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Holy moly, you're doing 20 rep squats every other day? That's pretty hardcore man. I've done one set of 20 reppers before and I didn't walk right for a few days. I can't imagine doing them that frequently. Nice work!

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Holy moly, you're doing 20 rep squats every other day? That's pretty hardcore man. I've done one set of 20 reppers before and I didn't walk right for a few days. I can't imagine doing them that frequently. Nice work!

Thanks Darin! It's funny, cause I actually get a lil' bit scared when the next session comes up. :blush Those last 5 reps are with me screaming, shaking, and puffing like a freight train. I love the way I feel after, but man, knowing that's coming is a bit intimidating! :D:blink

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20 rep squats again. Wasn't feeling good so just did the squats and some bending.


1 x10x135# WU

1x5x205# WU

1x20x285# :rock


PR!! 5/16''x8'' CRS in a bandana DU/Rev. Can go shorter soon. :rock

Later! :cool

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20 rep squat session. Decided to drop the stiff legged DL's from the program, as I feel the squats and bent barbell rows work my hams and lower back sufficiently. I think the stiff legged DL's were just over training my back. I was feeling unusual fatigue in my lower back very frequently, and it wouldn't go away. In other news, I added 8# to my dips, and 10# to my barbell rows. Here's what went down:


1x10x135# WU

1x5x205# WU

1x20x290# ( :rock 1 more session till 300!)


1x20x24k kettlebell


3x10xBW(254#)+33#=287# total

Barbell Rows--

2x10x165# (Added 10# here. Should have added more.)

Standing Military Press--


1x9x175# (Allllmmmooost had it! I'll get it next time! 2x10x175# will fall! :rock )

Later! :cool

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Are you planning on stopping at 300x20 or continuing on until you can't do it anymore? Whatever the case, that's a huge milestone man!

Great pressing as well!

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Are you planning on stopping at 300x20 or continuing on until you can't do it anymore? Whatever the case, that's a huge milestone man!

Great pressing as well!

Darin, thanks for the encouragement!

I'm planning to keep it up for 6 weeks. Any longer would likely lead to overtraining. So, a total of 18 workouts.(3 per week) As of right now, I'm 9 workouts in, or halway done. By the last session, i should be squatting 340 for 20.

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Are you planning on stopping at 300x20 or continuing on until you can't do it anymore? Whatever the case, that's a huge milestone man!

Great pressing as well!

Darin, thanks for the encouragement!

I'm planning to keep it up for 6 weeks. Any longer would likely lead to overtraining. So, a total of 18 workouts.(3 per week) As of right now, I'm 9 workouts in, or halway done. By the last session, i should be squatting 340 for 20.

WOW!!! 340 would be absolutely unbelievable!!!

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Are you planning on stopping at 300x20 or continuing on until you can't do it anymore? Whatever the case, that's a huge milestone man!

Great pressing as well!

Darin, thanks for the encouragement!

I'm planning to keep it up for 6 weeks. Any longer would likely lead to overtraining. So, a total of 18 workouts.(3 per week) As of right now, I'm 9 workouts in, or halway done. By the last session, i should be squatting 340 for 20.

Do you know what your 1RM is? 340 would indeed be a great set of 20s!

I think I may have to hit a set of 20 reps soon myself. Keep hammering away man!

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Are you planning on stopping at 300x20 or continuing on until you can't do it anymore? Whatever the case, that's a huge milestone man!

Great pressing as well!

Darin, thanks for the encouragement!

I'm planning to keep it up for 6 weeks. Any longer would likely lead to overtraining. So, a total of 18 workouts.(3 per week) As of right now, I'm 9 workouts in, or halway done. By the last session, i should be squatting 340 for 20.

Do you know what your 1RM is? 340 would indeed be a great set of 20s!

I think I may have to hit a set of 20 reps soon myself. Keep hammering away man!

I have no idea Darin. I want to wait till I'm done to see. When I started this, my 1RM was around 315! I expect that by the end, it should be at least in the mid to upper 400's. :rock

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Are you planning on stopping at 300x20 or continuing on until you can't do it anymore? Whatever the case, that's a huge milestone man!

Great pressing as well!

Darin, thanks for the encouragement!

I'm planning to keep it up for 6 weeks. Any longer would likely lead to overtraining. So, a total of 18 workouts.(3 per week) As of right now, I'm 9 workouts in, or halway done. By the last session, i should be squatting 340 for 20.

Do you know what your 1RM is? 340 would indeed be a great set of 20s!

I think I may have to hit a set of 20 reps soon myself. Keep hammering away man!

I have no idea Darin. I want to wait till I'm done to see. When I started this, my 1RM was around 315! I expect that by the end, it should be at least in the mid to upper 400's. :rock

I have no doubt that if you hit 340 for 20 you will be hitting a much better single than 315 :D.

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Another 20 repper, and man am I stoked!! I got a little froggy and skipped 295# and went straight to 300#.........and got it for 20!!!!! :rock :rock :rock :rock PR! I also added 5# to my barbell rows, and finally got the mil. press 2x10x175#; and then some. AWESOME night! Here's what went down:


1x10x135# WU

1x5x205# WU

1x20x300# PR!!!


1x20x24k 'bell


3x10xBW(254#)+33#(287# total)

Barbell Rows--

2x10x180# (added 5#, easy.)

