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For shoulder/bench/press/etc days, do these:

Trust me Jeremiah, they are amazing. It specifically works your rotator cuffs and for benders/pressers/etc, that is absolutely essential. Don't bother doing them super strict, that doesn't matter. Just swing the weights the same as in the vid. Do a few sets with 30's and finish off with a few sets using 20's, you'll be happy you did.
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For shoulder/bench/press/etc days, do these:
Trust me Jeremiah, they are amazing. It specifically works your rotator cuffs and for benders/pressers/etc, that is absolutely essential. Don't bother doing them super strict, that doesn't matter. Just swing the weights the same as in the vid. Do a few sets with 30's and finish off with a few sets using 20's, you'll be happy you did.

Thanks Zach! I'll have to get a utility bench and try these out. Looks like something I would like; I tend to enjoy those rotational type movements. :D

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1/15/09' pm

Started by driving some nails with my hand. Inspired by Paul's vid on youtube, this was the first time I'd ever done this. I need to get some thicker wood, as all I had on hand was some 3/8'' pine, and that wasn't much of a challenge. I'll try to pick up some 1/2'' or 3/4'' pine soon. The thinner 3/8'' stuff was flexing when I would hit it, and was taking alot of my force away when it did. Used a bandana for my palm, and used 16d bright common nails.

Decided to do a little bending. Now I haven't DO bent in about 5 weeks, and it showed! :blush Groove felt weird, and I dunno if it was an off day or what, but I could barely put a kink in a huge triangle edgin. My 6'' kink felt like crap, and my wraps are shot. It almost felt weird to use those big ol wraps after DU bending in tiny leathers and bandanas. Almost.............annoying.(bet you thought you'd never hear me say that!) I plan to do alot more minimal pad DU stuff, as I want to get a bastard/shiny in a bandana this year. I'll continue to fat pad bend, but that won't be my main focus for a while. Anyway, here's what went down:

Fat Pads:

6'' Triangle Edgin--Fail. Kinked to 30 deg.

480 Bastard-- Bent DU

2x 5/16'' x 6'' G2 DU

Hard Fantastic Bastard to past 90--DU

Tiny Leathers:

Trad. DU

5'' black JH

6'' Triangle G8



Hope DO feels better next time! Later! :cool

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A bit higher intensity squat workout this time. Groove felt WAY better this time, and I bet I could have hit a 1 rep pr if I would have tried early on in the sets. Weight was jumping off my back at top of reps, and felt light. I think my endurance is going to be my limiting factor for a while, as the 10 rep set with 255 was fairly easy for the first two, but I was getting fatigued by the second two sets. I think once my conditioning gets up to par, I should be around a 275-295 working set. Here's what went down:








BTW-- somewhere in the midst of these sets, I picked up my #3 and closed it righty(mms), and held it closed for about 15 sec. :rock

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Thanks Guys!

Josh, I would do the MM0, but my #3 is filed. I asked Bill, and he said no mods to the gripper are allowed, so I'll have to wait to cert on an unmolested #3! :rock

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Wrist work--

Made a wrist roller for my power rack out of 2'' pvc(2.5'' o.d.), and man does it smoke the forearms! :blink Sets were all the way up, back down, then reverse.

5 sets w/ 60# till failure.

Will increase weight next time.

Nail Driving(w/ hand)--

16d nail, bandana in palm, 1/2'' thick board.

6 nails driven, then pulled out w/ fingers.



8'' x 1/4'' crs, rev. to 30 deg.

If I would have kept it moving, I could have taken it further.


7'' and 8'' x 1/4'' crs DU---(failed pieces from barehanded attempts)

Later! :cool <><

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Fox! Bro, nice bending. It's awesome that you are doing the traditional stuff. Keep it up! The nail driving isn't even challenging you! get 1" White Pine and don't hold back. You will go through it! Great show feats there. Can't wait to see Bastard domination in Bandanna in the Summer months! :unsure

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Fox! Bro, nice bending. It's awesome that you are doing the traditional stuff. Keep it up! The nail driving isn't even challenging you! get 1" White Pine and don't hold back. You will go through it! Great show feats there. Can't wait to see Bastard domination in Bandanna in the Summer months! :unsure

Thanks Casey! I picked up some 1'' pine today after church. I'll give it a shot later and see what happens! :rock

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Starting a 6 week 20 rep squat program. Tonight was the first night.


10x135# WU

10x205# WU

18x255# (failed on 18th rep. Got stuck in the hole. Will do same weight Thursday, WILL get 20, and then will continue adding 5# per session.)


1x20x25# plate

Stiff legged DL's--

15x135#(yeah, weak, I know, but my back isn't quite used to this program yet, and wouldn't cooperate. Weight was EASY, but back was annoyed.)

Bent over rows--

2x15x48k kettlebell each arm


3x10xBW dips

Military press--

2x12x155# (standing)

PR!! Drove a nail(w/ hand) through a 1'' board. This bested my previous PR of a 1/2'' board. Vid will be posted in the gripboard forum. Later! :cool

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Impressive squats Fox.

Thanks Kevin. I'm about to go out and hit it again in a few min. I WILL get 20 reps this time, even if I pass out! :rock

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u are doing great FOX!

borrow one #3 and get the mm0 its the only way i see this possible.

congrats for giving nail driving a try , sounds a great challenge and very fun!

