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Ummm, strong benching Mr!

Whats your best in the bench?

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Hello Frankboy,

When i was going through my Kaz phase(he was my ldol) i concentrated alot on bench trying to emulate , but never got there (don't think anybody has)him.

My best was 265 kg for 2 reps.

230KG x 8 reps , 182.5 k x 20 reps and 140 k x 35 reps.

At the 35th rep on 140kg i looked up and seen my father's left testicle hanging out the bottom of his shorts (he was spotting me at the time) and i just burst out laughing , nearly decapatating myself in the process.

Perhaps a little bit to much information i know !!!

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Hello coc 3,

Unfortunately so was my belly at the time to !

Wednesday 24 th June

Snatch grip high pulls ... worked up to 220 kg x 2

Power snatch ... worked up to 100kg x 2 x 3 sets

Pushpress with 2.6 inch bar .... up to 150 kg x 2 x 3 sets

Over head snatch squats .... 80 k x 5 these are hard for me !!!

Olympic squats ..... up to 220k x3 x3

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25TH June Thursday

Two hands curl on 2.6 inch bar.......up to 90k x3 x3

One hand curl on 2.6 in barbell...... up to 45 k x3 x 2 sets

Hammer curls ..... up to 50 k x 5 x 3 sets

Pinchgrip one hand .... 2 x 20kg plates x 5 singles left and right

Pinchgrip 2 hands .... 60k x 5 x 5 ..... 3 x 10 second hold

My 2 hands pinch is absolutely crap..... so i'm starting nice and low and building up gradually over time.

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Forget to add Arthur Saxon holds off squat racks.

Holding 2.6 inch barbell with one hand at shoulder level , elbow supported on hip...... worked up to 150 kg for 5 sec hold.

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27 th June Saturday

In work on food break managed wrist plate curls...... up to 15k plate for 3 sets of 5 with 15 kg.

Tied wrist roller to a rail wagon with coils on it , braced feet and roled away, estimated weight on wagon 100 tons .

Shouldered old piece of rail about 12 feet long and walked with it a few times.

Pinch gripped 4 feet sleeper each hand for a few reps each , few snatches with 2 hands.

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29th June Monday

Nightshift tonight , before i go in my WIFE made me do the lawns and the hedges.One day i'll get drunk enough to tell her no !!!

Anyway , i brought my kettlebells out and done a clean and press session with these inbetween mowing.

Starting at 12 kg worked my way up to the 48kg bell.I,ve lent my 60kg kettle bell to one of my very strong friends Steve , so had to improvise.

Gripping the 12kg and the 40 kg ,making 52 kg i managed to clean and press these for 3 reps, using different kettlebell combos till the final set with a 48k and a 12 kg .Quite a tough exercise on the wrists and grip.

Off to work now.Might take grippers with me.

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Chris what do you do for work mate? I do nights aswell - it's not great for my training - too hot to sleep in the day at the moment! Good work with the KBs!

About the 265kg bench press you did for a double - i don't think i've heard of anyone else in the UK doing that sort of weight without a shirt. Regardless of your bodyweight or condition at the time this is an amazing lift. What was your best squat/dead/push press?

Edited by CoC#3
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Hello coc3,

I work in a steelworks on the rail .

My best squat was 320kg for a double with belt on , olympic style.

Best deadlift 320 kg x 3 reps .

Push press off racks 210 k

150k x 10.

Push press behind neck 205 k

Straight leg deadlift 230k x 20

squat 260k x 10.

Whats your favourite lifts and numbers ?

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Hello coc3,

I work in a steelworks on the rail .

My best squat was 320kg for a double with belt on , olympic style.

Best deadlift 320 kg x 3 reps .

Push press off racks 210 k

150k x 10.

Push press behind neck 205 k

Straight leg deadlift 230k x 20

squat 260k x 10.

Whats your favourite lifts and numbers ?

That is crazy mate, especially the overhead numbers. I think the list of people with a 200kg+ push press (not split jerk) is a very short one.

My best lifts,

squat 240kg belt and knee wraps, 220kg raw olympic style, 185kg front squat

deadlift 260kg

12' log clean and press 120kgx3

one hand axle push press from rack 75kg

71kg 2.38'' handle dumbell one hand push press (last time i tried the inch i couldn't quite lock it out properly)

165kg double overhand on 2'' axle

105kg euro pinch

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They are awesome lifts Sam !!!

Specially that pinchgrip .

Are you training for strongman comps or general overall strength?

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July 2nd Wednesday

Clean and press ....Up to 140k x 3 x3

Clean pulls to chest .. Up to 220kg x2 x3 2nd rep from hang.

