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Sorry I've been gone for a bit. I have been reading and keeping up on the forum I've just been too busy with my job and car stuff recently to do to much bending or really post much. I am still alive and beating on some steel though.

Here is a simple 3/8" hrs scroll I made today. It was 20' long, I had lots of opportunities to stop or back off the mayhem a bit and it would have been allot pettier but I just wanted to go all out twist and mangle for a change. It's fun to jump back to the smaller stuff sometimes, I did about out 98 percent of this bare handed and I don't feel destroyed and bruised like I normally do on the thicker steel.

Picture 1

Picture 2

It's weird when I get cranking on this stuff I am used to hitting the bigger stuff with max leverage on compound bends, I actually almost snapped this a few times and had to back off. If you focus too much of the bend in a very tight area it will heat up more than the rest of the bar and the hotter it gets the weaker it gets and more of the bend focuses into an even smaller area and the trend sort of spirals. I've had stuff break like this and tt doesn't give much warning, it feels a bit easier then it just pops your damn scroll in 2. This is with hrs too remember, it's even worse with crs. Here are some pictures of what I'm talking about.

strain 1

strain 2

That one was real bad, it twisted over 180 degrees in about a half inch length of bar. I don't care how soft the steel is it can't deform THAT much before it lets go. Watch out for this when trying out advanced compound curves with twists on bends and the like and happy scrolling!

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That's a sharp looking sculpture!

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Thats really cool, and thanks for the advise. One day i would like to try scrolling, just so many things to do and not enogh time :rock

And Tim, i'm glad to see your back.

Edited by Mike K
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Thanks for the kind words guys, I appreciate it.

I am not exactly sure how long I worked on it, maybe an hour or so.

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I too have faded away from everything grip in the 18 months (too many issues and stressors in all arenas of my life to even go into) but I am very pleased to see you back at what you love to do my friend.

I commend you for taking steps to get back in this wonderful endeavor of camaraderie. :rock

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I too have faded away from everything grip in the 18 months (too many issues and stressors in all arenas of my life to even go into) but I am very pleased to see you back at what you love to do my friend.

I commend you for taking steps to get back in this wonderful endeavor of camaraderie. :rock

Glad to have you back, Tim.

I hope to see more of you too, Gator!!!!

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Great job as always! Love your scrolls.


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Good to have you back Tim! You are a true artist with the stuff you do. I could never make something look like thoose scrolls

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I too have faded away from everything grip in the 18 months (too many issues and stressors in all arenas of my life to even go into) but I am very pleased to see you back at what you love to do my friend.

I commend you for taking steps to get back in this wonderful endeavor of camaraderie. :rock

welcome back Walter! This thread is turning into a reunion :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well first of all thanks a ton for the compliments. But I must add an apology. I realized later this was not 3/8" hrs, but 5/16" crs. I've been out of it for a bit and just grabbed an old piece I had laying around to scroll not really planning out the size or design at all. 3/8" would be harder but I realize why it was so damn springy now, and the twisting problem I talked about is allot worse with crs too. Sorry about that.

I too have faded away from everything grip in the 18 months (too many issues and stressors in all arenas of my life to even go into) but I am very pleased to see you back at what you love to do my friend.

I commend you for taking steps to get back in this wonderful endeavor of camaraderie. :rock

I feel you man, I really like this stuff and the people involved in it but it seems too easy to let other bs get in the way. Glad to see you are still around and visiting the forum, and I feel even more honored that you popped up here to comment on my thread in particular.

Did you finish that damn raven yet?


Same with you man, glad to see you still posting here. I am not finished, mostly related to what Gator was saying, I love that scroll and want to finish it but it was about all I could do with all the shit going on right now to hit this small one. It feels good though, I have to work back into it again.

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Awesome stuff! How long did that take you to make?

About an hour or two I would say. The meat was done in under 1 hour for sure, but I like to tweak and move things quite a bit until I am satisfied.

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