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Austin's Workout Log


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Lookin strong buddy! Congrats on that bw+100 chin!

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Thanks buddy I appreciate it. No where near where I was but I'm making progress and having fun along the way....

Thurs pm:

Pullups Bwtx22 reps. I haven't repped out with with just bodyweight in a while. The carryover from weighted to just bodyweight isn't exact but it seems to help. I would like to hit 30 by the end of the year.

Kb work. Just getting used to the different movements and after vacation I will settle on a routine.

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Mon 6/8

Weighted Chins bwt+25,45,75,125x1 to chin level. Need to work on top range.


Towel pullupsx56


Incline pushupsx15

Some shrugs and arm work to finish

For guys looking to do crossfit/rosstraining type routines check out Rob Shaul's websites: militaryfitness.com and mtnathlete.com He lists daily workouts for hybrid type(xfit/rt) and also a tactical type routine on the military website. Lots of good ideas.

Workout went ok. the weighted chin feels easy until the last couple of inches so next week I'll add some top range work. The circuits were pretty tough if you don't take any rest.

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Mon- pm

Pullups bwtx20

KB front squats, pistols work etc.

Mostly lower body work since I didn't get it in in the morning.

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Zach Even-Esh combat complex with KB (53'er)

1 arm snatch

1 arm clean and press

2 hand squat

2 hand lunge

1 hand high pull

1 arm row

2 hand swing

All one arm movements were 6 reps each and all 2 arm movements were 12 reps. Left out turkish getups and 2 hand burpee with kb. I was gassed by the end. Would like to hit this circuit for 6 minutes non-stop at some point. Killer conditioning workout and I'm starting to like kb's more and more. Thanks for the killer deal Morgan, I appreciate it! Tomorrow is a strength day focusing on one arm pullup work.

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One arm pullup work: multiple 1 arm negs. +lock at 90 degrees.

followed with db rows, db bench, med ball pushups,dips all done for high reps

light arm work

The one arm lock was a first for me. The negatives are getting easier and I decided to attempt to hold at 90 and to my surprise I was able to do it. Only for a 2-3 sec. but still improvement.

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A couple of one arm negs while at work throughout the day. Starting to get more comfortable with one arm. Don't usually do this stuff during the day but was still pretty pumped about locking out at 90 degrees. :)

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Zach Even-Esh combat complex with KB (53'er)

1 arm snatch

1 arm clean and press

2 hand squat

2 hand lunge

1 hand high pull

1 arm row

2 hand swing

All one arm movements were 6 reps each and all 2 arm movements were 12 reps. Left out turkish getups and 2 hand burpee with kb. I was gassed by the end. Would like to hit this circuit for 6 minutes non-stop at some point. Killer conditioning workout and I'm starting to like kb's more and more. Thanks for the killer deal Morgan, I appreciate it! Tomorrow is a strength day focusing on one arm pullup work.

I'll try this soon and see where I stand - so the lunges were 6ea leg or 12?

Edited by maidenfan
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Here's Steve Maxwell's 300 Spartan KB workout. You'd be a stud if you did it with a 24kg bell - He does it with a 16kg. Object is to complete w/o rest, but if you do, dont set the kb down. I've never tried it.

1. around the body pass 10l/10r

2. halo 10l/10r

3. good morning x10

4. windmill 5l/5r

5. one arm swing 10l/10r

6. high pulls 10l/10r

7. snatch 10l/10r

8. clean and press 10l/10r

9. circular clean 10l/10r

10. squat and press 10l/10r

11. cossack curl 10l/10r

12. reverse lunge and press 10l/10r

13. deck squat x10

15. TGU 5l/5r

16. suitcase row 10l/10r

17. crush press situp x10

18. russian twist 10l/10r

19. crush pushup x10

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The lunges were 6 each leg for a total of 12. I'll send you the article....Add in 6 turkish getups each arm after the 1 arm clean and press. and add a burpee+high pull at the end of the circuit.

The 300 challenge looks crazy. I'll try it with a 24kg even if it takes longer.

Did some one arm negatives and static holds off a beam at work today and I'm pretty sore. Trying to hit it hard before vacation next week.

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Climbed Badger mountain. Will probably leave this out of the log from now on and only post when I set a pr time wise.

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That challenge looks fun. I don't know what a good portion of those are but I'm looking for something to sub in every once in a while when the cardio becomes too boring.

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Josh you will like the cardio/conditioning benefit and its definitely worth throwing into the mix as a change of pace.


Weighted Chins bwt+55 multiple sets of 3-5 alternated with

incline med ball pushups and db benchesx15-20 reps

1-arm 2 kb rows 2x10 Good movement and hits the grip somewhat as well.

arm work

Worked on my kb snatch form. Starting to get pretty comfortable

Was weak on chins, probably from all the one arm work last week. Tomorrow will be kb conditioning type workout. and then its time for vacation.

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Various kb lifts mostly focusing on snatches. I did a long cycle without putting the kettlebell down on snatches. Will try the 100 snatches for time sometime soon as well.

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Circuit: 2 kb press, weighted chin+45lbs, dips, shrugs, 2 kb front squats x 3 circuits minimal rest

arm work to finish

After a week off I'm going to get back into things. I will probably go strength type work alternated with conditioning workouts but nothing is set in stone. The heavier circuits were fun. I was able to go heavier and still get the heart rate up.

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The heavier circuits were fun. I was able to go heavier and still get the heart rate up.

I like these too - they make me feel like a crossfitter guy when I'm really not.

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Snatchesx5 minutes


circuits of weighted chins, medball pushups,1 legged squats.

Finished with some arm work

Getting sick so my workouts have been short this week. The snatches are thursday wiped me out. I will implement Kenneth Jay's snatch interval protocol next week for conditioning and up the volume on strength days.

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