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Bending Wraps

Martin Gaisser

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Probably a little over a year ago I bought and IM Bag of Nails and got hooked on bending for a short while and made some good progress. It didn't take long to bend everything in the bag (except for the Reds still have all 5 of them) and moved on to real nails and various bolts to a best of a 1/4" x 6" Grade 8 the whole time just using the IM pads. Well the other day I bought some suede and was going to try some horse shoes and haven't got that figured out yet but I wrapped up a 1/4" x 6" Grade 5 just to see how the different material felt. Wow!!! I havent' done any bending in forever and blew through 3 like nobody's business and even broke the last one. Man I didn't realize what a big difference there was. I'm back bending baby!!!! :rock:rock:rock

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Leather will always be more grippy than im wraps.

Good to see another steel bender reborn

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Good job Martin.

I just ordered some IM wraps. I'm really interested to see the difference since I've been using leather only.

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