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The Shiny Finally Dies!


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I finally bent the Shiny!

I take back what I said yesterday about my kink still being off. Today isn't my usual bending day, but I felt strong and decided to try a shiny, and down it went! The key was finally being able to kink it in single leather wraps...it goes faster, has a tighter radius, and I don't have to fool around with shedding a layer while the metal cools.

Anyway, I'm happy. The video sucks, as usual, but I'll post a link if it ever finishes loading.

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Awesome work Matt :rock .can't wait to see the vid.

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Great accomplishment Matt :rock

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Sweet! Looking forward to the video! :rock:rock:rock

BTW I want some of that kink strength back that you stole from me :laugh

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Nice Matt. :rock great bend bud.Looked very solid. :rock

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looks like somebody ate their wheaties this morning :rock:rock! looked way too easy for you. nice job man, a big shiny bend is just around the corner

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Thanks everyone! I am flying high today.

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Awesome Matt :rock

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Congrats Matt! :rock That's an awesome bend - something to be proud of.

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Good job man. I haven't got to enjoy that yet.

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Matt. Dude. I'm so happy for you man. I know you've wanted that one for a while, and you worked your tail off to get it. My hats off to you bro :rock:bow:bow:bow:rock

I echo the above great work Matt congrats :bow

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:rock:rock:rock Now go bend a Huge shiny!!!!

(I didn't mean Big Shiny)

Well Done Matt-Looked very strong on that bend

Edited by naturalstrength
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Thanks again guys...

Gazza - your 'punisher of stainless steel' bends made me really want the stainless :D

Carl - After you, pal :blink I'm still after the regular Huge Bastard...

In case anyone was curious, It's been 20 months since I first started bending...my first bend was an IM White Nail in an old T-shirt. You hear about guys bending the red in two weeks...that wasn't me. When I first got the FBBC bender's bag, a 1/4" G2 was about my max bend.

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Matt, great work man! You're a great bender and a great inspiration!

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as u know i dont consider myself stronger than anyone else but i bend the red in 2 weeks (your comment )...:-)

high motivation+ good friends helped me a lot no doubt.

progress can be tricky sometimes but i believe time means nothing to achieve goals; because the mind power its always in first place.

Gazza is the best bender in the world and i still believe he is in a diferent dimension when he bend something ... and he 's always talking about this ... after 3 months of bending i feel something different from the beggining: now i dont feel FEAR(in the past i was shaking and scared by the size of the steel)...

one more time:

i knew from your eyes u would smash this punny steel:-)

if u used single wraps i believe u can use im wraps and repeat this bend!

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Hugo, I wasn't referring to you, but I think you may underestimate your ability. I'm not saying you meant it like this, but you can place too much emphasis on the mental. Some people truly need to work very hard to see any gains at all in bending, and it's unfair to them to say that their failing is purely mental. I struggled for months to bend a G8. Sometimes my hands hurt so much from my attempts I could not sleep. I really did need to get stronger before I could progress.

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