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Did another 20 rep squat session. I will be doing this every Tues, Thurs, and Sat for the next 5 1/2 weeks in hopes of adding major mass and overall strength. :cool


10x135 WU

5x205 WU

21x255 (got 20 this time baby! I added an extra one to make up for last time!! This also resulted in my lying on the floor panting like a dog for a few minutes.)

Will be adding 5# per session from now on. I love squats!!! :D:rock :rock


1x20x25# plate

Stiff legged deadlifts--

2x15x205 (Back felt way better this time! :rock )


3x10xBW (currently 251#)

Bent over rows--

2x15x48k kettlebell

Standing military press(strict)--


Randomly picked up my #3 and closed it righty, and came a hair from closing it lefty. Sweet!

Later! :cool

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I told ya you would get through the 1" :). Don't stop there Fox! Onward to 2"!!! You use an odd grip for Nail Driving. I've never seen anyone drive without it between the fingers! Good job!

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21x255 (got 20 this time baby! I added an extra one to make up for last time!! This also resulted in my lying on the floor panting like a dog for a few minutes.)

Will be adding 5# per session from now on. I love squats!!! :D:rock :rock

Wow! Good work! I'm around the same place for twenty rep squats and I know how draining and mentally challenging this is! Looking forward to see your progress!

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21x255 (got 20 this time baby! I added an extra one to make up for last time!! This also resulted in my lying on the floor panting like a dog for a few minutes.)

Will be adding 5# per session from now on. I love squats!!! :D:rock :rock

Wow! Good work! I'm around the same place for twenty rep squats and I know how draining and mentally challenging this is! Looking forward to see your progress!

Thanks Jonathan. :rock Draining is right, but I look forward to each session; even with a little fear! :D

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20 rep squat session. Added 5# to every movement except rows, as my back was feeling weird in that movement tonight, and I didn't wanna push my luck.


10x135 WU

5x205 WU

20x260 :rock


1x20x25# plate

Stiff legged DL--




Bent over rows--

2x10x48k kettlebell

Military Press--(standing)



Closed my #3 righty again, and a hair away lefty again.

Drove 2 16d's through 1'' pine(easy!)

Later! :cool

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20 rep squat session. Added 5# to every movement except rows, where I changed it up. and went with a barbell row this time.


10x135 WU

5x205 WU

20x265 (Excited, because in 7 more sessions, I'll be hitting 300# for 20 reps! :rock )


1x20x25# plate

Stiff legged DL--



3x10xBW(251#) Need to add weight. too easy.

Bent over rows--

2x15x 135# barbell

Military Press--(standing)


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20 rep squat session. Was pressed for time, so I just did the major parts.


10x135 WU

5x205 WU

20x270 (Felt GOOD. It's amazing to me that every session, the weight feels like it's the same, even though it's increasing by 5# per session. Neighbors must think I'm crazy, as the last 5 reps were accompanied by screams on the way up! I got pumped up on the last rep, and was screaming "Yeah baby! You got it! Get it! Get it! AHHHHHHHH! :D )


3x10xBW (252#)

Military press(standing)


Later! :cool

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20x270 (Felt GOOD. It's amazing to me that every session, the weight feels like it's the same, even though it's increasing by 5# per session. Neighbors must think I'm crazy, as the last 5 reps were accompanied by screams on the way up! I got pumped up on the last rep, and was screaming "Yeah baby! You got it! Get it! Get it! AHHHHHHHH! :D )

:bow Wow.. just awesome. Keep up the good work! Actually it's funny about the screaming during the last few reps. I have a habit of screaming the number of the squat towards the end I usually start at 16 or 17 as this is when it really starts to hurt. The tenants upstairs can hear me through the floor and make fun of me for it. haha.

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20 rep squat session. Squats felt good tonight. I can't wait to get to 300! :rock Legs feel much stronger and solid all around. Getting alot bigger too. :cool I'm anxious to see their final size at the end of this. Added a good bit of weight on some of the movements. :rock


1x10x135 WU

1x5x205 WU



1x15x24k kettlebell Added 28# here.

Stiff legged DL--



3x10xBW+25#(278#) Added 25# to my dips. Perfect amount, as I could barely finish the last rep on the last set.

Barbell rows--

2x10x155 Added 20# here.

Standing Military press--


1x5x175 This is the weight that killed the 10 reps I had been doing. I'll repeat this same weight till' I get 10 for two sets.

Later! :cool

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thats some great progress there Fox :rock . Thats it, I'm adding 20 rep squats into my routine right now!

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thats some great progress there Fox :rock . Thats it, I'm adding 20 rep squats into my routine right now!

DO IT. Although the 20 rep squat program will pretty much be your routine for 6 weeks. I have never felt stronger. It is mentally and physically challenging to beat yourself like that every other day, but it's going to be worth it in the end when I'm squatting 345 for 20. Try it, you'll like it! :cool

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20 rep squat session. Squats felt great tonight. Added 10# to my stiff legged DL, and came 1 rep shy of getting 175# up in the standing mil. press for 2 sets of 10 reps. I'll get it next time. Here's what went down:


1x10x135# WU

1x5x205# WU

1x20x280#(Four more sessions, and I'll be at 300! :rock )


1x20x24k kettlebell

Stiff legged DL--




Barbell rows--


Standing Military Press--



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