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John's Grip Training


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Worked up to 145 on my 2HP set-up. This was a PR as I have only been training this lift for a few weeks but it was not a max. Need to keep up with the lotioning of my hands. Thumbs are very dry and although they are heeled from last week it felt as if a tear was inevitable so I called it a day on pinching.

Worked up to 16 1/4 righty on my lever bar. Fooled around with 5lbs. lefty for some high reps to get a little rehab in. Left wrist still fairly messed up when levering in certain directions.

A few sets of high-rep TTK just to get a little more work for the thumb.

Finished with some 2 1/2in. DB hammer curls. Both arms at the same time with a little body english. Two sets DC style.

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Closed the 2.5 with an oc twice lefty and missed it by about an 1/8th or so on last attempt.

Closed my training 3 and my elitefts 3 righty with about an 1 1/2 set and an oc on both. CCS my training 3 and took it down to less than an 1/8th. Now that I am consistent with both 3s I need to get in some CCS work to get the technique down. I wil be ordering two more 3s to make sure I can close several before I call to cert.

Three negatives with the training 3 lefty and 3.5 righty. Fought the negative hard on each. The 3.5 I have is a beast. Kudos to all the guys that can close heavy grippers like it.

Three oc closes of my filed 2 with both hands. Need to take some more off the handles.

Cooled down with some claw curl using the last two fingers. Very high reps.

I will stay with the low volume as it seems to be working well. May file some off of one of my 3s, not so sure though. CCS stuff seems to be a technique I need to focus on. When I can demolish several 3s consistently I will try to set up a cert. No rush though.

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Some higher rep RT today again. 2 sets of 12 each hand. Last week I had some trouble getting 15 reps for two sets. I stayed at the same weight this week and dropped the reps. Going to build up slowly again. When 12 reps stop working I'll go back to 20 then 15 and back to 12.

Cooled down with some rapid hand action.

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Stupid cold for PA this week. Below zero outside this a.m. and temp in basement was 50 degrees. Still having my hamstrings attatched after deadlifts today is nothing short of a miracle. No hook on deads as I felt thumbs would snap off due to stinging cold.

Worked up to my 35lb. hex +10 both hands. Left hand is catching up quick.

Did a few negatives with same weight for both hands concentrating on using good control.

Bunch of lifts of my 30 by the face and some tossing of the 30 as well.

Finished with some light plate wrist curls to help get left wrist back into some kind shape.

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Worked up to a single with 150 in the 2HP.

Pinched two 35lb. plates for the first time. Nice pull righty and got them about 10in. or so lefty.

A few sets of TTK work(thumb on top and fist on botom) and some plate wrist curls. Worked up to a 25lb. plate righty on the curls. Bunch of reps with a 10 lefty. Seems wrist is getting better. Got the idea to do these after reading Mobsters log. I will keep them in rotation on Sundays for wrist work.

Finished with some 2in. diameter db hammer curls. Done DC style. One more week of grip and then on to a week of deload.

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Three overcrushes of the 2.5 lefty and 3 righty. Missed my first attempts by a mile. Freezing in gym. Hands cold from gripping cold squat bar. Call me a cupcake but its time to bust out the kerosene heater.

One negative with the 3 lefty and 3.5 righty. Resisted the opening hard.

A few CCS closes of the 2 lefty and 2.5 righty to get some form work in.

Some light plate wrist curls for both handsand some levering with empty lever bar for the left. Levered in all directions about a million times. Wrist seems to finally be coming back.

Cooled down with one set of twist yo-yo concentrating on just using finger tips. Especially the last two.

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2 sets of 12 with 117.5 for both hands. Will deload next week and then go up to 20 on the reps.

A bunch of reps in all directions with lever bar for left wrist.

The usual TTK work. Up to 8lbs. for 10 super strict reps.

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1/24 1/25

Not feeling it at all this weekend. Just some random #3 closes on Saturday. Today I messed around with some plate pinching. Nothing very organized or anything that required motivation. Some light plate wrist curls for left wrist. One DC style set of hammers with 2in. handles. De-load this week and then back into it. Very sore this week. Massive amount of time spent on foam roller.

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A couple of#2.5 closes lefty and #3closes righty.

Finished with a giant set of last two clawl-curl, plate levering for extensors, and light levering for left wrist.

Nothing very hard as I am in a de-load period. I willsay that the cold really gives me peoblems with grippers. Very hard to get hands warm,if at all. Looks like operation kerosene heater will be a go forThursdays training.

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Still in a de-load period. 100 for for 20 reps on the RT with each hand.

TTK with the thumb on top and fist on bottom. Worked up to 8lbs. for a easy set of 10 strict reps.

Light levering in all directions for left wrist re-hab. Feels pretty good again.

Cooled down with some rapid hand action.

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Worked up the my 35lb. block plus 10lbs. for a full pull with both hands.

One straight set of cross-body hammer curls with a purple band.

Approx. 7,000 reps in all directions with lever bar for some wrist re-hab.

