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Since I started bending I have always used IM wraps, single leather wraps or just barehanded. It was raining outside and I was bored sooooo......I decided to give double wraps a shot. I choose a bar that has been eluding me in IM wraps(5/16X6CRS). I put my 4x8" leather wraps on first then my IM wraps on the outside. I used rubber bands on both sets of wraps. I then killed it in 1:09. It was easy and with this wrap configuration I think I could take down a 5/16x6" stainless bar with no problem. I didn't even do any warm up bends for the 5/16x6"crs but I had done pull-ups, deadlifts and benching beforehand.


I can only put a dent in this bar with IM wraps. I don't have anything against anyone who uses double wraps but they give you a huge advantage. I enjoy watching big steel being killed in every way, however, I feel that double wraps are to bending what lifting straps are to deadlifting.

Like I said I don't have a problem with anyone using double wraps and I enjoy watching the videos of the people that do use them take down big steel.

I hope this does not start a firestorm of debate because I am just trying to illustrate how much of a differance it made for me.

I am going to use the double wraps as a training tool to build strength but I won't be bragging about anything I've bent in them.

I hope someone can use this info and better themselves as a bender.

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I'll continue to only train in double wraps. With the exception of Gazzas videos with single wraps, I'm more impressed with Paul Knight bending a BKOAB in double wraps than I am with somone bending an IM Red nail in IM pads.

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for me once the bar is kinked to about 15 deg i find double wraps a hinderance.

i do agree though that they give you a big advantage on the kink

the thing is though if you aren't strong enough to crush down a KOAB or a big G5 or whatever, then it makes no difference what its wrapped in

Taking down a KOAB in any wraps is world class elite work IMHO

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I'll continue to only train in double wraps. With the exception of Gazzas videos with single wraps, I'm more impressed with Paul Knight bending a BKOAB in double wraps than I am with somone bending an IM Red nail in IM pads.

I don't have any problem with you bending in what ever wraps you like. As I stated before I like to see guys like you kill big steel in double wraps. I hope you continue to improve, you are a strong bender.

My point is take away your double wraps and you will be where I'am at!

Also, I bent that 5/16x6" in the traditional DO style(hands just above nipples)I don't have the flexibility and I'am not going to try to get it to bend in the high DO style.

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My point is take away your double wraps and you will be where I'am at!

You're either having a laugh or high on drugs if you believe that statement! :blink You honestly believe that you are as strong as Chad (or me perhaps, since I just used double wraps to bend a Huge Shiny) with thin pads?

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I am no fortune-teller, but I forsee this thread being locked REAL SOON ;);)

p.s. By the way, Chad is one of the best steel benders on the board!!!!!!!!!

Edited by naturalstrength
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for me once the bar is kinked to about 15 deg i find double wraps a hinderance.

i do agree though that they give you a big advantage on the kink

the thing is though if you aren't strong enough to crush down a KOAB or a big G5 or whatever, then it makes no difference what its wrapped in

Taking down a KOAB in any wraps is world class elite work IMHO


That's funny.

Mine gave me a huge advantage on the kink, they did not really get in my way until 40-60 degrees.

To give you a visual my knuckles were pretty much hitting together

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My point is take away your double wraps and you will be where I'am at!

You're either having a laugh or high on drugs if you believe that statement! :blink You honestly believe that you are as strong as Chad (or me perhaps, since I just used double wraps to bend a Huge Shiny) with thin pads?


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My point is take away your double wraps and you will be where I'am at!

You're either having a laugh or high on drugs if you believe that statement! :blink You honestly believe that you are as strong as Chad (or me perhaps, since I just used double wraps to bend a Huge Shiny) with thin pads?



I've read this 100 times and come to this conclusion without seeing someone face to face we really can't get on the same page.

I'am not trying to say I'am stronger or better than anyone(like Chad or Ben)I am simply stating that double wraps provide a huge advantage.

I am not saying I could out bend these guys.

What I'am saying is that this bar has been to tough for me in single wraps. I wrapped it up in double wraps and killed it pretty easily.

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My point is take away your double wraps and you will be where I'am at!

You're either having a laugh or high on drugs if you believe that statement! :blink You honestly believe that you are as strong as Chad (or me perhaps, since I just used double wraps to bend a Huge Shiny) with thin pads?

I'll leave this alone.

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My point is take away your double wraps and you will be where I'am at!

You're either having a laugh or high on drugs if you believe that statement! :blink You honestly believe that you are as strong as Chad (or me perhaps, since I just used double wraps to bend a Huge Shiny) with thin pads?

I'll leave this alone.

