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New Pinch World Record!

Jedd Johnson

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I just jumped onto Climber's computer to let everyone know that I just broke the pinch record.


and some change!!

Thanks to everyone who has supported me over the years. I could not do it without you guys.

Also, just before my round on the pinch at 54 mil, Chad Woodall also broke the record. He hit 255 and some change. It has been an awesome contest so far and Chad's outstanding lift pushed me even harder.

All the best everybody!


HUGE CONGRATS JEDD!!!!!!!!!! :mosher :mosher :mosher You deserve the glory on that awesome record. You've worked hard for a very long time for that.

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Amazing. Wish I had been there to see all that unfold... Congratulations, Jedd!! :rock

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It was pure awesomeness. Jedd was, to say the absolute least, elated. You'll just have to watch the videos.

On a side note, both Jedd and Chad attempted 261.2 and 260 respectively. Chad got it halfway up on his last attempt, Jedd had 2 attempts at 261 and got it off the ground both times... it's not long now... 120kg is coming.

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Absolutely ASTOUNDING!!! :bow:bow:bow

Hard work ALWAYS pays off.

Congrats Jedd!!!

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At first, my only thought after seeing this yesterday was....wow.

then after having time to digest it and talk about it with my wife...

I think Jedd prepares for a lift technically, mentally as well as I have ever seen, and sells out to a lift holding nothing back as well. That dude came un-frickin!!!-Glued after that lift. I thought it was going to be hard to come back at 260 after using up so much emotion and mental energy on the 256. I think he has the strength to do that lift now, but good lord, it's awful hard to have to "big games" back to back.

He also owes the swear jar four hundred and thirty four dollars and thirteen cents following his world record.

All the props in the world Jedd. You are a blast to watch, a gentleman competitor cheering on those trying to knock off your record, a true ambassador of the sport.

Thanks for the show man!

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CONGRATULATIONS JEDDER !!!!!!!! :rock:rock

Way to bring the record to the U.S. !!!!:mosher

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Congratulations Jedd! I was really glad to see it in person. I know this is something you've wanted to get for a long time, so enjoy your fantastic accomplishment.

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Like Paul said, I can think of no other more deserving. Your tenacity and perseverance have finally paid off with a WORLD RECORD!!!

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Big congrats, Jedd! :mosher

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Watching you break that world record was my favorite part of the day, congratulations man!!! Your a beast, you could have held that weight forever it looked like. Then the performance afterwards was just as awesome!!! Where is the video? I want to see it again!! Watching your videos is one reason I got into the grip world man. Thanks for all of the advice and comments you have given me.


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This was a great performance by both men. Chad's lifts were so sic that Dan Sweeney, Russ, and Vic and I were all just shaking our heads and laughing after each one. When Jedd was doing his warm-ups and attempts he didn't look strong. Now don't get me wrong, he was pinching weights that would be insane to anybody else but his 230ish lift in particuliar looked hard for him. The most impressive part to me was the way Jedd pulled it together for the record and just CRUSHED it! His record lift was his most solid by far. A textbook example of a clutch peformance. :bow:bow:bow:bow

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Thanks a ton guys.

The support I get from you all really helps a lot and keeps me focused on my goals.

To have gotten 256 on Saturday with how bad my training has been going and how rough my hands have been feeling, I can not tell you how surprised and elated, as Weldon mentioned, I was.

To give you guys a touch of the ambiance of the pinch, the crowd was still recovering from the grippers when Chad and Nick started on 58 mils on the pinch. Chad was about to do some ridiculous weight and he said something like, "Come on Jedd, get me going." I said "How much is on there?" He said the number. And I said, "Well, it ain't enough." He said, "That'll do it."

He then proceeded to knock off the world record right before my eyes, which I have on video.

Now, since Chad was pinching on 58 mils, I had to wait until the next round to go. And with rising bar, I had to wait the whole way from like 135 lbs up to my weight. Which was about an hour and half. So I am steaming because my hands have hurt the last two weeks, I have basically stopped training pinch since November to let them rest, I missed the MM3 AGAIN at the beginning of December and Chad just busted a new record before my eyes.

So I'm sitting there trying to maintain my composure until finally I get the chance to do some warm-ups. Got the blood going. I just kept touching base with Mike Rinderle throughout the event. I was checking his technique while he was doing his attempts to keep my mind focused on my upcoming lifts. My dad was there and I'd chat with him every so often to stay on an even keel as well.

The implement felt great. It has felt really slippery every since the Four Hour Tour so it was cool to have it feel gritty again. I don't remember my exact attempts, but I know I went for 256 on my third. I've never squeezed anything so hard.

Right before I went after 256, I heard Mike Rinderle say "This is your record baby." Thanks for keeping me focused Mike.

When I set the 256 down, I cut the dirtiest mouthed WWE grip promo ever. I'm sorry for all the F-bombs. No disrespect meant to Chad. His performance before me made mine go up.

Thanks for all the hand shakes afterwards. Thanks to Climber for holding me up when I almost collapsed from emotion outside. Thanks to Doc. I hear every one of your shouts of support brother. Everybody helped me out so much whether you know it or not.

Thanks again everybody.


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Jedd, of all the comp footage taken and then promptly lost in a sea of Diesel videos I sincerely hope that one and the one of Chad make it to the internet.

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I cut the dirtiest mouthed WWE grip promo ever

This was freakin awesome and is the type of thing grip needs :mosher Was there cussing...sure...but in the grand scheme of things it was trivial. Anybody who's seen an R-rated movie or been to a bar has probably heard worse.

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