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Lifting in the backyard in Florida makes you feel like a man. I fight the elements just to fight with a barbell.

LOL. I sometimes fight with dog poop when the darn dog decides to poop inside the squat rack, but I don't feel like a man because of it. I do sometimes have to lift under the rain as my time is limited and if it's raining when it's time for a workout, then I'll workout under the rain and I do feel a bit manly because of it. But I felt the manliest when I was able to complete a set of 5RM dumbell bench presses while a fly was bugging me around my face. Very distracting and uncomfortable. Fighting the elements..... :upsidedwn :upsidedwn

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Y'all have yellow flies where ur at Arturo? They bite like a son of a gun, and they love this area. I wish we had gentle flies lol, the ones up here are malicious. I also have to check for black widows whenever I flip over plates, but lately its just been males.

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Full Squats

205 for 20 reps. That is the only part of this workout that went smoothly. Gonna eat like hell all weekend and see what I can do with 215 pounds monday, mebbe adjust the other exercises a lil bit if i have to.

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Well this might explain something. Out of curiousity, after eating a large post workout meal, fully dressed and well hydrated, I weigh 166 pounds. I dont think its just not eating enough, I think I need to stop taking my morning runs, and just concentrate on the lifting. That combined with eating enough should slowly put the meat on the bones.

Also, I figured I'd wanna have a record of this: before squatting this workout, I measured my vertical leap (and also used it as part of my warmup) and it averaged at 28 inches. While thats not great, I can remember my squats being much stronger a few years back, but my vertical leap was hardly any better.

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Well, back up to 170 lbs. Did pushups/pullups/situps all day, and doing more of #1 and #3 on into this evening.

Strict Press

105 lbs for 11 good reps. Adding weight next time.

Full Squats

105 for 7 reps

185 for 5 reps, rested for a couple minutes here, then

215 for 7 reps, all rest periods go to less than a minute from here

185 for 13 reps

215 for 5 reps

235 for 3 reps

255 lbs for 2 reps

After that, did walkouts with 315, 275, and 225 lbs. All weights were stood with for between 30-60 seconds, in the meantime doing hise shrugs, deep breaths, and quick lil partial squat lockout, and walking back and forth.

Had a wierd workout, and I've come to a couple conclusions: I need to warmup more thorougly for squats, as the first time I touched 215 I knew 20 reps was not gonna happen. The other is that my all time best in the hi-bar squat was 245 pounds for 12 straight reps. I'm gonna drop my squats down to the 10-12 rep range and try to best that weight by 10 pounds, and go from there.

So new Squat Goal: 255 pounds for 12 straight reps.

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Starting to train grip again. Or specifically, all i'll prob be doing is one handed deadlift (rolling thunder and barbell), plate pinching, and i'ma set up a wrist roller here soon too.

Did about 15 minutes worth of pinch stuff, all with 25 pound plates. I dont have any chalk, I just dried them off good with a rag.

GtG today with chinups, dips, situps with a 25 pound plate, and plate curls with the 25 pounder.

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Quick workout yesterday, was in a slight hurry, and been GtG with pullups and dips, mainly what I've left out of the workout.

Strict Press

W/up then 115 lbs for 9 reps.

Full Squat

215 lbs for 10 reps, not by any means a limit set, but by leaving a lil in the tank, I intend to move to lifting three days a week.

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Been dealing with the weather over here. Started running again this morning.

Strict Military Press

bar for 20 reps

85lbs for five reps

95 lbs for five reps

115 lbs for six reps

65 lbs for five sets of 10 reps, 45-60 sec rest periods

Only managed to warm-up for squats before the storm sank in. Gotta love summers in Florida.

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Said screw it and went out there anyway.

Power-style Squats

135 for 10 reps

175 for five

195 for five

225 for six reps

135 lbs for five sets of ten reps, 45-60 seconds rest.

My groin and glute muscles are showing theyre neglect. Abs and basic bodybuilding exercises done inside with a 25 pound plate afterwards.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Havent been home for a couple weeks, been using my kettlebell and bodyweight exercise in lieu of my weights. Did my first bench workout ever today, and now own a bench, was kinda syked actually. Bodyweight is down to about 165 pounds, cardio and eating normal meals.

Flat Bench




It took me a lil while to get the groove right, think i've kinda got the hang of it. Spent a lot of time with the empty barbell.

Dumbbell Flat Press

55's for a couple sets, these were wierd but I like em.


So far three sets of ten, I think I'm gonna stop when I don't get a set of ten anymore. I guess it's about five minutes rest in between sets.

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Trail runs and kettlebell workouts past couple days then today in the am:

Bench Press

worked up to 175x4, benching felt much better today.

After that, immediatelly went to pushups, did 50 in about four minutes with a weighted vest, then 50 in about the same time without the vest.

In the evening:

Wore my 22 pound weighted vest while painting, then while mowing the yard at a quick clip, then went into 30 minutes of dips, pullups, bear crawls, duck walks, and lunging, plus some broad jump work w/out the vest.

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Bench Press

Up to 165 for 7, then 135 for 12 or 13, then 135 for 7 close grip. After that chinups and then went for a trail run.

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What kind of trail shoes do you run in? Just curious.

