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Wednesday 5/27

Mobility Work *Defrancos Simple Six, Agile 8"

Zerchers 5X3 95lbs > First time doing these ever, they hurt a bit gotta get use to them I enjoyed them though my posterior chain is feeling a bit sore

Pull ups 3/3/3/2/2 > High frequency, Lower reps going to build up from here

Barbell Push ups 10/10/7 > I'll admit I'm just weak ass hell on these

Hopefully can get all my numbers up a ton over the summer, nothing to but train and eat right... one more week of school...

Today 5/28

Mobility work

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Welcome! You can't go wrong using Adam as a guide :rock

Full zerchers from the ground are an awesome exercise!!! I don't do them often, but they always seemed more applicable to everyday life than deadlifts.

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Welcome! You can't go wrong using Adam as a guide :rock

Full zerchers from the ground are an awesome exercise!!! I don't do them often, but they always seemed more applicable to everyday life than deadlifts.

Did them from rack, Will go at it next time from the ground will be interesting when they get heavier. I'll update you in about an hour or two.... when i finish lifting then grip training later tonight

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Upper body work out later tonight.....

Lower body work out went well:

145X1, 155X1, 165X1, 175X1, 190X6

1=1set=2 reps

Mobility work... legs feel great!

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Upper body for tdoay... so late but i did it anyways kinda shitty but still

push ups 6/10/12

Pull ups 5X1 (just wanted a second movement, trying to save time just increasing frequency)

I tried some body side levers and they kicked my ass need to build up strength in the obliques or decrease the leverage

Grip work:

3X15 seconds pinch hold two hands 4 5lbs plates... next week i think i'm just going to do one hand pinches, I didn't like these two hands for some reason

3x20 finger curls 45lbs

3X15 Wrist curls 45lbs got my ass kicked need to start with an ez curl bar i believe

Reverse curls didn't feel right also need to go lighter

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conventional deadlifts 3X3 180lbs

push ups 13/8/8

Pull ups 2/3/4/4/2

Grip work:

Pinch grip one hand 2 10lbs plates together 3X15 second each hand

Finger curls 3X20 45lbs

Wrist curls, and reverse wristcurls 3X15 15lbs

Core Work:

30 sit ups

30 second plank

Not enough time tonight, sisters graduation.

Thoughts: More volume on the upper body... pull ups and push ups need more more more

Core needs more volume and is weak

My wrists are weak... will help for hockey

I might need some more glute activation....

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Zerchers squats 5X3 110lbs painful, and awkward from the ground

Pull ups 4/3/3/3/2/3/2 getting better.... and easier :)

Push ups 6> Elbow kept cracking... just didn't want to mess with this right now


Reverse crunches 10

V ups 5

I know not enough volume for the core > It was weak i won't lie to myself been cramming for finals, not enough sleep... next week i promise you all and myself i will do better

I almost did some bench the quit to do pull ups

Zerchers are weird from the ground... i need to work through my mobility and warm up faster now

My CORE NEEDS TO GET STRONGER >.> 5X a week this summer with weekends as off days it's looking..... 8 weeks before soccer I haven't played since i was little... So speed and conditioning are where i need to shine although I'm just doing it to stay in shape for hockey. I have hockey and soccer practices and games sprinkled through the summer till august should be interesting lots of work this summer to do... lots of eating also.

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Went straight to hanging out after finals yesterday... so here is my work i did today it kicked my ass

Sumo deadlifts 10X2 200lbs

Push ups 8/15/17/5 > Want 20 push ups soon

V ups X10, Sprinter sit ups X20, Reverse crunches X10 > 2X as a circuit

1 minute plan to finish with a yoga stretch

Grip work: Didn't complete this today >.>

One hand pinch two 10's with a 2.5 in the middle 3X15

Finger curls 3X20 15lbs

Just wanted to shower and finish rough... will probably go light on the deadlifts monday, so i'm fresh by friday.

