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John's Grip Training


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Glorious deload week continues.

Did a total of 2 grinding overcrushes with my 2.5 lefty and 3 righty.

Did some four finger claw-curls for some reason as well. Had some thoughts of doing more work, but quickly decided against that.

Used on overhand grip on some shrugs, and hooked some deads. Motivation was lacking, however, blood spewed out from under right thumb on deads. This was cool.

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Last day of deload. Messed around with my 40lb. hex head and then some thick bar wrist curls. Wrist curls done with forearms on bench going well below parallel and up to a full curl of the wrist. Worked up to 155 for 5. Could have done at least ten but it seems prudent to go slow on these and leave a few in the tank. Finished with some DB reverse wrist curls. Hit it hard again starting Wed.

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RT work at 115lbs. for 15 reps each hand.

Thickbar Wrist Curls - worked up to 115lbs. for 25 reps.

Reverse Wrist Curls - used a steel shaft of unknown weight for a bunch of reps.

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Hooked some deads and closed a few grippers. Shut my 2.5 lefty and 3 righty about 5 times each. Tweaked my right portion of my upper back pulling so I bailed on any more grip stuff. Hard to set grippers with back tweaked. Will foam roll and traction w/JumpStretch band tonight in hopes of having a speedy recovery.

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Some block weight work today. A few pulls lefty with my 40lb. and righty with my 40lb. + 2 1/2.A bunch of pulls with my 35lb. block with both hands. Worked up to 155lbs. for 3 sets of 5 in the thick bar wrist curl.

DB reverse wrist curls.

Cooled down with some block weight tossing.

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One set of 15 on the RT with 117 1/2 lbs. for each hand. I can only seem to get this thing to go up if I use small methodical steps. I am the volume king.

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Some grippers today as well as hooking a few deads. About 5 closes of my 2.5 lefty with overcrushes. Got a double on last set. Took my 3 down to about 1/4 lefty after all the other work. Finished with a few 3 negatives. Same amount of closes with my 3 righty. Almost nailed a double somewere in the middle and overcrushed all the closes. A few 3.5 negatives righty. Grippers felt pretty good and I was grinding the 2.5 like crazy. Cooled down with some rapid hand action.

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Bunch of singles lefty with my 35lbers. Got one finger assisted rep with chain lefty as well. 35lbers. plus chain for doubles righty. Last rep was just a single. All reps had a good pause at top and slow negative.

Some full deads with my 35 and 40 hex heads.

Worked up to 165 for an easy 5 in the thick bar wrist curls. One drop set of 95lbs. for 30 reps. DB reverse wrist curls for 3 sets of 15. Ended with some pronation/supination work. Starting to feel better on the reverse wc but the pro/sup stuff is downright embarassing. These will be worked hard in the next few months.

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Some 2.5 and 3 gripper overcrushes. Motivation lacking today for anything other than riding Harley-Davidsons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

3/28 - 3/29

Some 2.5 and 3 closes. Some plate pinching with 35lbers. and chain with a little hex block work thrown in as well. DB reverse wrist curls and some sup/pronation lever bar work. Motivation begining to climb again.

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Worked up to an easy set of 5 at 175lbs. in the 2.5 bar wrist curl. Building up nice and slow.

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Some random blob work. Messed around with half a 75. Recently acquired quite a few blobs. No USA stamp on them and they are old. I shudder to think that they may be of the fabled "fatman" variety. The 45 and 47.5 are just stupid huge. I now stand in awe of those that can lift large blobs or blob50s. I willget a good training session in with them on Saturday. Motivation at an all-time high.

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Bunch of doubles with my 37.5 blob. Some hover type holds with my 45 blob.

Worked up to 165 for 10 in the thick bar wrist curl and then 125 for 20.

Plate Curls

Reverse DB wrist curls

Tossed a 30lb. hex for a cool down.

Getting used to the hand positioning on blobs as compared to hex heads. Hand positioning was fine, I am just very weak.

