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Inch Dumbell Difficulty


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I have to disagree pal.

I closed a super elite in a tournament and was about a dimes width from a 4 at the same tournament , as well as repping 3s very easily........I'm not certified for any of them.............but I have done it in person amongst some of the most respected people on this board..........it don't mean I can't do it just because I never certified.

Oh, I have closed a 4, and it was harder than some of the 4s I have felt people certify with.

If your refering to the comment i made about people who posted that they would certify but never did. I was not talking about people like yourself. I know your strength level and others on the board who are top grip athletes I was talking about the people who are no longer active in the board and have stopped training grip.I also know that there are people who are capable of certifying but chose not to. I was merely trying to point out that many people have said they would do it but could not, and it is a worthy goal to strive for.

its all good buddy.

I am just getting geared to start competing again

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i don't think that is necessarily true though. i didn't even think i would close a #1. then i closed it. didn't think i'd do a #2 then i did it. people laughed at me, some of them my own family when i said i will try the #3, and what happens? i close it too! lol!

it's great to have high goals like this, but sometimes if you fail it will bring you more down then it will bring you up. if that makes sense.

@ Rick, keep this in mind.

Setting goals which are too high will only lower your motivation and self esteem because it will take too long and eventually there will be a good chance of you giving up.

I've seen in your signature you've closed the #2, now aim for the #2.5 or even the #3, but no higher then that.

Once you've accomplished that goal, set a new goal which isn't too high that it seems impossible, but also not too easy so you'll have to set new goals every week or so.

I'm sure you'll understand what I mean as soon as you've felt the #3, #3.5 and #4.

I closed the #3, I can even rep it. the #3.5 is starting to feel possible but the #4 still feels like a brick!

Now if I would constantly aim for the #4 I would fail each workout. This wouldn't help in getting there.

Instead I don't even think about the #4 until I closed the #3.5.

Just like I didn't think about the #3.5 before I closed the #3. You need to keep things in perspective.

The same goes for the inch dumbbell. Set your goal on the Rolling Thunder for 75kg, then 85kg, then 90kg, then 95kg and then finally 100kg.

After that, go get the inch. Before that, don't bother, you won't be able to lift it ;)

I hope this makes some sense. Besides strength training being a physical challenge (your body getting stronger), it's also a mental challenge. You will need to know and believe you can perform a specific feat.

If you fail often enough, it'll only get worse.... ;)


Edited by White Scorpion
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3. Im really looking foward to coming to your grip meet. could i have our post code or address so i can give it to my parents ? ( ie so i can get down lol) also what time will it start and when does it finish?

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I like your attitude - you a climber?

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I like your attitude - you a climber?

No Im not a climber I trick. I basicly combine flips, twists and kicks into a cool astetic thing.

Its a differnt thing to grip altogther :)

Why you ask

Plus Im also slowly getting myself into strongman training.

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I like your attitude - you a climber?

No Im not a climber I trick. I basicly combine flips, twists and kicks into a cool astetic thing.

Its a differnt thing to grip altogther :)

Why you ask

Plus Im also slowly getting myself into strongman training.

I noticed your chalk bag - it looks like a climbing chalk bag - is "trick" similar to "Parcour" ?

and would'nt the strongman training kill your trick? you'll loose a lot of flexebility and movement

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I guess eventually it would but so far all sqauts have done for me is give me a 36inch vertical jump which is quite usefull :)

Yer it will lower my flexabilty and my movement will slow down. but i will be powerfull enough to not need to be agiale :)

Plus it will take a good 5 years to be strongman level. :)

Yes it is a chalk bag for rockclimbing I used to when i was 11 or so but havnt in very long time. (got dropped while being bealayed. Fell like 80 feet and ripped all the tendons in my right foot and also snapped my ACL in my right knee :(

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