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Who Will Be The Next Man To Bend The Red (sub 2 Mn)?


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I know it too. It is your turn Perry. You've aldeady done it, just about cutting time now

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Thanks for the vote of confidence guys...haha! :D I know I'm close to it and believe me I want to get it over with so I can move on to harder stuff (bastards & shinies). Heck, half the stuff I ordered from FBBC I can't even move yet. Hopefully sometime in the next week I can give it shot. I found some 5/16" stainless the other day at a local hardware store and was cutting myself a few pieces yesterday...slipped and my left index finger ran into the end of the bar - nice 1/2" slice on the top of my finger, blood came dripping out immediately. Hopefully that doesn't set me back much, I still plan to workout today.

I've been bending for about 14 months now so I'm no prodigy. In all likelihood I'm one of the weakest benders to ever take up the hobby/sport. All you guys who have a background in strength seem to reach my current level in a matter of weeks or days even. I'll get there eventually, it'll just take a bit longer. :happy

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You've got it no problem man. Stop with all this "weak" talk. You've already bent a red, now get it right in your mind and 2 minutes is yours!

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LOL Adam!

Perry : weakest bender to ever take the sport?? NO WAY!

the bastards(stock) u have shoud be around 500/515 lbs ... this means: if u pick one shiny and kink+ sweep it to 90 deg u can bend it under 2" in one single workout!

the hard work u have been doing with the stainless will give u the big reward!

is the kink on the 5/16" ss harder than the bastard?

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Thanks for the vote of confidence guys...haha! :D I know I'm close to it and believe me I want to get it over with so I can move on to harder stuff (bastards & shinies). Heck, half the stuff I ordered from FBBC I can't even move yet. Hopefully sometime in the next week I can give it shot. I found some 5/16" stainless the other day at a local hardware store and was cutting myself a few pieces yesterday...slipped and my left index finger ran into the end of the bar - nice 1/2" slice on the top of my finger, blood came dripping out immediately. Hopefully that doesn't set me back much, I still plan to workout today.

I've been bending for about 14 months now so I'm no prodigy. In all likelihood I'm one of the weakest benders to ever take up the hobby/sport. All you guys who have a background in strength seem to reach my current level in a matter of weeks or days even. I'll get there eventually, it'll just take a bit longer. :happy

I agree with Adam here, "stop with the weak talk!" ;) You're more than ready for the Red under 2mn Perry, you just have to believe :rock ...besides, it's all just punny, pathetic, worthless, no good steel not deserving of your respect!

But, if you're feeling you need to get stronger, there's only one way to solve it. Get in the gym and start lifting man! Get under the bar and start squating, benching, and deadlifting (over the bar :P).

Good luck on your next bend Perry!

LOL Adam!

Perry : weakest bender to ever take the sport?? NO WAY!

the bastards(stock) u have shoud be around 500/515 lbs ... this means: if u pick one shiny and kink+ sweep it to 90 deg u can bend it under 2" in one single workout!

the hard work u have been doing with the stainless will give u the big reward!

is the kink on the 5/16" ss harder than the bastard?

I would say it's an easier kink Hugo, hence why I've been so successful with it :)

Edited by easyWeight
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It's more of an overall body weakness that I was referring to. I'm a bit jacked up now due to a bad bicycle accident in 2001 - crushed a couple vertebrae in my middle back. I have back pain constantly from the time I wake up until I go to bed. I have a feeling squats and deadlifting would only cause an increase in discomfort. I wouldn't be against doing some traditional lifting (whatever I could manage) if there was a gym in the area...exercise isn't so popular here. I'd have to travel about 2 hours to get to one. I went to the gym a few times back in 1998 when I was still in the military with some coworkers who asked me to join them. I tried bench pressing and managed a whopping 95lbs...once. Never got to try deadlifting or squatting. They got tired of having to wait while I pulled their plates off to put my little ones on so it didn't last long. I just played around on the various "machines with cables" and the free weight section was pretty much off limits. I couldn't find dumbbells light enough. I've always had a pathetically weak upper body, even back in my high school days. They'd have those annual fitness tests and I couldn't even get 10 push-ups. I could run so I did track & cross-country.

Odin suggested doing dips so I've been doing a few of those between two chairs, with my feet out in front of me on the floor. I don't think I could do a full bodyweight dip.

Anything that doesn't put a lot of weight on my spine is OK. With the grip stuff I do (thick DB, pinch block, hub) I'm able to brace the arm not being used on my leg to support my back which helps a lot. Bending is fine since it doesn't add weight to the spine. When I found out about all this grip stuff I thought "this is the thing for me". Most of it can be done without having much upper body strength but after getting to know more about it one can see that having a strong upper body is a huge asset. I've seen it mentioned many times that the really strong grip guys are generally strong all over. I'm not trying to become a grip monster and chances are I'll never get to enter a grip competition but I enjoy the many different aspects.

I've got two reds left (thanks to Hugo) and one of those will go down in under 2 min. Thanks for the support guys! :D

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Perry: back pain its common ;but i believe u can improve your "life quality" doing a couple of weight training(i am not doing ANY)

Some guys with knee pain are doing SQUATS with big results(not below paralell).

U can squat with one BIG ball (soft ball)in your back while u pick 2 weights(one each hand), this is VERY SAFE!

Sercher squats not below paralell seems to be good for bending,ts not easy to handle lot of weight here.

Give it a try bro.

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That sucks to hear about your back Perry, and you shouldn't worry about what the |absolute| weight you're moving is. That's really irrelevant. Also, if your back can't take the stress there are alternatives or movements that you can use to strengthen your legs, i.e. leg press, leg extensions, hamstring curls, etc. For bending, however, you should work on mid to upper back (lats, traps and rhomboids), front deltiods and chest. Those are the dominant muscles in the bend. Obviously, you wouldn't just train those muscles, but that should give you an idea what to train specifically for. Overall body strength with give you the greatest advantage.

I wouldn't say you have to go all out and start powerlifting either Perry. Just doing some light body weight exercises would no doubt give you great results, i.e. push ups, shrugs on a dip machine, reverse push ups (pronated grip or supinated grip), pull ups (same grips as RPUs), rope climbing, etc. As for lower body stuff, running would be good, riding a bike with moderate resistance, and so on.

Most of that stuff you can do without a gym.

I highly recommend doing some type of exercise!

Edited by easyWeight
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Perry, I am a 'well built' fellow, but I don't come from any strength background. I am a fat nerd with weak wrists, and if I bent the red nail, so can you. With your short bends, you have at least as much crushing strength as I do. The only thing on my side is shoulder flexibility.

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