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Red Nail Cert Race


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Well I guess the title pretty much sums it up. :D

Anyway I haven't bent anything for a couple months but I'm looking to get back into it and I could use some motivation.

If anyone is interested (regardless of level because I'm basically starting from scratch again) I'm starting another thread with the same title in the workouts section so let me know.



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I saw the other thread first, but I am up for it...hopefully a short race. I am ordering some red nailes this week, and if I can bend one when they get here, I will email IM about the cert.

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kill it!

i may eventually try the red nail cert this year but i need to bend more g8's (im wraps) first.

i think Darin aka easyweight will kill it this year(easely).

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Heh, I hope so Hugo!

I'm in too. Sounds like a good way to stay motivated!

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My goal is also the IM red, but i dont really care about the cert thing tho. Im thinking of ordering some red nails as soon as i get some cash, maybe ill videotape my ever first red^^

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Bring it on guys :devil I bent a shiny bastard today...it took over 5 minutes, but my crush is much stronger than ever before. Kink strength is probably a little more important in thin pads, though, but I think the SUPERKINK will prevail over the red nail :laugh:devil:happy

Edit - For full disclosure, I did sign up for the cert last fall, but then asked IM to postpone it after I hurt my shoulder. This is what I was capable of at the time: Red Attempt #1

Edited by The Writer
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Bring it on guys :devil I bent a shiny bastard today...it took over 5 minutes, but my crush is much stronger than ever before. Kink strength is probably a little more important in thin pads, though, but I think the SUPERKINK will prevail over the red nail :laugh:devil:happy

Edit - For full disclosure, I did sign up for the cert last fall, but then asked IM to postpone it after I hurt my shoulder. This is what I was capable of at the time: Red Attempt #1

yeah .... Matt is Sandbagging! ....... I guess I'll just join the race too :laugh

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yeah .... Matt is Sandbagging! ....... I guess I'll just join the race too :laugh

Paul, you have to do it barehanded. :tongue

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I might join the race. I'm good for a G8 bolt with IMP's now. My kink with IMP's sucks. But actually I'd like to do the red cert bend in reverse style, just finish up DO :) I'm very close to reversing the red with double pads, thin pads will take a while.

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Kink strength is probably a little more important in thin pads

Bingo, 80% of the challenge with the red nail cert is to kink the s%#&cker with thin and hard pads and no rubber bands, not only a strength issue but also partly different technique and a great deal of pain tolerance, since it really grinds your skin :)

Edited by yodajaeger
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My goal is also the IM red, but i dont really care about the cert thing tho. Im thinking of ordering some red nails as soon as i get some cash, maybe ill videotape my ever first red^^

No real point in bending the red with fatties though (you've already bent the bastard with fatties haven't you?), the red is a lot easier to kink than bastards. And the major difficulty with the IM cert is the pads, really beats up your hands, fun if you like that! :)

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i am in! :rock

i like the pain :blink thats the main reason i want to do it!

i need to do it quicker ...! later in the year.

Edited by ewokhugo
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I'm in. My goal is to do it by my bday on June 11th.

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I ordered some reds last night. As soon as they get here, I'll give one a whirl.

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down? whatd o u mean??

It means he's joining. It's a lesser used meaning of the word "down". Think of it as "put my name down on the list". ;)

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I have to admit I was a little confused by Caolan's post at first, too :tongue I thought it meant he was injured...

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nope definitely not injured :D. I am in! My hands are spoiled from only bending in double leathers you guys are probably all ahead of me :blush

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i received for free 2 pair of IM wraps and only did 1 training session till now:-)

its a great felling but i need to learn how to apply the "torque" technique.

any idea how to do it properly?

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i received for free 2 pair of IM wraps and only did 1 training session till now:-)

its a great felling but i need to learn how to apply the "torque" technique.

any idea how to do it properly?

It's as easy as 1,2,3!!!!

1.Grip the bar as hard as you can

2.Bear the pain!!!!

3.Bend the bar ;)

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Despite the joking, I have to agree with Carl. I don't have any special technique...I just give it the superkink, and hope the bar bends before I start feling the pain :tongue

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