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Huge Bastard Goes Down


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Hi guys...

cut one average bastard from joonas aka "Tja" and bend it very easely. :D

i am uploading the video .

I dont mind it wont work as a cert video(out of camera accidentaly in the end). :(

will improve my crush and bend one hard huge bastard later. ;)

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Congrats Hugo! :rock You took it down quick.

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Kick A$$ Bend Hugo :rock

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Nice job Hugo :rock It is time to go for the Grand

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The grand will be yours too man, go for it!!

How is the 7" Edgin by the way? Should be close to dead by now?

Keep it up mate!!!

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Hell yeah Hugo!!! I know you've wanted that for a long time man. That's a very serious bend there buddy.

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wow that was a fast kink and sweep :blink. crush wasn't too bad either ;)

get to work on that edgin :rock

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thanks guys , i feel confident about my kink and sweep , crush its getting better but i need to work seriously now in the end of the bend.

yes next time will give the 7triangule edgin a final try.

Luuc: the 7" triangule its the same (4.75") lol, gave it one more try one month ago...nothing good happend:-(

Edited by ewokhugo
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Nice bend Hugo! That was a really fast kink and sweep, as others have already said :rock Just curious what is an average bastard? Is it from an old batch or something?

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Just curious what is an average bastard?

An average bastard!? You know, a piece of 5/16x7" CRS that doesn't know who it's father is ;)

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Nice bend Hugo! That was a really fast kink and sweep, as others have already said :rock Just curious what is an average bastard? Is it from an old batch or something?

Most bastard batches have been around 440 wich is what I would consider bastard strength. I would think that the current bastards cal way above that.

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LOL Carl!!! :D

Darin: i agree with David but this one may be even easier than 440lbs(not sure) Joonas send 2 bastard to me and i believe they are old yes(old batch). tried one hard huge bastard (+500lbs) from Perry after this , easy till 90 deg and them it frozen(LOL). :D

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