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Red Nail "slim Style" Progress


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Ive been doing a bit of "slim style" bending , please could you watch and check my form etc?

Im not sure how to crush down the nail is this style?? I get the nail to 110-120 degs and thats where it stays.. I'm pretty happy with this but its just a progress video so nothing too special. In a few weeks it wil be quicker and in IM pads :whistel


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Now I don't want to sound rude/disrespectful or anything. On the contrary Mitch, I have a lot of respect for your strength (general as well as wrist-strength). But...

This can't be called slim style. Slim style, at least the way I have it explained, is supposed to be without grip, lots of fingers on the nail, the nail out from the body. I know Adam Glass had an instructional video on youtube before, otherwise this one sums it up quite well:


Again, don't want to sound like a jerk. You probably will grade 5s with "real slim" style, since you have very strong wrists, and that's quite an achievement.

JMHO Henrik

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Do not worry my friend you are 100% correct and I respect your opinion and you have been of great help in my short bending career! I've spoke with Adam this morning about this very thing and he shed some light on the matter for me!

On my You tube video I did say that it was NOT a TRUE slim style bend but my best effort so far and a progress video.

In the next few weeks I will hold more of the nail in my fingers and move my hands further off my chest.

However I'm still very happy with this bend as It a big improvement in my general bending. But yes I still have lots to learn!!

Thank you for your post!

Edited by MitchSA
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Nice bend! Slim or not that was a technique that involved alot of wriststrength. Wich looks like you have tons of.

On another note and thist is not directed to you Mitch, just my general opinion about slimstyle. I would like to see slimstyle die. No one gets it right anyway. Slimstyle is just early DO style with poor technique.

If you want a double overhand style that is going to involve alot more wriststrength and be easier to "judge" try just DO with the second knuckle of your indexfingers together. (some may already even think that it is slimstyle)

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Looks to me that if you use a hanky or similiar wrap, and try to keep your hands about 6 inches out in front of your chest, you'd be doing Slim style. Best I've done that way is a medium 60d. I can't immagine a red nail.

Part of the challenge for me is that it feels so unsteady.

Great job!


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Do not worry my friend you are 100% correct and I respect your opinion and you have been of great help in my short bending career! I've spoke with Adam this morning about this very thing and he shed some light on the matter for me!

On my You tube video I did say that it was NOT a TRUE slim style bend but my best effort so far and a progress video.

In the next few weeks I will hold more of the nail in my fingers and move my hands further off my chest.

However I'm still very happy with this bend as It a big improvement in my general bending. But yes I still have lots to learn!!

Thank you for your post!

That was a damn good effort Mitch. I do agree with Henrik, even though I posted a youtube video a few weeks ago titled "slim style" (seated) it's NOT true to the name. It's a very difficult style, and although I can and have bent red nails in a more strict "slim style" while standing, I still wouldn't count it as "strict" style. Gazza is the only one I know who can bend in this style true to its name.

As far as getting rid of this style, I would have to disagree vehemently with David(nothing personaltongue.gif ). I wish people would drop the HIGH DO technique and substitute with "slim style" bending instead. Just my 2 cents!

So, to sum up, still a great bend Mitch and something to be proud of regardless of what name you want to call it. mosher.gifmosher.gifmosher.gif There are not too many people on this board who can bend a red at chest level, even with hands on the ends of the bar!

p.s. Great video Mitch, just never do what you did at 1:53 on any video EVER AGAIN!!!!


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Very good bend regardless of what style it is man! Takes a ton of strength that way. As much as I know about bending, I have to admit I didn't know a lot about Slim Style I guess. I didn't know it had to be held away from the body about 6" to be considered Slim Style. That's insanely tough. I bent a Big Bastard in Ironmind Pads that way over at Travis's house last year but it was ugly and I didn't realize it would be considered a pretty decent bend until now.

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Thank you all for your comments!

Before I leave for Ohio next week I will make another Video with my hands closer together, I will call it a chest level DO bend.

Thank you!

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