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Do/bending On The Decline?


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Hi there!

Just sat here and read some old posts regarding DO bending, wraps, contests etc. Some of the posters claimed that DO bending was getting less attention, being banned from contests etc. Not much contests are being held in Sweden, so I just wonder what's case with this, is it true?

The reason I wonder is also that there are not very much activity here anymore, not very much videos are being posted anymore (myself included, but that's more due to personal reasons and hasn't got much to do with bending). Just wondered if that's some kind of general trend, the old ones moving on after hitting a shiny/edgin, and not many new ones jumping on the train...


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DO bending is not in as many contests anymore because IMO of injury, the pain in the ass of wraps, and many people think it isn't a good wrist/grip test. I know many of the big contest names only train bending when it happens to be in a contest they are in.

Hi there!

Just sat here and read some old posts regarding DO bending, wraps, contests etc. Some of the posters claimed that DO bending was getting less attention, being banned from contests etc. Not much contests are being held in Sweden, so I just wonder what's case with this, is it true?

The reason I wonder is also that there are not very much activity here anymore, not very much videos are being posted anymore (myself included, but that's more due to personal reasons and hasn't got much to do with bending). Just wondered if that's some kind of general trend, the old ones moving on after hitting a shiny/edgin, and not many new ones jumping on the train...


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I wont be adding bending to the lineup in my next 1 or 2 comps due to it keeping some away and it really takes a toll on my other training.

- Aaron

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I wont be adding bending to the lineup in my next 1 or 2 comps due to it keeping some away and it really takes a toll on my other training.

- Aaron

That's why I stopped.

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DO bending is not in as many contests anymore because IMO of injury, the pain in the ass of wraps, and many people think it isn't a good wrist/grip test. I know many of the big contest names only train bending when it happens to be in a contest they are in.
Hi there!

Just sat here and read some old posts regarding DO bending, wraps, contests etc. Some of the posters claimed that DO bending was getting less attention, being banned from contests etc. Not much contests are being held in Sweden, so I just wonder what's case with this, is it true?

The reason I wonder is also that there are not very much activity here anymore, not very much videos are being posted anymore (myself included, but that's more due to personal reasons and hasn't got much to do with bending). Just wondered if that's some kind of general trend, the old ones moving on after hitting a shiny/edgin, and not many new ones jumping on the train...


I wont be adding bending to the lineup in my next 1 or 2 comps due to it keeping some away and it really takes a toll on my other training.

- Aaron

I wont be adding bending to the lineup in my next 1 or 2 comps due to it keeping some away and it really takes a toll on my other training.

- Aaron

That's why I stopped.

Oh No!!! R.I.P. bending, Au Revoire :(

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I don't know everything about DO bending in contests, have they ever been popular in contests? I don't think so. But that's natural. I consider bending and DO bending a good test of wrist strength. But not a necissarily a fair test becous it requires alot of specific strength and upper body strength. Sort of like having farmers walk in a grip contest, good test of grip strength but it eliminates everyone who doesn't have the body strength to walk with the weights.

Same thing with DO bending. Good test of wrist strength, but it eliminates everyone that doesn't train it regurarly or have the upperbody strength for it.

Conserning bending outside of contests. I don't think bending is going away anytime soon. The bending section here on gripboard might have been quiet for some time now. But on the internet in general it seems to be growing. And on youtube it is pretty much exploding.

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I don't plan on quitting DO bending anytime soon. The KOASB will also get one hell of a hurtin by the end of the year too. :rock

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Who cares either way? This is not something to do for others, it is for ones self (hopefully) The same guys who bend are still bending. If your not working on moving up you are most likely not interested in posting videos of the same sized bar being bent. Also you have keep in mind- the higher level bends wear you down. Guys like Aaron and Paul are gunning down lots of other things, they cannot improve everywhere at once. But, If you really want to see me killing SS stock, i will post it, but it will be nothing new :cool

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Some of use clowns will keep on bending.

As for videos...my camera broke...

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it stopped being fun when everyone started discrediting great bends, and whats the point if your not having fun

Edited by TKtheGreek
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it stopped being fun when everyone started discrediting great bends

That's what did it for me as well

I think we all need to break out the "Mentos", give each other the cheesy smile, and start enjoying our OWN, as well as other peoples bends regardless of how they are being performed. ;):D

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Ok, the reason for my post was twofold:

1. To find out whether it is true that DO is impopular at contests. The answer seems to be yes. And it also seems logical, DO bending is its own kind of animal, sort of combination between benchpress, armwrestling and ...?

2. To see if anyone else thought that the temperature here on GB has felt a little low, and perhaps here something about the reasons why.

Regarding the second aspect, why do I wonder? Well, first I haven't felt very inspired to bend and to post during this spring, partly due to personal reasons, partly because of "ideological reasons" (i.e. the wrapping issue, and never mind my standpoint, it switches evey day :) ). But last week, I began to feel a little bit ... lonely. It simply feels boring to sit here in sweden and bend totally for myself. I agree that we bend mostly for ourselfes and our own improvement, but I think it's really sad when for example Teddy and Josh has quit bending altogether because someone has nocked of their bends, and I really hope that I haven't been a part of it (I know that I sounded a little harsh in some the debates here), if I have guys, I'm really sorry about that, and I hope you accept my apology!