Rows .. Up to 210 kg x5 x 2 sets

Lat pull down .... 220kg x 5 x 2 sets

One arm curls with 2.6 barbell ... Up to 50 kg

Hammer curls .. Up to 50 kg dumbbell x 7 x 2 sets

Goerner snatches .... Olympic bar for 5 singles.

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Thanks Chris, i'm trying to improve all my powerlifts and grip related lifts and get stronger overall - maybe compete in strongman when i get my back sorted out. Have you got any competition plans?? Would be awesome to see you go out and kick some major arse in strongman. Strong session today, beast pulling, the lat pulldowns are massive, :rock :rock

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Hi Sam ,

Might try a powerlifting meet next year .

There's some very strong boys i train with now , many which are world champions including Chris Jenkins 90 kg lifter and Peter Sutton (my cousin)who's a 6 time world champion .

Chris Jenkins has got the potential to put up massve totals and we are going to train hard together this year and see where things go.

Ross and Andy Stone also train with us and are very strong all round.We are working on their grip strength and they are coming on great guns.

Sam how heavy and tall are you mate ?

If you need anything don't hesitate to ask.

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July 3rd Friday

Front squats... upto 3x3x 200k

Karlsen squats ... up to 250k x5

Step ups ..... 140k x 10 x 3 sets

Good mornings ... up to 180k x 5 x2 sets

Hanging leg raises

Sit ups

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Hi Sam ,

Might try a powerlifting meet next year .

There's some very strong boys i train with now , many which are world champions including Chris Jenkins 90 kg lifter and Peter Sutton (my cousin)who's a 6 time world champion .

Chris Jenkins has got the potential to put up massve totals and we are going to train hard together this year and see where things go.

Ross and Andy Stone also train with us and are very strong all round.We are working on their grip strength and they are coming on great guns.

Sam how heavy and tall are you mate ?

If you need anything don't hesitate to ask.

Great stuff Chris it always helps to have some good lads to train with - usually on sundays a few boys travel down to train strongman and PL and we all have a beast sesison and nearly always get PRs. Me and my mate have a strongman gym in Paignton, Devon loads of room outside to run with farmers and yoke and an inside area the size of a triple garage, maybe slightly bigger. It would be great if you could come down for a training session when you get some spare time!!

I'm 5'8'' and 290lbs at the moment mate! What's the heaviest you've been?

Has the bicep tendon tear healed completely yet? Do you get any grief from it at all these days?

Impressive front squats what is your best ever on these for a single?

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Hi Sam,

Paighton is a beautiful place and i remember a great holiday there when i was young.

Sam you've got some serious mass there at 5'8, a lowland Gorrilla comes to mind !!!!

I've front squatted 500 for a few reps when i used to practice this exercise more frequently.

My biggest bodyweight was 22 stone 10lbs and i'm now about 19st 4 lbs.

I'd love to come down for a training session oneday.

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6th July Monday

Started the John Kuc powerlifting programme today.He 's one of my favourite powerlifters from the 70's and 80's and lifted before all the suits and wraps.

Squats ... up to 200kg x 8 x 5 sets

Deadlifts using front grip ...up to 220kg x 8 x 5 sets

Close grip pull ups forward grip .... up to 8 reps x 50kg

T bar rows ... up to 140kg x 8

Leg extensions .... up to 220kg x 8

Leg curls .... 100kg x 12

Calf raises .... Full stack x 25 x 3 sets

Had a row off gym owner for puting to much weight on leg extension machine. Lots of ab work and stretching.

Had to go to work then from 2 till 10 in the rain.I wonder if Tiger Woods has the same problem !!!?

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Nice work, Chris.

John Kuc was a tremendous deadlifter and his partner, Big Jim Williams, one the best benchers of all-time. 675 lbs in competition, two seconds pause at the chest and he lifted 700 lbs in training ! 700 is the 70's.

Is the program from his book: "John Kuc speaks on powerlifting" ? I think is one of the classics, i don´t have but i'd love to have a copy. Another great book, i have it, is Inside Powerlifting of Terry Todd with the programs of Vince Anello, Ron Collins, etc... the golden era of powerlifting.

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Two thoughts:

1) why so many old programs/training routines?

2) Had the same problem. Tell them 5mm wire rope (usually nylon coated) has a WSL (safe working load) of 267kilos and I've yet to see that done on an old machine (mind you that's cos I haven't gone that heavy yet (200kg for reps) and when I do usually use one leg at a time - try that instead).

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