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A Very Strong Bender!


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Hello all

Ah I love to post here, long time no post :tongue It has been long since I did any grip stuff like grippers, bending, pinching, and so on. But for two month now I have been going to gym. Yesterday my package from John Wood arrived for the kinney DVD and within it I ordered CoC #2.5. To my surprise I did close it on my first attempt. Seeing how long I didn't touch grippers I am really surprised. In a good way that is :upsidedwn Maybe will try to bend something soon also just to see am I back to the white nail level or at least at a bastard level :tongue Anyway I have been swaping PMs with a member named "rickns". He claimed to do this and that in strength sport; also a this and that in bending. I asked him that is so great. And it will be even greater to post a video of himself bending. He actually did ALMOST bend a FBBC mag shiny. He said given more time, he would have been able to fully bend it. But he was within the 5 minutes time limit. I told him he is so strong and have in him a 6" big G5 and probably the king of all bastards. This is his video attempting the mag shiny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANBiivxCkCg I hope he tries the king of all bastards because I know it's in him. Go for it :rock :rock :rock

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that's a really strong bend.

Alawadhi, you need to get back to work. If you stick with it you'll be bending mag shinies and huge eedgins

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That's a heck of a bend there! Why hasn't he ever posted on the Gripboard before? Just a little surprising to me since he's obviously put in some time on bending. We'd love to see you (Alawadhi) get back to bending by the way!

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Great to hear from you again Alawadhi!!!! You sure have a strong friend. I think you can also do this :)

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