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Chris' Training Log


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Thanks Sherrie. You are an awesome lady! I am super glad I got to come over too! You have no idea how much your keeping up with my log means to me. I am already trying to plan another trip and I am definitely competing next year!

Good luck in your lifting comp next month. Be sure to give me an update as to how it goes. And, I want you to destroy that #1 for me next time I'm over. :rock I KNOW you have it in you!!!

It'd be nice to see you back around whenever you get a chance! (It's not all that far really!). :)

Thanks for the kind words, Chris. I'm hoping the comp goes well - I already have my "that would be nice", "...great", and "...awesome" goal levels in mind! Did you see Frank's writeup about the GGC?? Melissa Rinderle (Mike's wife) closed an HG200! :blink Darn it, I have to get the #1 now. haha! :D

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Haven't had a very good week. Been working late, having birthdays, dinner dates, football games, all kinds of crap to get me off my diet. But, I am right back on it. I don't think I have done too much damage.

Haven't had time to do much gripping. Made some attempts at my #3 this afternoon. I am getting close enough to start recording. Just to kind of get a feel for it. Have never tried to record before so I am just working on the mechanics of how to position the cam for self recording. Hopefully it will go down within a week on cam. I have closed it twice. In addition to Eric's #3 at the Showdown.

Should have some steel in sometime this week. I am excited about that. Hopefully I will have time to do some bending. Work is really starting to ramp up and even if I don't work late, I don't feel like doing much when I get home.

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Haven't had a very good week. Been working late, having birthdays, dinner dates, football games, all kinds of crap to get me off my diet. But, I am right back on it. I don't think I have done too much damage.

Haven't had time to do much gripping. Made some attempts at my #3 this afternoon. I am getting close enough to start recording. Just to kind of get a feel for it. Have never tried to record before so I am just working on the mechanics of how to position the cam for self recording. Hopefully it will go down within a week on cam. I have closed it twice. In addition to Eric's #3 at the Showdown.

Should have some steel in sometime this week. I am excited about that. Hopefully I will have time to do some bending. Work is really starting to ramp up and even if I don't work late, I don't feel like doing much when I get home.

I know it's easy for other things to get prioritized - glad you're back on it now though. :)

Cool! Looking forward to seeing a vid soon!

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I have been really neglecting my log. But not my diet. Pretty much been granola bars and water for breakfast. Sandwiches, 100 calorie packs of chips, and diet drinks for lunch. Grilled, baked or broiled meat, salads and veggies and the like for dinner. Back down to 340 from about 346 over the weekend. That is what is aggravating. Losing six pounds you have already lost, being back to 340 instead of down to 334. But that's life. Still a ways from where I started at.

Been making some attempts at my #3 every afternoon. Some light stuff on my left hand. Have got to get back on a routine with that. My hands are feeling good though. I am ready to get that baby on video!

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Guest Bullitt

I have been really neglecting my log. But not my diet. Pretty much been granola bars and water for breakfast. Sandwiches, 100 calorie packs of chips, and diet drinks for lunch. Grilled, baked or broiled meat, salads and veggies and the like for dinner. Back down to 340 from about 346 over the weekend. That is what is aggravating. Losing six pounds you have already lost, being back to 340 instead of down to 334. But that's life. Still a ways from where I started at.

Been making some attempts at my #3 every afternoon. Some light stuff on my left hand. Have got to get back on a routine with that. My hands are feeling good though. I am ready to get that baby on video!

Kill it!

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Weight was 337 this morning. Seem to have reached a plateau. Need to start some sort of exercise on a regular basis to lose anything else, or at least speed up the process. Michael Whities has gotten me interested in CrossFit. Seems to be something I would like to get into. Have a local affiliate about an hour away. They have a "fundamentals" classes every Saturday. Thinking of attending one to get a feel for it. They also offer two free classes to newbs.

Did some bending last night. Got my first grade 8 last night. Then went on to a 1/4"x7" square. So I had to go for a Bastard. Got it to 90 and it locked up on me. Just like the one at Paul's house. I compared the two and they are exactly the same spot. My kink is decent, I think my crush is good. It is the sweep that is killing me. My hands get together at my pinkies. I am gonna have to work on my hybrid style.