I feel that we share quite a unique hobby, i.e bending steel in its different forms and of different kinds, so I definitely think we all should bring out the wraps again and starting posting videos again! Why? Because it's fun! Because it's a fun, crazy and bizarre thing to be able to do, to bend (or fold or whatever anyone wants to call it) something that isn't supposed to bend!!

Edited by yodajaeger
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So next week I will add some stainless videos and hopefully contribute with some life to this board!

Edited by yodajaeger
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The only reason i stopped posting videos is because i reached a max with the DO (for now) and now i am just training my crush so i can finally get that Grand Shiny Bastard. It did not think it seems worth while to post video's of lesser bends. I also been training for the Steel Slayer Showdown. Which uses single wraps, so as i get better with them, i did not see a reason to take videos of those bends either.

I do not think DO is dead, And i hope it will pick up again on this board. We will always have ups and downs but i agree with some one earlier that we should not care about how someone does thier wraps, but we should congradulate them on the bend they did. There are not that many "benders" out there so we need to stick together and this form is a great place to do that.

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The only reason i stopped posting videos is because i reached a max with the DO (for now) and now i am just training my crush so i can finally get that Grand Shiny Bastard. It did not think it seems worth while to post video's of lesser bends. I also been training for the Steel Slayer Showdown. Which uses single wraps, so as i get better with them, i did not see a reason to take videos of those bends either.

I do not think DO is dead, And i hope it will pick up again on this board. We will always have ups and downs but i agree with some one earlier that we should not care about how someone does thier wraps, but we should congradulate them on the bend they did. There are not that many "benders" out there so we need to stick together and this form is a great place to do that.

Yeah, great. But I have to say that it can be worth a great deal to publish videos of your bends with thinner wraps to get some feedback on technique, since the kink technique is somewhat different than with doubles...:)

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The only reason i stopped posting videos is because i reached a max with the DO (for now) and now i am just training my crush so i can finally get that Grand Shiny Bastard. It did not think it seems worth while to post video's of lesser bends. I also been training for the Steel Slayer Showdown. Which uses single wraps, so as i get better with them, i did not see a reason to take videos of those bends either.

I do not think DO is dead, And i hope it will pick up again on this board. We will always have ups and downs but i agree with some one earlier that we should not care about how someone does thier wraps, but we should congradulate them on the bend they did. There are not that many "benders" out there so we need to stick together and this form is a great place to do that.

Yeah, great. But I have to say that it can be worth a great deal to publish videos of your bends with thinner wraps to get some feedback on technique, since the kink technique is somewhat different than with doubles...:)

Good idea, i will post something in the next couple of days, maybe even just progress videos of my training bends for the SSS. I could use some advise on my Reverse technique.

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it stopped being fun when everyone started discrediting great bends, and whats the point if your not having fun
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I cannot say a thing about bending and contests, never been to a contest with bending. I'd prolly go if there was one close by.

I've not been posting any bends mainly because my bending's been off for a while, and since last two weeks I've not bent at all. Right shoulder is giving trouble which kills my DO. Right thumb is giving trouble which kills my DU. I hope to get started again next week and I'll see where I'm at then. Still sticking with my goals for this year :rock

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DO bending is its own kind of animal, sort of combination between benchpress, armwrestling and ...?

Knitting! :D

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I also think it's important to realize that this board tends to move in waves. If one guy does some bending and hits a PR, more people jump in and sometimes it takes off and everybody is bending. Same with pinching, blobs, Vbar, etc. It seems that when little has happened on the board for a few weeks, things tend to slow down for awhile. We happen to be in a slump for now and several regulars haven't even posted in awhile. It happens.

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I think the slump in posting may have something to do with the summer months being upon us. School is out and for some of us, our routines have changed dramatically. I had a long hiatus around final exams week in school then put on a strongman show the weekend after. That consumed a lot of my time.

As for posting videos, I haven't been making much progress lately and as Adam suggested, I don't see any point in posting the same bar over and over. I like to think of my YouTube as an outlet for PRs, not mediocrity. I've also had some slight injuries as of late in my hands and now in my right shoulder and bicep area from going a bit overboard on keg presses last weekend. The hands feel great, but the arm is still bugging me a lot. I'm also waiting on more steel to arrive!

I believe Gripboard has been around for a while and had a lot of the same members for a while, so it's no surprise that there is an activity cycle.

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I haven't been posting any bends cause it's a secret


i had some personal "problems" thats because i stopped bending for almost 1 month.

Actually i am really eager to watch new videos specially from : Caolan, Henrik,Zach and Josh:-)

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I'm also working on some stuff now wich might take me a couple of months to do, but I've got some easier steel on it's way. Will probably make a few videos of that

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It's waves of interest, just like a few have said already. Someone will hit a big Ironmind pad bend again soon and then others will follow that up with their own.

I don't think bending will ever die off completely in the contest setting. It's far more enjoyable to watch steel being bent than a gripper being closed. And some people put contests on with the focus more on the people watching. Screw that. I put contests on for the guys actually competing in them! To me it hinges on what the competitors want. Not what looks cool to people that aren't even competing.

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