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Frank Henritzi, Level 1

Bill Piche

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Name: Frank Henritzi

Age: 41

Height: 185cm

Weight: 96kg

Date of Feat: 10/01/2009

Witness: Martin Kotte

How Long Grip Training: 7 years

Current Grip Training Program: Grippers every 2nd day, in-between pinch or fatbar

Other Training Info: All around strength training with focus on bench and deadlifting

Other Info: I took part in international contests in germany, switzerland, sweden, england and the united states.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Bill Piche for the GB and the invention of the Mash Monster certification program. Also big thanks to my german friends who provided me with tons of grippers to train focussed for the MM ladder.

Could you tell us a little about your background in lifting?

(age, when started lifting, why you started, what you do now as far as lifts)

I started lifting already at 17 but only at a fitness level. Nowadays I’m focussing on grip strength and do only a few standard exercises like benching or deadlifting.

How did you get into grip training?

I tried to find out something about Manfred Hoeberl after his horrible car accident. He was a co-moderator in a german TV show. I learned that he used to take some training devices he called grippers with to his exhibitions to let the crowd try them out and that he was the 9th man who was able to close the level 3. So I got interested and ordered some of them.

You are now a GripBoard Mash Monster, what would you recommend to those aspiring to close this gripper?

Train smart, talk to experienced members and learn from them, set yourself intermediate goals and train consistently.

You are also a Certified Captain of Crush® How long did it take you from when you first started working on the grippers to closing the #3?

It took me like two years from my first gripper contact to closing the #3.

What does your current grip routine look like?

Grippers every 2nd day. The other days pinch and thick bar alternating.

How has your grip routine changed since you first started training your grip?

Since I took part in a lot of contest my training routine changed a couple of times focussing on the contest events. In the contest free times I train the stuff I like most. The routine itself is almost the same for every exercise: I’m using a weight(gripper) til I get a certain number of reps with it (usually 5-10) then I increase the load.

There seems to be a significant variation in the frequency of grip workouts among trainees even with the common goal of ultimate grip strength. Have you experimented with workout frequency and it’s affect on your training?

Since you adapt on your training you’ll find out that you can increase the workout frequency and load when at an experienced level. However I’m still working with varying workout loads and frequencies and I assume that will never change.

What are your favorite grip exercises?

That changes from time to time. Currently its grippers.

What kind of starting routine would you recommend for a trainee new to grip training?

There’s a great starters routine on the gripboard written by David Horne.

Who do you most admire in gripdom?

Dave Morton.

If you were to start over again with your grip training, what would you do differently?

Train more consistently.

What do you believe is the most difficult grip exercise?

Closing a #4 with a credit card set.

What are some of your personal bests in grip exercises?

210# in the 2-hand pinch and closing a #3.5.

What do you believe is the most common mistake made by new grip trainees?

Maybe wanting to much in short time with resulting injuries. In grip you can be strong for a long time so you have every time you need to train smart.

What do you consider to be the greatest grip feats of all time?

Repping a #4.

Do you have any parting advice for readers?

Being weak is not a failure. Not to try getting stronger is one.

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Nice interview, Frank.

You've made excellent progress with your grippers lately. No doubts from this corner about the MM2!

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The GripBoard Proudly Certifies:

Frank Henritzi

As having closed the Mash Monster Elite Gripper (Level 1) with one hand under strict and uniformly ethical and authenticated conditions.

The certification is granted by the GripBoard as an independent third party with no ethical or commercial conflict of interest. The Mash Monster Gripper was one of a limited number supplied by, rated and qualified by, and controlled by the Board. This momentous feat was demonstrated on video to assure it will be valid for historical posterity.


Frank mashes the GripBoard Mash Monster Gripper - Level 1

Name: Frank Henritzi

Location: Germany

Age: 41

Height: 185cm

Weight: 96kg

Date of Feat: October 1, 2009

Witness: Martin Kotte


How Long Grip Training: 7 years

Current Grip Training Program: Grippers every 2nd day, in-between pinch or fatbar.

Other Training Info: All around strength training with focus on bench and dead lifting.

Other Info: I took part in international contests in Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, England, and the United States.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Bill Piche for the GripBoard and the invention of the Mash Monster certification program. Also big thanks to my German friends who provided me with tons of grippers to train focused for the Mash Monster ladder.


Frank Henritzi, the 61st Man in the World to close the Mash Monster Gripper - Level 1.

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Nice write-up, and congrats again Franky! You'll climb the ladder past the MM3 I bet.

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Congrats my friend! Well done.

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