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Fbbc Stainless Hex

Paul Knight

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Got some new stock in from the supercalafragalisticexpialadocious company know as Fat Bastard Barbell Company - got mostly stainless stuff which included the brand new Stainless hexabastard (5/16"). I've talked to Aaron about stainless hex and I've seen a video of Ben and Chad bending a piece, but never had the luxury of trying one myself. I knew they were hard, but when you look at it, I thought it didn't look too intimidating. Damn! I was wrong! I don't expect this batch to cal very high because the kink wasn't terribly hard, but the crush felt waaaaaaay harder than the kink that's FO SHO. Aaron and I were talking about the stainless hex the other day and he was saying that it wasn't until after he had bent a big G8 that he was able to finish off the stainless hex :blink .......... I suspect the stuff he had was much harder because Aaron would have creamed this peice of steel - he prolly would have takin it down to like a 1/4" :dry Anywho - this is a badass piece of steel! everyone should check it out to see what I'm talkin about - I'm going to see if I can talk Eric into cal'ing it tomorrow night when I'm over there so we can see what it hits, but what ever it falls on, the crush is way harder than the kink (if I had to guess: maybe 575 perhaps less) -great stuff to train on. Thanks John and keep comin up w/some cool stuff - you're doin a great job!

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Congrats Paul, That is one hell of a bend. I hope Eric can calc that, it will be interesting to see where it fits in. What kind of wraps do you use? Is that suede for the first and leather for the second? Or both Suede? I'm just curious because i am still messing around with different options to figure out what works the best for me.

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Very nice Paul! :)

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Some of us were bending that a few years ago before it became a novelty like alot of the stainless seems to be most are only now cottoning onto the fact that its superior to train with or it might be because its now recognised by certain companies and is now part of the clicke invogue steel.

Hell me an Maximus1 were messing with that 3 years ago it seems like alot of people are way behind the times :tongue as Dylan said the times they are a changin.

Anyway congrats Paul stainless hex is tough stuff im suprised you havent gone after this a good while ago seein as how Eric calibrated some of Bens and mine along time ago it certainly ramps up alot more than the round stock the kink does do it justice.

Just had a quick look in one of my diaries and me an maximus1 were useing that in 2005 when i still worked at the same place as him.

Not being funny but why has it taken others nearly 4 years to start useing this except for a few others like Aaron and Ben again is it now because its been approved all of a sudden?

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Some of us were bending that a few years ago before it became a novelty like alot of the stainless seems to be most are only now cottoning onto the fact that its superior to train with or it might be because its now recognised by certain companies and is now part of the clicke invogue steel.

Hell me an Maximus1 were messing with that 3 years ago it seems like alot of people are way behind the times :tongue as Dylan said the times they are a changin.

Anyway congrats Paul stainless hex is tough stuff im suprised you havent gone after this a good while ago seein as how Eric calibrated some of Bens and mine along time ago it certainly ramps up alot more than the round stock the kink does do it justice.

Just had a quick look in one of my diaries and me an maximus1 were useing that in 2005 when i still worked at the same place as him.

Not being funny but why has it taken others nearly 4 years to start useing this except for a few others like Aaron and Ben again is it now because its been approved all of a sudden?

Perhaps the price has been a detriment? A general lack of knowledge about how hard it is? I've known about it for awhile now, ever since Ben told me about his stainless hex a year ago or so. Same with Brendan. I just haven't gotten around to ordering any. Not to mention there is a huge discrepancy in the difficulty. Some place's stainless hex is between a Shiny and an Edgin and others, like the one Paul bent, are much harder.

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Some of us were bending that a few years ago before it became a novelty like alot of the stainless seems to be most are only now cottoning onto the fact that its superior to train with or it might be because its now recognised by certain companies and is now part of the clicke invogue steel.

Hell me an Maximus1 were messing with that 3 years ago it seems like alot of people are way behind the times :tongue as Dylan said the times they are a changin.

Anyway congrats Paul stainless hex is tough stuff im suprised you havent gone after this a good while ago seein as how Eric calibrated some of Bens and mine along time ago it certainly ramps up alot more than the round stock the kink does do it justice.