Strarting to get back into it after a week of a de-load.

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Plate pinching. 25s plus a bunch of chain lefty and 35s plus a bunch of chain righty.

Twist Yo Yo. 40lbs. for three rolls each way and 30lbs. for three rolls each way.

Plate levering off bench. Worked up to a 25lb. plate for a couple of reps.

Revers wrist curls. Used a mini-band and put it over the base of my fingers. Rested forearms on legs and with fingers straight out did a bunch of reps. This was crazy. Cramping type off pump in lower arms.

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Going to have to switch some training days around for the next little bit. Just messed around alittle seeing as I did not lift at all today.

Reverse wrist curls with mini over top of hands.

Wrist curls with light band.

One arm hammers with light band.

All for one set of a bunch of reps til failure.

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All messed up with my training schedule. Recently I have been leaving the house at 6:30 and getting back around 10:30. Forced to train on Wed. nights now. 50 degrees in gym tonight.

Grip Stuff

RT 110 for 20 each hand

Hammers with purple band

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Bunch of seated levering with forearm resting on leg. Left wrist close to 100%.

Towel roll-ups with vice-grip hanging from towel. Thanks to Pit of Suffering for this tip.

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A few closes with the 2.5 lefty and 3 righty. Palm very sore from work the last few days. This made it very hard to position #3 in my right hand and caused me to barely miss a first close.

Three negatives with each hand. Used 3 from EFS lefty and 3.5 righty.

Circuit of block weight tossing/TTK/Plate levering for three trips.

On a non-grip related note, I am now forced to deadlift after I squat. This almost crippled me today and I have become convinced the hook grip will tear of my thumb.

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Plate Pinching

A few doubles with 25lb. plates and a bunch of chain lefty. Singles with 35lb. plates and chain righty. All reps to a full deadlift and with a good pause and slow negative.

Finshed with some plate wrist curls.

Will concentrate on some towel roll-ups this evening.

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Late night training again.

RT 112 1/2 for 20 reps each hand. Strong pause at top of each rep.

2 inch handle DB hammers. DC style.

Finished with some towel roll-ups. Hands are now shot.

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Had a friend come over to learn some deads and ended up just messing around with some grip stuff. Bunch of #3 closes with long overcrushes and some five dimes pinching.


Plate pinching with 25's lefty and 35's righty. Worked up to 25's and a bunch of chain for doubles lefty. 35's and bunch of chain for singles righty. All reps with good hold at top anda long negative. Some plate rotations with a pair of 35 Yorks.

The usual TTK work. Last set was a drop set. Very strict reps.

Finished with some thick bar wrist curls. Couple sets of ten with 105lbs. These felt good and I will start to ramp up in weight.

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Rolling Thunder for 20 reps at 115lbs. each hand.

Hammers with 2in. handle DB's.

Thick-Bar Wrist Curls

Worked up to 125lbs. for 10 reps. I use a 2in. inside diameter piece of pipe for a thick bar. Welded two of the old cast collars from an old weight set and put a 1in. piece of round stock thru. Works very well. Left wrist officially 100%. This is how I hurt my wrist in the first place. Seems very important to really squeeze the bar and stay tight. 125 was not very difficult but I will work up gradually. This is a great movement.

DB Reverse Wrist Curls. Weak as a kitten.

Cooled down with some towel roll-ups.

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Couple of closes with my 2.5 lefty and 3 righty. A miss at each as well. For some reason my set was off.

Negatives with the 3 lefty and 3.5 righty. Good and slow. It still baffles me as to how some guys can close big grippers like the 3.5. That thing is frightening. I have my work cut out for me.

Some CCS work with a 2. Trying to get the technique down pat.

Tossed a 30lb. block weight from hand to hand as a cool down.

Hooking deads starting to feel much better as things warm up around here.

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Plate pinching with 25's lefty and 35's righty. Bunch of chain involved. Doubles lefty. All reps nice and controlled with a good pause at the top and slow negative. After reading about the torque provided by a 45lb. plate I have begun to add some work with the larger plate into the mix as well. This is much more difficult.

Thick-bar Wrist Curls

Worked up to 135lbs. for a set of ten. This may or may not be utterly horrible. I have no idea what is a respectable weight.

Finished off with some DB Reverse Wrist Curls and last two finger claw-curl. Time to deload for a week.

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Deloading this week. Messed around with some Rolling Thunder. Nothing to serious. Dumbell reverse and regular wrist curls. Finished with some hammers with a purple band.

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Hey John, just dropped by to check out your log. Looks good!

To answer your question, the only weight class I care about is 231 lb. That's the limit for a lightweight strongman. I weigh quite a bit more than that now, but I'll be cutting down to compete this summer. I've done one unsanctioned PL meet last summer and I weighed 250.

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Thanks for checking my log out man. I looking to pull 575/600 or so raw in a month or two. Hopefully at 181, but my current fatness is getting in the way of that at the moment.LOL. I need to up the hill running!

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