about the same.

As already mentioned, bending progessively shorter square stock is a great way to progess to bending thicker round stock.

I'd order some to try out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is approx 69% harder for the same material both at 7".

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