Just had a quick look in one of my diaries and me an maximus1 were useing that in 2005 when i still worked at the same place as him.

Not being funny but why has it taken others nearly 4 years to start useing this except for a few others like Aaron and Ben again is it now because its been approved all of a sudden?

I think Eric calibrated the hex before I ever met him, but not sure

The only time I had heard about it was from Aaron and the stuff he was trying sounded above my level, so I never bothered getting it until I thought I was getting stronger on my crush, but when I recently emailed John for some steel, he replied and said he's got some new stainless hex in so I thought "what the hell" and ordered some cause I'd never tried it .............. and it wasn't after that until I searched on Youtube for "Stainless Hex" and found Ben and Chad's video - although I must have seen Chad's before and forgotten about it because I had commented on it. Anyways I guess I'm way behind, but I simply hadn't heard much about it on the Board, oh well. I think we should name it the "Sexabastard" short for stainless hexabastard obviously. What do you think John? or did you already have a name for it?

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Some of us were bending that a few years ago before it became a novelty like alot of the stainless seems to be most are only now cottoning onto the fact that its superior to train with or it might be because its now recognised by certain companies and is now part of the clicke invogue steel.

Hell me an Maximus1 were messing with that 3 years ago it seems like alot of people are way behind the times :tongue as Dylan said the times they are a changin.

Anyway congrats Paul stainless hex is tough stuff im suprised you havent gone after this a good while ago seein as how Eric calibrated some of Bens and mine along time ago it certainly ramps up alot more than the round stock the kink does do it justice.

Just had a quick look in one of my diaries and me an maximus1 were useing that in 2005 when i still worked at the same place as him.

Not being funny but why has it taken others nearly 4 years to start useing this except for a few others like Aaron and Ben again is it now because its been approved all of a sudden?

I think Eric calibrated the hex before I ever met him, but not sure

The only time I had heard about it was from Aaron and the stuff he was trying sounded above my level, so I never bothered getting it until I thought I was getting stronger on my crush, but when I recently emailed John for some steel, he replied and said he's got some new stainless hex in so I thought "what the hell" and ordered some cause I'd never tried it .............. and it wasn't after that until I searched on Youtube for "Stainless Hex" and found Ben and Chad's video - although I must have seen Chad's before and forgotten about it because I had commented on it. Anyways I guess I'm way behind, but I simply hadn't heard much about it on the Board, oh well. I think we should name it the "Sexabastard" short for stainless hexabastard obviously. What do you think John? or did you already have a name for it?


That is my nickname, but I'll let you use it. :happy

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BTW - Eric and I noticed that the hex was slightly magnetic - you can't tell from the video magnet test because it wasn't magnetic enough to pickup the steel. I have noticed that Shinys become magnetic after you bend them and it's on the arc only, not the ends - but this hex was a little magnetic over the whole thing before bending. We also noticed that it wasn't as Shiny as a Shiny - we held them side by side and the hex looked more dull. John - was this 303 Stainless?


That is my nickname, but I'll let you use it. :happy

though your nickname was limpbastard, but maybe I heard wrong :laugh

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BTW - Eric and I noticed that the hex was slightly magnetic - you can't tell from the video magnet test because it wasn't magnetic enough to pickup the steel. I have noticed that Shinys become magnetic after you bend them and it's on the arc only, not the ends - but this hex was a little magnetic over the whole thing before bending. We also noticed that it wasn't as Shiny as a Shiny - we held them side by side and the hex looked more dull. John - was this 303 Stainless?

That is my nickname, but I'll let you use it. :happy

though your nickname was limpbastard, but maybe I heard wrong :laugh


Some stainless can still have carbon in it which i believe is what makes it magnetic. I know 410 stainless screws are magnetic even though they are stainless. And that is because the regular stianless is to soft to be used as a drill point screw. Like all steel there are tolerances they need to maintain to be classified as a certain type of steel and these tolerances can vary alot with a steel type. So it does not suprise me for that stainless to be slightly magnetic!

