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Rapid Loss In Strength ?-- 2 Yellows To Not Budging One


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a couple of weeks back, i bent two yellow nails in the same session..... did that twice in one week... went on vacation, came back.. bent a yellow to see if i still had it, and did it with no problem... rested a few days and went to do another yellow and i can barely kink the thing ... ???? it is like i have been hit by kryptonite,haha... anybody else have this happen ? or have an explanation ?

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I get bad days from time to time when something that should be a warmup gives me a good struggle. It happens to us all

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I have never tried bending but with grippers i recently put up a thread about losing strength. I was advised by everyone that it was normal so i would assume that you have nothing to worry about. I got past the "strength loss" by taking plenty of rest and drinking coffee before a workout! :D

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Yeah, like David said we all have those kind on days or slumps. And yes it is frustrating, and it hard to get over but you will. Personally i have been in a slump for the last 2 days and i can not brace bend an 8" Edgin. I am still confused about why but it is the same thing you are going through. Just do not give up, it will get better :rock

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Dont worry to much ... i believe u are bending (probably) for a few weeks/months ... i had the same prob in the past ...same bars from the same stock ...and i was not overtrained! the prob: my kink technique was different EVERY time i was bending ..after i realize it i started to "create my own style"of kink. after this everything is ok . A bad day happend for sure (for me when i dont sleep much or eat bad during the day etc).but for me it may be due to the lack of one effective kink.hope it helps. if u are using single wraps or im wraps;try to use fat wraps instead ..the mental barrier will die.

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some days you're the bat, some days you're the ball.

keep the failed bends around and attack again when your feeling a bit batty :)

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Keep at it you'll get through it. Use whatever wraps you like but minimal wraps from the beginning will toughen your hands up for what's to come if you stick with it.

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thank you for all the input guys

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  • 4 weeks later...

You guys were right... I got back on track and bent my first BLUE nail on August, 18... just a tad under a month after posing this question... thanks again for the encouragement

Edited by officertdbailey
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You guys were right... I got back on track and bent my first BLUE nail on August, 18... just a tad under a month after posing this question... thanks again for the encouragement

Good job man! I didn't have many bad days when I was bending, but a good thing to do if you are having one of those days is to switch up your workout completely. If you are normally a thin pad bender, switch to fat pads. Or barehand. Just something to give yourself a chance to work a different bending skill. Even if you only did crushdown work that day instead of full bends. You'll get in some good training work and won't be as fixated on your bad day on the other test.

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