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8" Spike Bend & Break!


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On Saturday, (5-16-09) at the Mo Town Grip Down, Brad Manion bent and BROKE an 8" Spike for a group of us witnessing! :rock I have bent a few of his 8" Spikes and they're very hard. Not as hard as an FBBC 8" Spike, but definitely hard.

That was really cool to see what it took to bend and break an 8" Spike! :cool

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On Saturday, (5-16-09) at the Mo Town Grip Down, Brad Manion bent and BROKE an 8" Spike for a group of us witnessing! :rock I have bent a few of his 8" Spikes and they're very hard. Not as hard as an FBBC 8" Spike, but definitely hard.

That was really cool to see what it took to bend and break an 8" Spike! :cool

If Ben says it's tough then I know it's tough!

Good job :rock:rock:rock

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Nice work Brad :rock You're a beast :D

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Great job, It would be interesting to see how much force it takes to do that.

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Brad also mangled a shoe that I couldn't budge. He told me it was harder than he thought it would be but I think he was just being nice. It was probably his Bloodsport t-shirt that gave him the power.

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Brad also mangled a shoe that I couldn't budge. He told me it was harder than he thought it would be but I think he was just being nice. It was probably his Bloodsport t-shirt that gave him the power.

Did anyone get wrapping duty delegated to by Brad :D

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Brad also mangled a shoe that I couldn't budge. He told me it was harder than he thought it would be but I think he was just being nice. It was probably his Bloodsport t-shirt that gave him the power.

Did anyone get wrapping duty delegated to by Brad :D

Haha! :D Screw that. I'll wrap another 100 nails when pigs fly.

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Awsome bend\break Brad !! :blink Thanks for this report Ben. :)

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Thanks guys. Breaking that 8" x 3/8" spike was pretty tough, but nowhere as tough as the 2'nd time I tried it, when I was in an all-out sprint for roughly 15-20 minutes. Each time I do this feat, I keep telling myself two things:

1) I'm not doing that again


2) I bet if I changed the technique by doing this (fill in the blank here) then it would be much easier

Since thought #2 always pops into my mind, I'm definitely going to have to do this again. One thing I know will make this go a lot easier is cutting the head off the spike. The wraps on that side work themselves loose rapidly, unlike the wraps on the point side.

As for Josh's horseshoe, I don't know exactly what it was, but it was SCF size#1, and just a little bit thicker than a Lite, but not quite as thick as a Plain Regular. Ben and I took calipers to it and it measured about 0.344 inches thick, which sounded about right. It was my first time bending a shoe with the clips/heels, and this shoe was every bit as tough as a Plain Regular. I got it to maybe 100 degrees, same as the Plain Regular #3 I did right afterwards.

And to answer Josh's question, yes, my Bloodsport "Kumite Champion 1988" t-shirt did help me achieve victory over the spike. I wanted a little extra power for Saturday, and as such, I was pretty sure my Cobra Kai t-shirt wouldn't cut it. No offense, but Daniel LaRusso wasn't as tough an opponent for the Cobra Kai as Chong Li was for Frank Dux.

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Thanks guys. Breaking that 8" x 3/8" spike was pretty tough, but nowhere as tough as the 2'nd time I tried it, when I was in an all-out sprint for roughly 15-20 minutes. Each time I do this feat, I keep telling myself two things:

1) I'm not doing that again


2) I bet if I changed the technique by doing this (fill in the blank here) then it would be much easier

Since thought #2 always pops into my mind, I'm definitely going to have to do this again. One thing I know will make this go a lot easier is cutting the head off the spike. The wraps on that side work themselves loose rapidly, unlike the wraps on the point side.

As for Josh's horseshoe, I don't know exactly what it was, but it was SCF size#1, and just a little bit thicker than a Lite, but not quite as thick as a Plain Regular. Ben and I took calipers to it and it measured about 0.344 inches thick, which sounded about right. It was my first time bending a shoe with the clips/heels, and this shoe was every bit as tough as a Plain Regular. I got it to maybe 100 degrees, same as the Plain Regular #3 I did right afterwards.

And to answer Josh's question, yes, my Bloodsport "Kumite Champion 1988" t-shirt did help me achieve victory over the spike. I wanted a little extra power for Saturday, and as such, I was pretty sure my Cobra Kai t-shirt wouldn't cut it. No offense, but Daniel LaRusso wasn't as tough an opponent for the Cobra Kai as Chong Li was for Frank Dux.