Standing Military Press--


1x11x175# (I knew I had it by the 9th rep, so I threw in an extra rep just so it knew that I owned it! :rock )

Misc-- Picked up my #3, closed it righty, hair away lefty. Getting way more consistent with this.

That's it. Later! :cool

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On Rex's advice, I changed things up for a session. Instead of 20 reppers, I did some heavy singles; and shocked myself in the process. I hit 425 tonight!! :rock And that was after a bunch of heavy singles. So, at 4 weeks into this program, I have went from a 1RM of 315#.....to 425#.......that's 110# increase in 4 weeks. I also added 10# to my dips, and 5# to my barbell rows. Here's what went down:


1x10x135# WU

1x3x205# WU







1x1x425# PR!!!

Barbell Rows--

2x10x185# (added 5#)


3x10xBW(255#)+43#(298# total) --(added 10#)


Clicked the handles on my filed #3 righty. Held it closed for 10 sec. or so. Lefty was just not cooperating tonight, so I held it at around 1/4'' out for as long as possible.

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It was only a matter of time Jeremiah. You'll be at 500 VERY soon without a doubt. You might even want to think about going for 20x330 instead of 305 for your next 20 repper ;)

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Changed it up a little bit. After being sore from the last session of heavy singles, I got to thinking; when was the last time I was sore from squats? I couldn't remember. I think my body was getting used to the volume. So, I broke it up into sets, and added a bunch of weight. We'll see how it goes. I added 3# to my dips for a total of 300#. I also added 25# to my barbell rows. Here's what went down:








1x5x355 (was just experimenting; I'll start with this weight next time.)

Barbell Rows--

2x10x205 (added 25#)

Weighted Dips--

3x10xBW(255#)+45#(300# total)

Will do Mil. Press tomorrow, as my arms were smoked from the dips. Later! :cool

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Started out as a normal session.........until I decided to beat myself into oblivion with squats!! :rock I also set a new PR in the process...........450lb baby!!!! And that was after this:


1x10x135 WU

1x5x205 WU






1x1x430 (this is actually a 5lb PR over my last PR of 425)

1x1x450 PR!!!!!

1x1x460 MISS :angry: Was just too smoked.

I guess 500 isn't as far away as I thought it was. Sweet! :rock Well, I'm gonna go figure out how I'm gonna walk tomorrow; I'm already getting sore! :rock :rock I love squats! Later. :cool

Edited by Foxman
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Dang dude! That's some serious squatting right thar! :rock

Thanks Darin! Yeah, I agree with that. My whole body is sore today, and I just did squats. :D

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Going to separate the movements to different days to prevent overtraining, and to allow me to re-incorporate grip and bending into my workout schedule. Here's what went down:


5x5xBW(255)+90#!! total weight 345# (I added 45# and cut the reps in half. This wasn't all that hard, and I might try to add 55# next time for a total weight of 400#!! I might be able to even get a single for BW+200# fairly soon. In light of this, I'm going to add a double BW dip to my 09' goals. :rock

2 45's plate pinch--

Long way away from this; made several attempts, but still stuck to the ground. :blush

Card Ripping--

Ripped a deck of Bikes in under a minute. Not hard, should've had it in about 10 seconds, but I grabbed the deck weird after the initial rip, and got the deck all dis-combobulated. This is the first pack of Bikes I've ever ripped, and they felt easier than the dollar store cards I was ripping. I guess I'm a bit stronger now. :)

Nail Driving--

Drove about 20 16 penny nails through 1'' pine

Wrist Roller--

2.5'' dia., w/ 70# attached. 5 sets of fwd. and rev. all the way up till failure.

45# plate toss and catch--

2 sets until failure, alternating hands

That's it! Later! :cool

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Felt a little weak early on in the session; I dunno if maybe I need more rest between squat sessions or what. I may not be able to go that heavy twice a week. We'll see.


1x1x135 WU

1x5x225 WU



1x1x455 FAIL :dry (felt weak, dunno why)





Felt better towards the end of the session. Next time I try a PR attempt, it'll be after more warm ups. Later! :cool

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Strongman feat/bending session. First time bending in a while. Used only thin single leathers.


3 Canadian 70d's Rev/DU (got these at "Menards". TOUGH nails!)

1 60d in bandanna

2 8'' crescent wrenches (Menards brand. Consistent, and won't break. These will be my new show wrench.)

Nail Driving--

drove about 20 16d's thru 1'' pine board. Hanky for padding.

Card Tearing--

1 deck of bikes

Beast Pressing--

cleaned and pressed 48k kettlebell 7 times with each arm.( EASY. Enjoying the strength boost from all the squats. :rock )

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Squat session. Going to try to implement Louis Simmons plan Darin (Easyweight) clued me in on. This is the first ME lower workout. No accessory work tonight, as it was late.

1x5x225 WU





1x4x400 (rep PR!!)

That's all for now..... :cool

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Good work man! I'm glad you decided to give it try!

If you read Louis Simmons articles he talks about dynamic effort days. I personally see very little use for them unless you're planning on becoming a powerlifter (actually they've never done anything for me at all). That's why I think a repetitive effort day is more useful. Not that bands and chains aren't useful on ME days!

One thing you may want to keep in mind and something I'm learning (because I did the same thing when I started this method) is to start hitting doubles/singles the closer you get to your work set so you have enough gas in the tank to hit a solid 3-5rep max.

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