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Can The Best Bender Create His Own Style?


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Last week i had a dream ... If Heslep can do it what about the best bender in the planet?

Actually Gazza did the heslep style seated wich its a NEW style for me.

I think Gazza can create his own style ... i think he deserve it.

I'd would be happy to add one more style of bending to my training specially made by Gazza.

Its a small tribute to HIM! the real king of steel :rock

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Gazza did create his own style of bending.

Barehanded-oiled-wd40'd-reverse-heslep-du-handcuffed is too much of a mouthful, so it's simply "Gazza."

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Ha Ha :D

Thanks Hugo and Zach

But ive never really created my own style its always been what others have done before me or an off shoot of that besides i think the old timers probably did most of them anyways especially DO and DU styles maybe Heslep and Reverse are new but i dont no.

I do think Reverse should be called the TERMINATOR Style tho after PAT he was useing that style and is possibly the originator of it to bend REDS when there was only a couple of people actually capable of a RED in any style shows how strong and far above others he was as a bender :bow infact a good few years on how many can actually TERMINATE[reverse] a RED nail in equivalent wraps that PAT used not many and doesnt that show that bending strength [sparcifically wrist strength hasnt really moved on all that much]

Again i am glad that Tommys style has got reckognised and is named after its populator im not shure wether any oldtimers used it maybe and maybe not.Thats probably the hardest style out there done correctly and again like above with PAT has anybody equalled or bettered what Tommy did with the same wraps and style and again shows how far true bending has come.

DO style and DU style are they really a test of bending strength shure you start with a straight piece of steel and end up with a bent piece Yuri Gellar can bend metal also :tongue

DO style has gone from what PAT used hands reasonably together on the bar with a small/medium pair of leathers to a now hands on the ends of the bar with multiple wraps the same is true of the DU style great i love people pushing the boundaries as much as the next person but why? has the DO and DU styles with there modifications took the bending boundaries and records way up for the average perso but TERMINATOR and HESLEP styles have hardly had a dint by the masses compared to DO and DU styles is it that these other styles are not practised or is it cause we as benders have not really on the whole advanced bending that much?

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Hey Gazza in your "Shiny with a twist" video you bent the bar in a reverse kind of style

against your index finger nuckle, with the force opposing the pronator which takes a LOAD of strength.

I was totally blown away by this as I found I can not even bend a 60d in this style. That could be your style, its a good one :)

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I was really new to the board back when but didn't Tom Black have an odd way of bending a nail as well? Seems like it was almost a vertical style or something like that.

Hard to say who invented what entirely. If you look at Don Larkin's 60d bend on that famous video, it almost looks like he's hitting it "reverse" style at one point, and that was back in 98 if I remember right.

I let a girl at work bend a white nail equivilent once and didn't tell her all the styles and she instinctively landed on Reverse style just out of finding what worked best for her.

Who knows what all the old-timers bent and in what style at these impromptu competitions.


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:rock yep i think we can defo call that one "the Gazza"..........my teeth hurt just watchin,awesome job bro!
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:rock yep i think we can defo call that one "the Gazza"..........my teeth hurt just watchin,awesome job bro!

Haa Haa my teeth dont hurt anymore cause ive lost alot of em doing stuff like that :D

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Gazza have the crazyest mind power i ever seen!

so we have 2 NEw gazza's styles ..barehanded with dw 40 and the anvil style ! ..

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