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Strengthening The Kink


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Some people struggle with the crush down of the bend; I struggle with the kink. I usually have little trouble with the crush. It seems easy in principle to train the crush down, but what about the kink? I've taken down a hard Huge Bastard, and a harder piece of 5.5" CRS, been sniffing at the Grand Shiny (this is where my crush needs work), but can't for the life of me even barely wobble an Edgin or Brutal Hex at 7". I know if I can kink the SOBs I can finish them. I've even taken to doing more bending in IMPs and have been consistently taking down Reds and Shinys. Since it's harder to bend in those, I figured my kink strength should shoot up, but not the case. ISOs don't seem to do much for me when the bar remains straight So, what else can I do? Any and all advice will be appreciated!

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one time when my kink had stopped progressing, i hit the reverse bending and modified DU hard for about a week. took a few days off and went back to DO and it was stronger. i think if you get stronger in all the styles then your DO has no choice but to get stronger as well

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I would just take that same Edgin and try again and again. It is wobbled, so that means you can bend it.

Measure it exacly. I use millimeters to keep track. Just measure it now and say it's at 3 mm. wrapp it upp (mark the direction of wich it is bent) and hit it again a couple of times for 5 minutes or so. Measure it and se where it's at. Maybe 4mm's now or 5mm. Fine, wrap it up again and repete the procces until that sucker is dead.

After that Take a new Edgin and do it again and again until you can bend it in one go.

This is usually how I train if I want to progress fast.

A complete bend might take just a few attempts or a whole workout or more. This is how I've done it alot of times while chasing bends. My first red took me 2 weeks of attempting it in this fashion. My first Edgin with fattypads took me about a week aswell.

After a while the kink, or any other stage of the bend just blows through with ease and you're done

Edited by David_wigren
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Darin, send me your e-mail and I'll send you something special that I wrote a few years ago. It has helped others.

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one time when my kink had stopped progressing, i hit the reverse bending and modified DU hard for about a week. took a few days off and went back to DO and it was stronger. i think if you get stronger in all the styles then your DO has no choice but to get stronger as well

I will definitely say it wouldn't hurt for me to work harder on those other two styles. I regretfully tend to neglect them because they really take a serious toll on my wrists and I suffer in the gym because of it. It's that balancing act between strongman and bending that I haven't quite fine tuned yet. Thanks for the pointer Caolan!

I would just take that same Edgin and try again and again. It is wobbled, so that means you can bend it.

Measure it exacly. I use millimeters to keep track. Just measure it now and say it's at 3 mm. wrapp it upp (mark the direction of wich it is bent) and hit it again a couple of times for 5 minutes or so. Measure it and se where it's at. Maybe 4mm's now or 5mm. Fine, wrap it up again and repete the procces until that sucker is dead.

After that Take a new Edgin and do it again and again until you can bend it in one go.

This is usually how I train if I want to progress fast.

A complete bend might take just a few attempts or a whole workout or more. This is how I've done it alot of times while chasing bends. My first red took me 2 weeks of attempting it in this fashion. My first Edgin with fattypads took me about a week aswell.

After a while the kink, or any other stage of the bend just blows through with ease and you're done

I'll give this a try David. I have only been picking an Edgin up from time to time to see if I can finally move it, and then avoid it for a while. Thanks for your advice!

Darin, send me your e-mail and I'll send you something special that I wrote a few years ago. It has helped others.

PM Sent :)

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Hey Darin, your not alone. I still can not kink a hexabastard with fat pads :angry: I've been trying those damn iso's but i have not tried the hex since doing these iso's. But i don't think i am getting anywhere. I's been doing my iso's on an 8" edgin that has a slight kink (from braced) and it has yet to move at all. Whatever you figure out that works please let me know so i can do the same. I'm just going to keep trying different things and other advise on this thread for now and see what happens.

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Darin: your kink technique its by far, better now!.. :-)Edgins can become mental for u know. i have some mental insues concerning the crushdown(edgins) and SS(become my crush its behind the rest).

When i hit Reverse style hard couple months ago my kink becomes stronger;its close to Caolan's advice:-)

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Hey Darin, your not alone. I still can not kink a hexabastard with fat pads :angry: I've been trying those damn iso's but i have not tried the hex since doing these iso's. But i don't think i am getting anywhere. I's been doing my iso's on an 8" edgin that has a slight kink (from braced) and it has yet to move at all. Whatever you figure out that works please let me know so i can do the same. I'm just going to keep trying different things and other advise on this thread for now and see what happens.

Yeah, Mike, no problem. I'll try to keep this thread up to date with my progression. Last night I hit ISOs on the Edgin for around 20 minutes - hit it three or four times, re-wrapped, hit again and over and over like that. I didn't measure it before I started, but I moved it a mm or two. I need to think about measuring before and after. I'm very comfortable with 7" stock, but I tried an 8" once and it was really awkward! Good luck on your Edgin and Hex bending!

Darin: your kink technique its by far, better now!.. :-)Edgins can become mental for u know. i have some mental insues concerning the crushdown(edgins) and SS(become my crush its behind the rest).

When i hit Reverse style hard couple months ago my kink becomes stronger;its close to Caolan's advice:-)

Thanks Hugo :) It's coming around, I just need to stay consistent and stop taking these long breaks I've been taking. I do need to work my other styles of bending, very badly. My DU is horrible. Right now I'm fresh out of anything to work on though. The lightest steel I have right now are a few 5" "Mutant" Black JH G5s and those are pretty much a max DU for me. So I need to go pick up some more 1/4". I think I'll also see if I can't get some metric diameters also. Some more 7mm and some 7.5mm would be good.

Keep up your fight with the Edgin too my friend. You'll kill it very soon!

Edited by easyWeight
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Darin: about 7 mm ... they are ok at shorth lenght(5 1/2" or 5") i believe u have the potencial to bend one g8 in both styles.(there are easy/average g8 instead of the gold triangule).

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Darin: about 7 mm ... they are ok at shorth lenght(5 1/2" or 5") i believe u have the potencial to bend one g8 in both styles.(there are easy/average g8 instead of the gold triangule).

Well, 1/4" isn't too hard either, but I need something to warm up on :D I guess I never thought about there being an easier G8. I just bent my last triangle last night.

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Darin, i bend one silver g8 Doug send to me , looked easier than the triangule.(top of the head:"jh" ... not sure)

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Darin, send me your e-mail and I'll send you something special that I wrote a few years ago. It has helped others.

PM Sent :)

I sent it out a few minutes ago. Enjoy!

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Darin, send me your e-mail and I'll send you something special that I wrote a few years ago. It has helped others.

PM Sent :)

I sent it out a few minutes ago. Enjoy!

I want help too :cry:cry:cry:cry:cry:cry:cry:cry:cry

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