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Fbbc Grade 5 Bolt 5inch Double Under


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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gThrf2xf8rM Just did this in a workout tonight. I want that square 7 inch double under, should I go out toward the ends more, or try and kill it dead center? I have hit these DU's like a break in Martial arts turning my hands in a bit and using the point at the bottom of my fat fist to drive. I want that grade 8 DU also, soooo close on that. :blink
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Nice DU bending !! Just keep training and you will nail a G8 or 7" sqaure soon enough. :rock

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gThrf2xf8rM Just did this in a workout tonight. I want that square 7 inch double under, should I go out toward the ends more, or try and kill it dead center? I have hit these DU's like a break in Martial arts turning my hands in a bit and using the point at the bottom of my fat fist to drive. I want that grade 8 DU also, soooo close on that. :blink

That was a nice MODIFIED DU bend. True DU(strict form) is minimal padding and pinkies touching the CENTER of the bar. Watch Gazza's video's for how to perform DU strict style. It is MUCH more difficult and more a test of grip/wrist strength. I am not criticizing the bend, only answering your original question ;)

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Nice bend! :rock I don't have any advice for getting the 7" square or G8 in DU style...still working towards those myself. I like the Booyah wrapping style though. :D

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Great bend! Yes you're using the modified DU, the strongest adaptation of the DU form. So just keep working hard and both the G8 and 7" square will fall.

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Ohh snap, I did not know there were different DU styles. Should I grip closer or do these count for a cert? I assume modified is out on the bar farther and strict is fist to fist, I will try the other and see how I do. I thought knuckles up DU period, but I like the coaching and just bending in any way. I am pretty good at the vertical bend JJ showed in the Diesel E-Book does that fall under reserve or just it's own thing? Skic :blink

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Nice bend! :rock I don't have any advice for getting the 7" square or G8 in DU style...still working towards those myself. I like the Booyah wrapping style though. :D

I did steal that, makes since to follow the great ones! :blush

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Nice bending mate. Im currently working on DU bends myself, gets me motivated to se this.

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Ohh snap, I did not know there were different DU styles. Should I grip closer or do these count for a cert? I assume modified is out on the bar farther and strict is fist to fist, I will try the other and see how I do. I thought knuckles up DU period, but I like the coaching and just bending in any way. I am pretty good at the vertical bend JJ showed in the Diesel E-Book does that fall under reserve or just it's own thing? Skic :blink

No they all go under the main category of DU bends. Any style will get you the cert. One is just considered to be strict by most people because it's an older techniqe which is harder and involves more wrists.

Cert in the mannor you wish but work on all the styles and you will get stronger

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Ohh snap, I did not know there were different DU styles. Should I grip closer or do these count for a cert? I assume modified is out on the bar farther and strict is fist to fist, I will try the other and see how I do. I thought knuckles up DU period, but I like the coaching and just bending in any way. I am pretty good at the vertical bend JJ showed in the Diesel E-Book does that fall under reserve or just it's own thing? Skic :blink

No they all go under the main category of DU bends. Any style will get you the cert. One is just considered to be strict by most people because it's an older techniqe which is harder and involves more wrists.

Cert in the mannor you wish but work on all the styles and you will get stronger

Thanks, I am enjoying Swedish Snus Knox brand as we speak!

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Ohh snap, I did not know there were different DU styles. Should I grip closer or do these count for a cert? I assume modified is out on the bar farther and strict is fist to fist, I will try the other and see how I do. I thought knuckles up DU period, but I like the coaching and just bending in any way. I am pretty good at the vertical bend JJ showed in the Diesel E-Book does that fall under reserve or just it's own thing? Skic :blink

No they all go under the main category of DU bends. Any style will get you the cert. One is just considered to be strict by most people because it's an older techniqe which is harder and involves more wrists.

Cert in the mannor you wish but work on all the styles and you will get stronger

Thanks, I am enjoying Swedish Snus Knox brand as we speak!

:laugh haha me aswell but a different brand though Göteborgs Rapé

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Ohh snap, I did not know there were different DU styles. Should I grip closer or do these count for a cert? I assume modified is out on the bar farther and strict is fist to fist, I will try the other and see how I do. I thought knuckles up DU period, but I like the coaching and just bending in any way. I am pretty good at the vertical bend JJ showed in the Diesel E-Book does that fall under reserve or just it's own thing? Skic :blink

No they all go under the main category of DU bends. Any style will get you the cert. One is just considered to be strict by most people because it's an older techniqe which is harder and involves more wrists.

Cert in the mannor you wish but work on all the styles and you will get stronger

Thanks, I am enjoying Swedish Snus Knox brand as we speak!

:laugh haha me aswell but a different brand though Göteborgs Rapé

The Goteborgs Rape is good los the pouches never had!

Next order is Extra Sterk pouch, I love those.

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YES !!!!! Technique spot on :rock Hand placement perfect :rock Intensity right there :rock Strength getting Stronger :rock

How about a bastard and/or a shiny after you recover :rock

Great Cert Bends

Crap!!! I have to wait a day to bend.

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Nice DU bend man!

Mike, good to see you back to posting man! Hope your training is kicking butt lately.

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Thanks Ben :) Getting recovered!!!! Going to attempt a few bends soon :D

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