Man, I hate painting. I can't imagine making it more of a chore with a weighted vest :)

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Honestly, I prefer to run in wrestling shoes, I seem to stumble less lol. Bc other than that I run in my casual walk-around skate shoes, or as I call them "the panty droppers". :D The only thing about the wrestling shoes is ur calves get so damn sore.

And the weighted vest is rapidly becoming my best friend, just wearing it anytime I go into the backyard has helped me grease the groove on a lot of calisthenics.

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Bench Press

Worked up to 165 pounds for 8 reps, then down to 135 for some form work. Then did some sets of chinups.

Started a new job working for a concrete company. Good pay, hard work. When my legs and back get acclimated to it in a couple weeks, time to start working back in the lower body and back work. Prob change things up on bench when I'm doing sets of 10 comfortably with 165 pounds. In the meantime, still doing dips and pushups on an as I feel like it basis, also practicing wide arm handstands/handstand pressups.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is more pressing to this concrete work than I expected. Been doin some BW stuff and ring stuff, resume lifting next week. My grip is getting quite a lot of work during the day, finally.

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The clean and press is the most functional exercise ever. Recent PR, one hand strict pressed an 85 pound girl while with my gf's family, and squeezed 231 pounds left handed on an electronic dynamometer at a biomechanics and physics center.

Edit: Start lifting again this week, prob just do a version of the starting strength routine since I now finally have a bench.

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Box Squats

225 for three sets of five, been a long time.

Bench Press

175 for five, then 165 for five and a set of four, couldnt get last rep. Need to experiment with the weight here.


22 pound vest for 7/6/5/4+4 reps with bodyweight. These muscles seem most tired from work.

Log clean and press

up to 180 for a single, just playin with it after the workout.

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Bodyweight down to 164, pounds are creepin off even without changing diet.

Military Press

125 for five

115 for five

135 for three, was surprised at how light everything felt in hand. Stick with 125 pounds for work sets

Conventional Deadlift

up to 315 for four, figured I wouldnt make another rep, tired after 9 hours worth of digging and shoveling clay in the heat.

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Box Squats

Three sets of five with 235 lbs.

Bench Press

Two sets of five with 175 lbs, failed on third rep of last set.

Ring Pullups

a set of 12 and a set of 10 with bodyweight.


Box Squats

Three sets of five with 245 lbs

Bench Press

Three sets of five with 175 lbs, realized I was lowering the barbell too low on my body and corrected for much easier reps.

Ring Pullups with 22 pound vest

Two sets of five, a set of seven, a final set of seven plus two reps at bodyweight, which was failure.

Can still bend 60d nails in work gloves underhand, need to find the old ironmind wraps and get some steel.

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Box Squat

255 lbs for three sets of five reps

Bench Press

180 lbs for three sets of five, some reps were off groove but the last set went great.

Started to do pullups but my arms were too sore from work. They feel like back when I did a lot of rope climbing, which is pretty similar to why theyre sore now.

Estabilished some (hopefully) realistic goals for two months from now:

Bench 250 lbs, Squat 350 lbs, Deadlift 400 lbs, Military Press whatever bodyweight is at that time. Be nice to pull 200 lbs on the rolling thunder too, but not sure how realistic that is!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bench Press

A solid 185lbs for five, then several sets at 135 pounds close grip.

Ring Pullups with 22lb vest

Couple sets of eight, then a very long rest pause set with bodyweight, around 20 reps but took over a minute.

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Adjusted to follow a Mccallum program

Box Squat







Felt good, had more in me, but gotta feel this out.

Bench Press

Up to 195 for 2, failed on third rep. Lost my groove, perhaps need more practice with slightly lighter weight still.

Ring Pullups

Sets of five with 45 lbs, 35 lbs, then 25 lbs, then a set of eight. The weighted vest must shift leverage different, all sets were light.

Progressive Pulls

Started off with power cleans and high pulls, my wrestling shoes def threw my leverages off. Ended up working up to 295 for three deadlift, pretty easy so did some shrugs.

Sore tomorrow maybe?

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I was fine yesterday, rather sore today. That and fatigue from work made for a shoddy workout, but I figure it'll be alright

Bench Press

up to 195 for 3, then 135 for about ten, and eight good reps with 65 pound dumbbells, good stretch on these.

Box Squat

Up to 275 for three, soooo slowww. Legs also slipped on a warmup set, nothing like doing a half split with 225 pounds to wake you up.


A few sets with bodyweight to finish off

back and hammies are tired and sore, ill come back sunday to really move some weights.

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Box Squat

Up to 295 lbs for three reps

Bench Press

Up to 200 for two, just didnt feel a third rep would come. Did a couple of lighter sets after this.

Ring Pullups

45lbs tied on for six, 35 lbs for six, 25 lbs for six, then a long set with bodyweight done rest pause and in loose style (touch and go)

Strict Barbell Curl

Last night had some friends over and some pics were taken, my gf noticed that my upper arms appear the same size or smaller than my lower arms in a picture and called me popeye. I didn't find this a compliment lol, so I figure mebbe throw some extra tricep and bicep work in.

Two sets of 95lbs for five, then a set of 65 lbs for ten reps.


Up to 315 lbs for a triple. Did sets of pullups in between all lifts.

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