I also got my first horseshoe last night. It was a St. Croix #1 out of Beatty's Advanced Bag. Not really sure how hard it should have been, but it was tough. No where near three minutes but it felt awesome just to finish it. I know my form was crappy. I used Mike Richezza's style of hooking it behind my leg instead of trying to get it behind my hip bone. I think I can pick up the same shoes locally. If not, maybe something similar, hopefully.

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Hey, no sense in leaving two free classes unattended! Sounds great and I agree something like that'll help. Just keep that nutrition going - you've been doing great with it, Chris. 337 is awesome!

Now that I'm past the powerlifting meet (thanks for checking in on me!), I've no excuses - I'll be..um,I am..working weight loss too! :inno

Nice bending btw!!

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Currently sitting at the hospital. My dad-in-law had a massive stroke. So, we have been at the hospital since Thursday. Everything seems to be looking up, so we are hopeful. Please pray for him and all the rest of the family.

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Currently sitting at the hospital. My dad-in-law had a massive stroke. So, we have been at the hospital since Thursday. Everything seems to be looking up, so we are hopeful. Please pray for him and all the rest of the family.

Will be thinking of you, Chris. Keep us posted on how he (and you and your wife) are doing.

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Hope everything is working out. Prayer sent.

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Thanks everyone. Physically he is doing well. Thursday he had no control over his left arm or leg. Now he is moving his arm well, and I actually helped him walk to the bathroom last night.

However, mentally he is not doing too well. He know where he is and all of that, but he doesn't understand that he has had a stroke. Mom-in-law tried to make him understand what has happened by showing him how "drawn-up" his face is. But, he says he didn't have a stroke and says he is talking fine.

We still have a long way to go. But we will make it there together. Thanks again guys.

On, my side of things. I have been eating like crap. This hospital has the craziest cafeteria I have ever seen. Later guys. Keep thinking about us.

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Quick update: Dad-in-law is doing better. Gross motor skills are excellent. His fine motor skills still need some work. They are most worried about his speech and swallowing. He is still "drawn-up" real bad around his face. Thanks to everyone again for the comments. It means alot to me and my family.

On my side of things: I got home about 10:30 last night from the hospital and had to do some bending. I warmed up with a 1/4"x6" G5, then went to a 5.5" G5. I was feeling good so I wrapped a Bastard as well as I could and finally finished my first Bastard. Didn't freeze up like usual. Finally got the hybrid to work for me. Bent pretty off-center too. So the crush was the worst I have ever come through. I will try to get it on tape tonight. Psyched about that. Well as much as I can be considering. Still hovering around 340 so that is good considering all the crap I have eaten.

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Glad he's doing better, Chris. It's really early on and the body is pretty amazing when it comes to regenerating and adapting. I'll keep good thoughts for his recovery!

Congrats on getting your first Bastard! :rock Looking forward to a video...

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Well, I bent another Bastard tonight. Also, closed a #3. Eh, this stuff ain't too hard. :yikes See my post about my Great Night on the main Gripboard forum. At least I know for sure I can do both now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, Chris! How are things going over there? I hadn't seen a post here in a while and wondered if you'd been able to keep your training up. I fell off the diet wagon (think it ran over me actually) so I'm re-committing to it. I have a short-term goal for the MMM II at the end of January.

Also, how's your father-in-law doing? Hope he's getting more function back.

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Sherrie - Thanks for the kind words and thoughts. He is doing very well physically. But is still hving some "mental" problems. Some memory lapses, both short and long-term, and just saying things that are totally off-base from the conversation. I don't think he will ever be able to go back to work or drive again. But, honestly, I didn't think he was going to make it at all in the beginning. So, there is always hope.

I too have fallen of the wagon somewhat concerning the diet. Still holding around 333-337 though. Depending on what I do actually eat during the day. :) Still taking the time to do a few bends or squeeze a few grippers every now and then. :tongue

I am planning on coming to MMMII. Hopefully that will workout. I look forward to seeing everyone. :mosher

Ben - Thanks to you too buddy! I'm still kicking, just not as high. :rolleyes

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  • 5 months later...

Hey, Chris! It was great seeing you back in Jan at the MMMII. Any plans on coming back over for end of summer events? [i know Eric/Paul will have something going on!] Just checking in with you. Hope you've had a chance to bend something lately! smile.gif

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