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New Power Scroll


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5/8" square scroll

It's not real pretty, but it was mostly a strength test. I've been powerlifting for a little while now and haven't seriously scrolled or hit long bars in a bit because of that. I feel like there has been some good carry over and that the 2 (scrolling and powerlifting) aid one another. My long bar and overall scrolling power are usually very relative to my raw deadlift max. If one goes up so does the other.

The last time I messed with this stock it kicked my ass. Twisting this stuff or trying to get a full loop in it at a reasonable length is brutal. I feel pretty close to a full coil with this at 4'. It should be a good stepping stone to a 3/4" coil.

That bend in the twisted portion was particularly brutal, I would rank bending twisted 5/8" above 3/4" length for length.

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That's sweet man. How long did you have to fight it? Looks pretty gnarly.


I think I messed with it for maybe 30 - 40 minutes. That's a guess though, I changed it around a couple times after the main bends were done and I still waste allot of time wrestling to find the right position and leverage with hard stuff like this.

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5/8" square is brutal stuff - that's some strong work there! How long a bar was it?

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5/8" square is brutal stuff - that's some strong work there! How long a bar was it?

It was just over 8'.

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I pretty shure its tough stuff if your calling it brutal as i consider you up there with the best scholling and braced bending wise congrats mate and keep at it.

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woa massive scroll Tim!! I would consider just bending that a nice feat nevermind scrolling it :rock. great stuff!!

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8 ft. for that size bar is good bending Tim.

You finish your Raven?


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Erik, thanks man, I was proud of it but I don't really know what else to compare it to. I am not done with the raven, I got the other wing on and am progressing a bit but I've been pressed for time helping my friend out fixing his car he just blew up and some other crap. I takes allot of time messing with that scroll and is more demanding of patience and creative planning at this point than strength. It's fun to give stuff like this 5/8" square a go, it doesn't take much time and it really tests my power.

Hugo, I deadlifted 450lb maybe a month ago.

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Wow, nice deadlifting too. I need to get more weights so I can do some better deadlifting. Right now I've just got 210 lbs but I can tell, I doubt I can double that weight.



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I can't even fanthom so many bends in a bar like that. Great stuff Tim!

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