Yes, I believe I can bend a huge shiny in double wraps. Do you believe that you and Chad are mythical!!!!or untouchable!!!!

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My point is take away your double wraps and you will be where I'am at!

You're either having a laugh or high on drugs if you believe that statement! :blink You honestly believe that you are as strong as Chad (or me perhaps, since I just used double wraps to bend a Huge Shiny) with thin pads?

I'll leave this alone.

Yes, I believe I can bend a huge shiny in double wraps. Do you believe that you and Chad are mythical!!!!or untouchable!!!!



Do those and get back to us.

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Im sure this will get locked soon. How bout you try a huge shiny in some double wraps next time and see what happens. And if thats too easy try a KOAB. Heck try a MOAB. You'll be using double wraps so it should be easy.

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Aaahhh! The good old wrapping debate, wonderfuuuul!...

However, you have a point when you say it is easier to kind with doubles, in my case I win about 1/2 inch of my PR with IM pads, so it's not such a radical difference. But I really think you should try a huge shiny before you make statements like that. Chad is one of the best benders on the board right now, and if you bend similar stuff as he do, you're almost obligated to show us that :)

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I can't believe nobody has congratulated me on my bend :D

My apologies for making this comment:My point is take away your double wraps and you will be where I'am at!

That was ignorant and I should'nt have said it. Both Chad and Ben are world class benders and I'am not on thier level yet-I hope to be one day.

I opened this bag of worms and hopefully I can close it back up before everybody and thier brother gets pissed at me. I really did not want this thread to turn into this even though I contributed to the way it turned out. I was just really surprised at how much the double wraps helped me, this was also a slap in the face for me and a good indicator that I need to work harder with single wraps to get to where I want to be. Using the double wraps will be a good way to show myself that my goal bar can be bent then I can remove wrapping little by little until I get down to IM wraps or less. I think it would be interesting to know how much of a difference double wraps vs. single wraps makes for each person, I'am sure for some it might not make that much of a difference at all. I feel it's also necessary that I say again that I like to watch vids of all styles of bending and I really don't have a problem with anyone using double wraps all the time. One thing I do worry about as our sport grows and gains popularity is this: When someone bends the same bar as Gary, and this will happen, but using thick/double wraps, some none bender watching youtube videos will consider this to be the same feat of strength. We know that it is not, but the general public will just see the same bar being bent.

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I should keep my mouth shut but here it goes! The bottom line guy's is this is a hobbie guy's yes passion run's high feeling's get hurt gentlemen and ladies it's suppost to be fun ! No one here make's a living at bending steel not that i know of maybe a few strongmen etc. Why not just enjoy it instead of who is stronger and what wrap's are you using I do this for entertainment not to prove im stronger than the next guy. If you were putting on a big money contest then I could see a concern but until people figure out how to make money at who care's HAVE FUN WITH IT ! Hell most of the time if or when I tell people that I bend steel which I do not tell most people they look at me like im from another planet YOU DO WHAT ! So relax have fun get stronger improve yourself and stop taking this sh##t to serious !

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In my oppinion, people should bend the way they feel, and do what makes them happy and sattisfied. It may sound unpersonal, but we do this for the sake of joy and happiness?

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One of the main reasons I started out using minimal wraps is this. Say you are at a party, cookout or family reunion and somebody ask's what you have been up to and you tell them about unbraced bending. After explaining everything the guy says I've got some 60D nails or long bolts or whatever in the garage and i'd like to see what you can do with them. If you have to tell him that you can't even give it a shot because you don't have your wraps, chaulk and rubber bands then that dude will immediately think you are full of s***.

Yes this is really just a hobby and none of us will every get rich off of just bending steel but I do feel some standards should be set.

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First of all bending is something most people do for fun not just to impress others so I think people should be able to bend in whatever they want. Yes double wraps do provide an advantage for the kink portion of the bend, we all know that. I think this whole debate started when you started comparing your bending to Chad's and Ben's. Until you have video proof of you bending a fastastic bastard or a KOAB I dont think you can make such claims.

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First of all bending is something most people do for fun not just to impress others so I think people should be able to bend in whatever they want. Yes double wraps do provide an advantage for the kink portion of the bend, we all know that. I think this whole debate started when you started comparing your bending to Chad's and Ben's. Until you have video proof of you bending a fastastic bastard or a KOAB I dont think you can make such claims.

I have already apologized for what I said in the heat of the moment in a previous post.

I never really compared myself to anyone anyway. Somebody else did it for me.

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These types of posts/threads are better than ANYTHING reality television can dish out.

Very entertaining!(still nowhere as good as "Family Guy", sorry)

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