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Prob With The 7" Triangule Edgin


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Few months ago i was happy to put the 7" triangule edgin at 4.75" betwen the legs ... after this i did 2 workouts. both end in failure(no progress) ...i hit the bar during 20 mn each time. 4.75" its around 90/85 deg , my weakest link.

advice please.lol. i try to use right palm open but cant do nothing:-( :angry:

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I can't use the open hand technique to save my life. I can get 7 inch stock to around 3 inches just by using the the pistol grip on both pads to around 3 inches. Then I'll just switch to my crushdown phase and kill it from there.

Just keep pounding away at it. It will fall.

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Maybe this works; heal up, find a bar that is a bit harder than the Edgin, hit that bar a few workouts (not as an iso, but to try and actually finish), and than return to the Edgin.

Don't think about numbers or any strength-calibration crap, just turn off the brain and bring up the furious beast inside of you!

Edited by luuc
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I move my hands farther UP the pads - toward the center of the bar. Might seem counterintuitive in terms of gaining more advantageous leverage, but it works for me and a few guys I've shown it to in person. It helps keep your hands from running into each other. Gives me another 1/2" of bar movement usually and that's enough most of the time to help me get into a better crushdown position. Give me a shout if you don't know what I'm talking about and I'll shoot you a quick video demo.

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Chad: will watch a couple of videos from u with more detail!thanks.

Luuc: every time i try to finish it i lack inner power, something strange,its like i am not (yet)prepared.

Ben:Thanks "coach" ...i know what u mean (i learned from u dont forget:-)if i fail i will get back to u again.thanks.

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You have to make the chain strong no weak links.

Your weak link is weaker than you think and will be more exposed with the likes of an Edgin because with an edgin you also have the springyness of the bolt to consider were as will nomal crs you can just blow through a certain part of the bend/range with momentum.

You are getting a bit of momentum with the edgin as well from the start but your now realising that comeing back to a bolt or bolts that are around the 90degee mark you do not have momentum on your side and this is exposeing your weak link even more because its on edgin bolts.

I know i always harp on about isos but they really are the key to overcomeing a lot of bending weak links technique and strength will take you so far then when your strength hits a wall as in your case something has to give.

if you have some 7.5-8inch edgins pre kink those from 80/85 to 100/110 and work with those shortening them as you go and also work from the 2.5inch crush zone back with 6.75-7inch edgins .

Make your weak points your strong points then you are like a forged chain every link should be like the last one strong and unbreakable.

The MIND will overcome your body is weak compared to the MIND dont let this frustrate and stop you know in your MIND that this is just a nother hurdle in the bending journey to overcome.

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GAzza: i Always smile when i read your advice. thanks a lot. Now i have a plan. (Thanks Doug for the edgins, i have a couple of them:-)

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