Happy summer to everyone else here who is a student

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Deadlifts 3X3 150lbs >I felt terrible in the morning


Zercher squats 5X3 115lbs less pain this time going to add another 10lbs next week

Pull ups 6/4/6/4 > I think i could of gotten 7 or 8 next week i will

Push ups 10/7> Should of done more triceps felt dead, soon i will hit 20

Chin ups 4>Just for fun I should start doing these made my elbow tendon feel tight though why i don't in the first place

1 minute plank

Lots of mobility work probably 30-40 minutes alone today, tuesday i had soccer 30 minutes of running hips feel like shit now though reason for all the extra mobility work although they do feel better now

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Sumo Deadlifts 210 10X2 form was eh...

Upper body = practicing parkour with a friend... my grip is fried >.<

Edited by cnye94
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2 hours of soccer

Deadlifts 3X3 155lbs

Pull ups 5/4/3/2/1


pull ups 5/4/3/2/2

pull up program i am doing is 4 weeks long and made by pavel I'll let you know how it goes

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wednesday (yesterday)-

zercher squats 5X3 125lbs ... was happy about this

Pull ups 5/4/3/3/2 .... I am also enjoying this

All in all good work out session didn't feel like doing it going in, was thinking bout switching programs told my self no and to stick wit this until two a days came :rock .


Soccer 2 hours, both games

Lots of mobility, I found that if i meditate 5-10 minutes before calming down all my muscles i get better results from z-health.

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2 hours of soccer

pull ups 6/5/4/3/2

mobility work

going to change up my schedule, will be lifting on Tuesday, thursday, saturday schedule now it's much easier for me.

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Wednesday- Nothing hung out with friends... my fault shouldn't of been lazy

Thursday- Pull ups and lots of mobility work


Pull ups

Mobility work

2 hours of soccer, some conditioning

Hips feel like shit I hope they get better later

I might be getting my hands on some kettlebells at some point in the near future will start doing get ups and swings as pavel says if I do

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Took the week off, family and friends were in town

My knees are better I have to thank Mike T Nelson at extremehumanperformance.com for his help, opened my eyes to a knew style of stretching.

Overly tight abductors, and possibly hip flexors = Knee pain. After just one session of stretching the pain and stiffness was gone I'm keeping up the flexibility now.

I need to start conditioning more for a 2 mile run at the start of august. The goal of the run is 13 minutes and I have never been good at distance the farthest I have ran is probably the 400m.

Might start training for strength 2X a week Dinosaur style like brooks kubik. I'll ask around in the strength and power forum.

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My knee is inflamed and immobile to some extent, This is the second time I have run in these shoes, the second time it has happened I will not run in them again.

monday- Mobility work, 2 mile run + soccer, knee became inflamed 2 hours after soccer, Icing and medicine, hockey game > increased rom pads help warm and increase range of motion in the knee

Today- More medicine, Ice, and A Contrast shower no mobility work at this rate I should be good for mobility work tomorrow

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I'm back, my knee is back at 95% with a little loss in mobility

I'm doing body weight strength training now, Been lifting weights of over a year now and I want to change it up.

Hand stand practice

6secsX10 static holds

L-Sit Tuck and Front Lever Tuck :eek: Damn these were hard...

Tonight I have a hockey game so i dropped some of the volume.

My core is weak, hip flexor cramps by the last set.

Hand stands were fun, I like practicing them they definitely strengthen the shoulder in multiple ways.

Front Levers hit the lats hard, good stuff.

Mobility work is good, I have lost some since last week though

This was refreshing and I have a new respect for gymnasts

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Handstand practice, much better today

V ups 3X3 easier then i thought

Went for a run... goal was 1.5 miles I got a side stitch and tried to walk it off... guess today was not my day I will prepare better before hand next time. I have always gotten these after not running in a while just gotta work through em.

Tomorrow all i have is hockey, so i will do some mobility work.

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