Great job Brad!!! I have no idea how you can endure 20 minutes of continuous bending like that :blink , especially on an extremely tough spike!!Congrats :rock:rock:rock

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Thanks guys. Breaking that 8" x 3/8" spike was pretty tough, but nowhere as tough as the 2'nd time I tried it, when I was in an all-out sprint for roughly 15-20 minutes. Each time I do this feat, I keep telling myself two things:

1) I'm not doing that again


2) I bet if I changed the technique by doing this (fill in the blank here) then it would be much easier

Since thought #2 always pops into my mind, I'm definitely going to have to do this again. One thing I know will make this go a lot easier is cutting the head off the spike. The wraps on that side work themselves loose rapidly, unlike the wraps on the point side.

As for Josh's horseshoe, I don't know exactly what it was, but it was SCF size#1, and just a little bit thicker than a Lite, but not quite as thick as a Plain Regular. Ben and I took calipers to it and it measured about 0.344 inches thick, which sounded about right. It was my first time bending a shoe with the clips/heels, and this shoe was every bit as tough as a Plain Regular. I got it to maybe 100 degrees, same as the Plain Regular #3 I did right afterwards.

And to answer Josh's question, yes, my Bloodsport "Kumite Champion 1988" t-shirt did help me achieve victory over the spike. I wanted a little extra power for Saturday, and as such, I was pretty sure my Cobra Kai t-shirt wouldn't cut it. No offense, but Daniel LaRusso wasn't as tough an opponent for the Cobra Kai as Chong Li was for Frank Dux.

John Creese would take Chong Li down to Arkansas and knock his dick in the dirt. :D

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Great job Brad!!!

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Wow, Brad! Your horseshoes have progressed immensely.

Breaking an 80D must take all the fun out of steel bending. :laugh:bow

Do have a video of your spike bending technique, not necessarily the breaking technique?

And hey, do you want to come to our little contest here in Texas that no one wants to come to? You would kick some serious butt. :mosher

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I'd love to go down to Dallas for the contest, but I'm not sure yet, mainly for economic reasons. I'd like to do Grip Nationals, which I just barely qualified for, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have the money for both. If I can arrange the money situation, however, I'm going.

Also, if I am to compete in Dallas, I have to work on a few things:

1)Padding. Been double wrapping since I started for all 3 styles, plus I use a moderate thickness of towel for padding when bending the shoes. I have tried your "no padding SCF Plain Regular #3" and while I did get the shoe to 90 degrees, it hurt like absolute hell and I couldn't go on.

2) Freestyle bending... Ironically, my shoulder flexibility has gotten poorer since I've lost 40 pounds in the last year. Then again, at the 7" length, I have learned that if I can modified DU something to around 80-90 degrees, I should be able to crush it. Being able to do so in 2 minutes or less would be a challenge, but I can work on it.

It'll be tough, but I'll train as if I'm doing both, just in case. Doing that, along with Sheiko training for powerlifting, my main focus, will keep me quite busy. Hopefully, I can train with Josh Dale a few times this summer so I can improve my game.

I'll send you a PM when I've got the money situation figured out.


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I dont even know if I can bend one of those, nevermind break it! awesome feat Brad :rock

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I dont even know if I can bend one of those, nevermind break it! awesome feat Brad :rock

I'm sure you could bend it, especially the GripRite bright common spike, the kind I did. I'd like to try out some FBBC 10" and 8" spikes now that I've got my technique down, and I imagine they're much nastier than the brutal FBBC spike which I did about 2 years ago

I use knee-row to kink spikes, and once I get about 20 degrees of damage in the spike (which is about the limit of how far I can kink it), I can crush it with a vertical posting on my thigh. It's tough, true, but certainly possible with some explosion and very precise hand placement.

I'll try to get some video up of an 8" spike bend, but it may take some time to get a camera.

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Brad, we can use some leather padding on the thigh for the horseshoes. The padding thickness will be sufficient for most everyone, especially if you practice with the narrower dimensions for a little while. And, of course, starting your bend double underhand in the freestyle event is perfectly acceptable. So, all we need now is money. :) I sure hope we can make it work.

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