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287 2" Vbar And Blob+7.7


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Sweet Lifts Derek :rock :rock

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Derek... why the sore biceps? Was you allowing the bar to rotate as you lifted?? This was how Chris James tore his bicep.

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Awesome lifts Derek! Your progress is just amazing!

BTW - Do you know where I could find some decent videos that explain the proper technique for lifting the V-bar? I've been looking around Youtube, but I couldn't really find anything useful.

IROC-Z, what I try to do is get my fingers as close to parallel to the ground as possible for the initial pull. You'll notice that Derek pulls with open fingers, actually goes mostly of instinctual grab (just grabs and pulls), but I make an effort to get my fingers in closer together. I could legitimately argue for or against either. I also try to lodge my thumb against the lower part of my middle fingers, but not sure I get much out of that with my size hands.

I might put a few minutes into my take on how to approach the VBar and put it on youtube. I'll let you know if I do.

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Steve, it rotated a bit on a few of my lighter lifts where I didn't concentrate as much on keeping it straight as I should. Ill have to make sure next time to not allow that to happen, however I think it just naturally makes my biceps sore as this isn't the first time its happened and it usually doesn't rotate much.

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dude your grip strength is as sick as the rest of the top guys here.. i'm floored! justl ike joe said.. lb for lb you're one of the strongest in this joint! SICK LIFTS MAN! DAMN! lil mini andrew D right there HAHA

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IROC-Z I don't believe there are any technique instructionals for Vbar, but its a fairly basic lift. Watch a lot of the videos on youtube and you can get a basic idea of technique. Feel free to PM me if you have questions.

IROC-Z, what I try to do is get my fingers as close to parallel to the ground as possible for the initial pull. You'll notice that Derek pulls with open fingers, actually goes mostly of instinctual grab (just grabs and pulls), but I make an effort to get my fingers in closer together. I could legitimately argue for or against either. I also try to lodge my thumb against the lower part of my middle fingers, but not sure I get much out of that with my size hands.

I might put a few minutes into my take on how to approach the VBar and put it on youtube. I'll let you know if I do.

Thanks guys. I've never tried the V-bar, but I would like to give it a shot in the near future. Right now I'm just a little bit afraid of doing the lift wrong and tearing the skin off my hand.

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IROC-Z, if you're talking about 2" Vbar then the risk for tearing your skin is nill, however if you're talking about 1" I have one suggestion for you, don't train on it. The only thing you want to watch for is an over rotation of the bar during the lift as this could cause bicep problems.

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