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Congrats Paul, That is one hell of a bend. I hope Eric can calc that, it will be interesting to see where it fits in. What kind of wraps do you use? Is that suede for the first and leather for the second? Or both Suede? I'm just curious because i am still messing around with different options to figure out what works the best for me.

thanks Mike - my inside wraps are I think leather/suede that I got from Jeremiah Fox last April (08) and I think I need a new pair. my outtside wraps I got from Eric when I first met him - on one side it feels like suede (real soft) on the other side it has a nap to it. I was actually looking for my IM wraps cause I was gonna use those for the inners, but I forgot them at home or at Alex's house when I wentover there the other day. Anyways, I think all the leather was bought at Tandy - GL!

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BTW - Eric and I noticed that the hex was slightly magnetic - you can't tell from the video magnet test because it wasn't magnetic enough to pickup the steel. I have noticed that Shinys become magnetic after you bend them and it's on the arc only, not the ends - but this hex was a little magnetic over the whole thing before bending. We also noticed that it wasn't as Shiny as a Shiny - we held them side by side and the hex looked more dull. John - was this 303 Stainless?

That is my nickname, but I'll let you use it. :happy

though your nickname was limpbastard, but maybe I heard wrong :laugh


Some stainless can still have carbon in it which i believe is what makes it magnetic. I know 410 stainless screws are magnetic even though they are stainless. And that is because the regular stianless is to soft to be used as a drill point screw. Like all steel there are tolerances they need to maintain to be classified as a certain type of steel and these tolerances can vary alot with a steel type. So it does not suprise me for that stainless to be slightly magnetic!

Not trying to call you out here, Mike, but all steel contains carbon :) . Steel is by definition an alloy of iron and carbon, being mostly iron. The reason for our Shiny Bastards' (300 series SS) non-magnetic quality is due to the higher quantity of nickel. The right amount of nickel stabilizes the austenitic crystalline structure of the steel. This is just my layman's hypothesis, but I believe the bending of the steel damages some of that crystalline structure and consequently, the kink area of the bar regains some magnetic quality. Go ahead and test it out :) Other SS is always magnetic. Put a magnet to your kitchen cutlery. Chances are that it's 410 SS which is martensitic, which has about 1/5 or less the amount of nickel. :cool

BTW Great bend Paul!! That stuff looks nasty!

Edited by easyWeight
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BTW - Eric and I noticed that the hex was slightly magnetic - you can't tell from the video magnet test because it wasn't magnetic enough to pickup the steel. I have noticed that Shinys become magnetic after you bend them and it's on the arc only, not the ends - but this hex was a little magnetic over the whole thing before bending. We also noticed that it wasn't as Shiny as a Shiny - we held them side by side and the hex looked more dull. John - was this 303 Stainless?

That is my nickname, but I'll let you use it. :happy

though your nickname was limpbastard, but maybe I heard wrong :laugh


Some stainless can still have carbon in it which i believe is what makes it magnetic. I know 410 stainless screws are magnetic even though they are stainless. And that is because the regular stianless is to soft to be used as a drill point screw. Like all steel there are tolerances they need to maintain to be classified as a certain type of steel and these tolerances can vary alot with a steel type. So it does not suprise me for that stainless to be slightly magnetic!

Not trying to call you out here, Mike, but all steel contains carbon :) . Steel is by definition an alloy of iron and carbon, being mostly iron. The reason for our Shiny Bastards' (300 series SS) non-magnetic quality is due to the higher quantity of nickel. The right amount of nickel stabilizes the austenitic crystalline structure of the steel. This is just my layman's hypothesis, but I believe the bending of the steel damages some of that crystalline structure and consequently, the kink area of the bar regains some magnetic quality. Go ahead and test it out :) Other SS is always magnetic. Put a magnet to your kitchen cutlery. Chances are that it's 410 SS which is martensitic, which has about 1/5 or less the amount of nickel. :cool

BTW Great bend Paul!! That stuff looks nasty!

