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The Steel Slayer Showdown


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Rejoice my fellow benders. Paul gave the nod to my idea of the two of us hosting a competition to determine the strongest and most well rounded steel bender. :D Actually, there will be two crowned, as I've decided to contest two weight divisions: under 200 and 200 and over. The date is set for Saturday, September 19th here in Fort Worth, with substantial cash prizes for first through third in each weight class. Trophies of some sort will also be awarded for the top three, in addition to a trophy for the Oustanding Bender. This special trophy will be decided by popular vote cast by all of the competitors. The idea is to decide which of the two winners is the "most impressive" with regards to not only their overall ability, but their strength to body weight ratio, as well.

To secure enough money to attract the best of the best from across the nation, and hopefully the world, I'm asking for sponsorship in the form of money. I'm also asking that any benders who feel "called" to help with the cause to bring the top benders together under one roof for a showdown, to please donate. If we can put together enough money to attract the top guys and have any additional I will use it to help with travel expenses for elite benders in need.

Although the idea is to settle the question of who is the number one all around bender, I encourage benders of all levels to attend.

Here's the events in order of performance:

1) reverse grip bending with 6" stock (standard rules)

2) freestyle bending with 7" stock (other than the 2 minute time limit, all other standard rules apply)

3) braced bending with 8" stock (basically, brace how you wish, and complete in 3 minutes)

4) horseshoes (bend to 180 degrees in 3 minutes)

Three attempts will be allowed for each discipline.

I've never been a fan of the strongman scoring system, but in light of what it is I'm trying to determine, I think it will work best. To elaborate, I want the winner to be well rounded, as opposed to someone who is heads and shoulders above the rest in his pet discipline but mediocre in the rest. That being said, the stock in the first three events will be calibrated to give an accurate idea of how difficult they are. The horseshoes will be of various makes and sizes. First place will receive one point, second place two, and so on all the way down the line to last place. If twentieth is the last place position he will receive 20 points. Of course, the fewest number of points wins. The total points of all four disciplines will determine the bender's total. Final ranking is based on the total. In the event of a tie the winner will be chosen by the total calibration poundage of his best bends in the first three events.

To level the playing field, speed up the contest running time, and prevent guys from exhausting themselves on thirty minute high tech wrap jobs I will be requiring that we all bend with single wraps of a maximum total thickness. Leather arranged in a flat stack will be allowed for general body padding in the horseshoe and braced event. The thickness will be limited and I will supply it.

If anyone is interested in helping out with a donation or in any other way that they are able I would surely be very appreciative. But keep in mind, this is your contest benders! I'm only hosting it. All proceeds will go towards the purchase of steel stock, refreshments, cash prizes, etc. I will keep a public ledger here on the board for all to view of each and every donation made to insure my complete accountability, as well as a detailed description of how the money is being spent. For those who wish to donate anonymously I will assign them a four digit number identification that will be posted next to their donation dollar amount in the ledger.

Here's my PalPal address: eric-the-red@sbcglobal.net

But I will also accept snail mail payments.

And so far, here's the lineup:

1) Paul the Knight

2) me

3) Rex Hubbard

4) Greg Griffin

5) Mike Krahling

6) Casey Emery

7) Cody Sherrod

8) Mark DeSouza

9) Alex Graves

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Very cool Paul, hope it works out and you get the best in the world! Seeing as how you and the guys in that area are already some of the best that'll be a show to remember.

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Very cool Paul, hope it works out and you get the best in the world! Seeing as how you and the guys in that area are already some of the best that'll be a show to remember.

You need to compete, Ben! :)

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Seems like a good occasion for me to go after the mythical 60D.


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Seems like a good occasion for me to go after the mythical 60D.


I wish you all the best as you embark on this noble quest.

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Very cool Paul, hope it works out and you get the best in the world! Seeing as how you and the guys in that area are already some of the best that'll be a show to remember.

You need to compete, Ben! :)

Appreciate the nod Eric, but I'm not interested these days buddy. I've moved on to other projects. Something which I've threatened/promised to do for a while. I used to train strictly for myself and making gains and now I train because I like to and I want to keep in some degree of shape and strength. But the majority of my time is spent on some career-oriented endeavors now. I still write about grip and all things hand strength-related on my blogs, but even those might go the way of the Dodo bird this year or next. I like writing about anything training-related and I've been writing for some websites lately and will release something of my own when the time is right. I'll be checking on you guys and your progress every week or so still. You were one of the biggest influences on me and have helped me immensely along the way. Here's wishing you continued progress through the years Eric! Grip is in my blood and I don't think it'll ever go completely out. But it's been bled out by some happenings and arguments I've admittedly put myself into the middle of in the past year especially. I like watching the records in grip and bending go higher and higher. I'll at minimum have my hand in some of the elite guys' training routines for a few years to come I think. Even if it's behind the scenes as it has been lately, it's all fun.