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Misc. maul levering. Some rear, some to head, etc. Spent the entire weekend dropping,hauling, and splitting wood. Wrists, lower arms, all destroyed.

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John we should hook up with magnus from the board he is from our area as well, well he's north of me like you are, what do you say?

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Ricco, I am going to be setting something up in about a month or so. Quite a few board members in NEPA. I will keep you posted.

A couple weeks of nothing due to tree work on weekends. I will call it an extended deload instead of laziness. Tree work yesterday has lower arms shot.

Today I did the following:

Blob(37.5) high pulls

Plate pinches w/35lbers. Hovers lefty and full pulls righty.

Plate Curls

TB WC 125 for 20 with a 2.5 bar.

Reverse WC with thick? pulley shaft. Shaft for 20.

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that would cool, try to let me know when, pm or something. im in a middle of a semester and i have 3 kids, so i need time to plan for anythin i do........even working out.

i also saw a newbie from philly but i dont know how to search for him, and the the writer is always up for grip too


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Blob high pulls w/37.5 L and R

Hovers w/45 blob

TTK to a heavy but controled set of 10 and then dropped weight and repped out. Thumb on top and fist on bottom as usual.

Plate curls. Bunch of reps w/25lb. plate.

Thick bar WC. 125 for 25.

Reverse WC. Thick pulley shaft for 25.

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Kroc Rows 1 5/8 handle for high reps works the grip pretty well.

Blob high pulls w/37.5 blob

Hovers w/45 blob

Plate pinches w/35's Full pulls righty and negatives with a long hold at top lefty.

Bunch of plate curls

TB WC 125 for 20 and 125 for 15.

Reverse WC w/pulley shaft until I lost count of reps.

All grip work spuerset with sets of neck work. Time to go run ridiculously steep hills in the rain. Good times.

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Kroc Rows

Blob High Pulls w/37.5

Plate Pinching w/35's High pulls righty and negatives w/long pause at top lefty.

Plate Curls Bunch of reps w/25lb. plate.

Some lever bar work. Embarassing pronation/supination results.

All grip work superset w/neck work. Time to run.

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Blob High-Pulls w/37.5 both hands.

Plate pinching w/35's. High-Pulls righty and Negatives w/pause at top lefty.

Plate Curls w/25lber.

Slightly less embarassing pronation/supination work with my lever bar.

Thick Bar Wrist-Curls

Beat on a section of tree trunk the size of a VW yesterday with a sledge and a wedge until lower arms were about to fall off. Plate curls are going well inspite ofthe fact that I hate anything involving a curl. However, Adam Glass has some crazy wrists and has said they are the best. I will head his advice. Have given up on grippers for the time being. Partly due to laziness, part to time, and also I do not feel they make me any stronger at anything other than closing grippers. All grip work supersetted w/ teeth swings for the neck. I can only hope my tobacco ravaged teeth stay in my head.

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Double overhand high-rep shrugs.

Messed w/grippers for the first time in quite some time. Closes w/2.5 lefty and near misses w/3 righty. Not sure why I decided to do this.


Blob/Block High-Pulls

37.5 blob righty and 35 hex lefty. Doubles for a ton of sets.

TTK for 4 high-rep sets and one dropset. Fist on bottom as usual.

Plate Curls w/25lber. Both hands.

Bunch of levering in every direction possible.

Humidity at an all time high today in the basement. Actually started off w/RT but quickly abandoned idea.

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Got the urge to do some gripper work today for some reason. Did the following:


3 gringing overcrushes with my training 3. Drop setted the last oc with some 2.5 reps. Followed up with some reps on the 2.


Same thing as righty but with my 2.5, 2, and 1.5.

Earlier in the week I did some high-rep db rows with an 1 5/8 handle db. Lower arms sore for about 4 days after last Sundays training.

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Nice work John :rock I'm looking forward to seeing some of that crushing power firsthand at Jedd's sometime soon :)

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