Thank you Darin, your explination makes alot more sense, please disregard my earlier post. I just know the 410 stainless was magnetic because it has started arguments with myself and an Architect on a jobsite. And i tried (not to well) to explain what i thought about the magnetic property of stainless. I'll try to be more specific next time :D

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My supplier just started carrying the shiny hex. I tried to get it in earlier (when I started selling stainless), but the local supplier didn't carry it & told me I had to buy at least 100lbs of it. Which was about 30-40 sticks. A bigger investment than I was interested in for a slow moving product due to cost. At the rate I was selling stainless back then it would have been years before I sold enough to make cost back. Now since they stock it as a standard item, I can buy 5 sticks or so at a time, so he happily have another new challenge.

I'm pretty sure it's 303, that seems to be what they carry in stainless across the board. I'll check, though. The duller appearance was noted when I de-greased the first stick. The SS square is duller, too. Don't know why.

Thanks for the great review, Paul! Glad to carry new toys (that extra bundle of bolts was for a price misquote, I quoted you on a DBBB, not the DB loading pin. Just made up the dif with bolts).

Nice bend, BTW, that looked to toughen up a bit at the end like you said. I need to try one!

Edited by John Beatty
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:rock:rock super strong
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Great bend Paul. Keep it up. You'll have to bend one for me when I come out.


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Man that is great, keep it up Paul! Damn I need to get into bending, maybe I'll get myself one of the beginners kits from Iron Mind. How should I start training for it? Sledge levering and wrist curls?

Funny story: I got into an argument with someone at school over the video (watched it there earlier today), they claimed it was some kind of fake steel. I told them that just because they're a weak twat and couldn't do it does not mean another person couldn't. I then took out my CoC#1 from my pocket (I keep it with me at all times) and told them to close it, they couldn't. I then closed it for 25 reps with my left hand and made sure to grind the handles each time, then told them to claim that is fixed too. My instructor laughed at the moron, I did too.

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...just got a chance to watch the vid, Paul. Great stuff! :rock

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My supplier just started carrying the shiny hex. I tried to get it in earlier (when I started selling stainless), but the local supplier didn't carry it & told me I had to buy at least 100lbs of it. Which was about 30-40 sticks. A bigger investment than I was interested in for a slow moving product due to cost. At the rate I was selling stainless back then it would have been years before I sold enough to make cost back. Now since they stock it as a standard item, I can buy 5 sticks or so at a time, so he happily have another new challenge.

I'm pretty sure it's 303, that seems to be what they carry in stainless across the board. I'll check, though. The duller appearance was noted when I de-greased the first stick. The SS square is duller, too. Don't know why.

Thanks for the great review, Paul! Glad to carry new toys (that extra bundle of bolts was for a price misquote, I quoted you on a DBBB, not the DB loading pin. Just made up the dif with bolts).

Nice bend, BTW, that looked to toughen up a bit at the end like you said. I need to try one!

yes I noticed the stainless square looked a little different too - maybe we'll try to cal one of those tonight too. I also noticed you sent me extra stuff - I just thought you liked me :laugh

you defenitly need to try one John, but it shouldn't stop you with your 6" Edgin under your belt unless you're rusty. Thanks again

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OK - we calibrated the stainless hex and the stainless square ....... the hex came out to 610 which was a little higher than what I was guessing and I was very suprised at the stainless square .... the 7" x 5/16" FBBC Stainless Square came out to 880lbs! :whacked so it looks like it's harder than some of the KOASB's that Eric has cal'ed in the past - WOW! ....... Gazza - do you want me to send you these, cause I don't think I'll be bending them for awhile.

Edited by Paul Knight
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OK - we calibrated the stainless hex and the stainless square ....... the hex came out to 610 which was a little higher than what I was guessing and I was very suprised at the stainless square .... the 7" x 5/16" FBBC Stainless Square came out to 880lbs! :whacked so it looks like it's harder than some of the KOASB's that Eric has cal'ed in the past - WOW! ....... Gazza - do you want me to send you these, cause I don't think I'll be bending them for awhile.

Ugh! Those are some high numbers. Once again, well done on the stainless hex :rock

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