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you know I'm in

same wraps for the shoes too? I think we should

..... and are we calling this the BBB :laugh

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Wow, this sounds really interesting. Let me look into my schedule & expenses. Sounds like this could be alot of fun.

Question about the braced bending 10" stock. What dia pcs are we bending. Do they increase by 1/8" or 1/16" I am only asking because i could be close to 10" x 1/2" (if i start training on it again right now :D ) but 10" x 3/8" would be a big drop in difficulty. Would you have a 10" x 7/16" or else it will be Paul or Tim bending the 1/2" and everyone else in a tie for second bending 10" x 3/8". If not would time of bend denote the places?

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I'd love to compete, but unfortunately I don't see me getting down to Texas anytime soon :cry (this is not some subliminal cry for sponsorship either :laugh ) I'm not a fan of the standardized wraps, 3-5 minutes between groups of benders leaves plenty of time to wrap up even the craziest of wraps so long as you have 2 or more groups... unless you're Paul... but I understand your argument. It's also been proven that the best benders will win regardless of wraps so that's not even an argument. When would you think of putting this on?

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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I am kind of suprised that there has not been many people responding to this thread.

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I am kind of suprised that there has not been many people responding to this thread.

no shit! I thought it would be getting more traffic - I guess peeps are scared of single wraps :laugh just remember other people who are used to double wraps will be there also with the same handicap - I've learned over the past year (and some change) that nothing has made me better at grip than competeing, so if nothing else - just compete and it will make you a better gripster, plus you have the op to learn alot from , hopefully, the best benders in the world - if they show up - I suspect Mike hadland will be there since he's so close and I would love if Gaz could show up - although he recently expressed that he would be focusing on kettlebells for awhile, he may not be able to resist the comp being called the baddest benders and all :laugh

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I've edited the original post with three changes. To avoid having two "BBB"s, the contest is now named The Steel Slayer Showdown. Instead of October, I've moved it up to some time in September. And with regards to the wraps, instead of standardized wraps, I'll be limiting the total thickness. I like the idea of requiring that the rolled wraps, without the bar included, pass through a ring of a certain diameter. Something like 1 1/4" would be good. This would provide a little more hand protection than Iron Mind wraps. Double wrapping will not be permitted.

And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little discouraged by the lack of interest. But if it's just me and my training buddies, the show will go on. :rock:) And first place will receive a beer.

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i would love to compete but won't be int he states until sometime on december best of luck fellas

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I'll compete.

I knew you weren't scared Greg :rock

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I'll compete.

Very cool. You'll be in the under 200 class, won't you, Greg?

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I've set a date. Saturday, September 19th.

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I'll compete.

Very cool. You'll be in the under 200 class, won't you, Greg?

I usually weigh 190 something so, most likely.

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What is this, why are no more guys interested in this?!?? I wouldn't hesitate if it wasn't for the small fact that I live in sweden...but the prospect of meeting and talking with the elite guys in real life almost makes me drool, lol

These kind of events could make bending grow as a sport, so what are you all waiting for :rock:rock:rock ?

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Damit :angry: Eric, i just noticed the date was Sept 19th. And i already have plans that weekend. I could (and would) make it, if it changes to earlier Sept or anytime in October. I was actually logging on to say i was going, good thing i read the posts from last night first! :angry::angry::angry:

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This may indicate a sociological difference. Gripsters are more 'put up or shut up', and enjoy competition. Benders view what they do more in terms of personal progression, evaluating themselves without 'face to face' reference to others. It's instructive that both the GB bending certs and the FBBC certs don't require the bends to be done in competition (only Bob's list requires that, and it's not updated much or discussed much). Grip, on the other hand, has lots of 'must be done in competition' lists. This may not be accidental.


Edited by The Natural
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Damit :angry: Eric, i just noticed the date was Sept 19th. And i already have plans that weekend. I could (and would) make it, if it changes to earlier Sept or anytime in October. I was actually logging on to say i was going, good thing i read the posts from last night first! :angry::angry::angry:

I just re read this and it was not saying this toward you Eric. I should have put a coma after the word damit. I was just mad at not being able to make it to this showdown, not saying it to you. Sorry for the way it looked.

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I've edited the original post with three changes. To avoid having two "BBB"s, the contest is now named The Steel Slayer Showdown. Instead of October, I've moved it up to some time in September. And with regards to the wraps, instead of standardized wraps, I'll be limiting the total thickness. I like the idea of requiring that the rolled wraps, without the bar included, pass through a ring of a certain diameter. Something like 1 1/4" would be good. This would provide a little more hand protection than Iron Mind wraps. Double wrapping will not be permitted.

And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little discouraged by the lack of interest. But if it's just me and my training buddies, the show will go on. :rock:) And first place will receive a beer.

So you can use your own wraps as long as they pass through the ring.

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