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Last Cm On The Coc3


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hey guys im looking to hear from people who know exactly what it takes to get the last bit of the coc3

progress has all but stopped on the 3, reps with the 2 and 2.5 are improving and negatives with the jbf gripper are improving but the last cm of the 3 refuses to be beatin

what worked for you?

Just keep training hard on everything except grippers. The centimeter will become a milimeter, then you will close it.


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whoa! just checked in to see whats happend on this thread lately and my my! well thanks alot for all the great advice collering and filling my grippers might be the way forward however what isnt the way forward is me being less the civil with a curt response. his lack of charm didnt warrent mine. i do apologise to anyone i may have offended, sincerely i didnt mean to come off as rude. now anyone remaning offended isnt someone i want to be friends with anyway. the nice people will realise with time im not a bad person and the grumpy people will stay grumpy...

back to the matter at hand i saw some pic posted on this thread of a collerd crush, they had used a big washer. where does one find an erray of different washers!

fun times cheers guys and sorry once again

You actually don't need washers, and they are more of an inconvenience then benefit. Just get a hose clamp and put it around the top of the handles, then adjust as needed for distance between the handles. Most people also put electrical/athletic/grip tape under the hose clamp so as not to screw up the knurling on their grippers.

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Use the other hand to assist with the close and then hold it there like your life depends on it. I don't know if everyone tends to be like this, but I find my body is willing to give out more power if I'm just holding rather than actually moving something. Also, make sure you're holding that sucker correctly, the set is actually a lot more important than some people think.

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I came here to say i dont like when someone post any kind of offense (calling Mike "retard" its totally non-sense Period!)

if Kailogan had the chance to read his previous posts, he would notice HOW smart Mike is.

cheers ewok but if you have looked at this post and how it began then you might have noticed his introduction to me as a "newbie" was maybe not as great as it could be, id hope he isnt reflective of the mannor of all the vetrans here!? seriously what was he expecting? - "awww cheers mike i hadnt thought of that, oh silly me il just get stronger then"

is that anyway for an vetran to handle an honest question?

more over iv apologiesed for my transgretions... unlike someone

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I came here to say i dont like when someone post any kind of offense (calling Mike "retard" its totally non-sense Period!)

if Kailogan had the chance to read his previous posts, he would notice HOW smart Mike is.

cheers ewok but if you have looked at this post and how it began then you might have noticed his introduction to me as a "newbie" was maybe not as great as it could be, id hope he isnt reflective of the mannor of all the vetrans here!? seriously what was he expecting? - "awww cheers mike i hadnt thought of that, oh silly me il just get stronger then"

is that anyway for an vetran to handle an honest question?

more over iv apologiesed for my transgretions... unlike someone

I have not apologised as I have nothing to apologise for!

As Twig has pointed out, the question asked was answered, one could make an inference as to the real question being asked and answer that, but I chose to answer later in spite of being called a retard. I will however apologise for the fact that this seemed to show a lack of charm! :tongue

The answer I gave "Getting stronger", again as has been pointed out, was, although meant to be a little provocative, not something to be dismissed so lightly.

A holistic approach to getting stronger will serve you well in EVERY field. I did not merely mean get your hands stronger!

All this said, I hold no grudges and accept your apology. I do feel though, that my contribution has probably helped make this a more interesting thread than it may have otherwise been. ;):laugh

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You are a great person Mike :)

Thanks. :blush

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You are a great person Mike :)

Thanks. :blush

your going back on yourself now man, did you actually think that would actually help? if yes then what i said about your being a retard was only mildly exagerated

just admit you were being a tit, your friends will forgive you and il get over it with time


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Be more diplomatatic in the way you respond to people, you'll just piss people off otherwise. Calling ANYBODY a retard isn't nice. Just MHO.

If the matter in hand still remains to be looked at, then try all of the things that people have listed. You'll find most people on the gripboard just want to help.

The last CM of the #3 may only seem a small distance but these 10mm are a huge ladder to climb. There's no one thing or tip that will get you there fast. Take your time and look at introducing one thing at a time into your training. Step by step and week by week you may be able to knock of 1mm at a time and reach you goal. For me though, you can't beat heavy negs.

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A holistic approach to getting stronger will serve you well in EVERY field. I did not merely mean get your hands stronger!

All this said, I hold no grudges and accept your apology. I do feel though, that my contribution has probably helped make this a more interesting thread than it may have otherwise been. ;):laugh


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Hi. I tryed to get there (close the 3) fast, just as you, and i tried everything everytime i gripped. Naturaly it made me wonder, what was it that actually worked?

I Ibelive that being a climber for 15 years made my hands tollerate the massiv abuse (negs, chokers, overcrushes, strapholds, repps, timed holds) i put them trough and im glad for that.

The thing i would have to say made THE differance for me was chokerwork (great mental boost to be able to close) and learn how to set the hevyer grippers in the hand.

I got a lot of good advice here when i was starting out 7-8 months ago so i will try to give something back whenever i can, hope you naill it soon!


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Come to think of it, I've considered chokers but I was kind of afraid to get one b/c I thought the gripper spring would get soft from it. Or is that only cheap ones that soften in a choke? :)

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Come to think of it, I've considered chokers but I was kind of afraid to get one b/c I thought the gripper spring would get soft from it. Or is that only cheap ones that soften in a choke? :)

It's only HGs, others won't season at all.

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getting stronger isnt a technique its the result im looking for. i shouldnt need to explain this thought we wer grown ups here

nor am i after a "magic bullet" but if youve nothing to add then not sure why you posted? if anyone thinks they can add some intelligent help id really like to hear it

i refuse to believe that i know everything and that i should just keep plugging away with what im doing now!

Just out of interest kailogan, how often do you squat and deadlift and what sort of numbers? :)

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Come to think of it, I've considered chokers but I was kind of afraid to get one b/c I thought the gripper spring would get soft from it. Or is that only cheap ones that soften in a choke? :)

It's only HGs, others won't season at all.

Alright, it's time to buy those good quality grippers. I'm going to start working on a #3 :rock

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well i love deadlift but ugh squats!!!!! they Four score and seven years ago I am the MAN because I swear and I want everyone to know how manly I am by using profanity. me right off! lately iv got into them, started to try more dynamic stuff, love clean and press and dumbell snatch

deadlift 155kgs - clean and press 75k - dumbell snatch 42k

im stil not rocking but im trying!

i only weigh 73kilos tho so i see where your going with this, if i was heavier no doubt id likely be stronger but im trying to not get to big in the wrong way

i value my strenght to weight ratio, id hate not being able to do pull ups for example, training for a one handed pull up at the moment and im so close to doing the splits!

juggling lots of plates isnt a good idea to acheive things quickly but lifes not a short race so i just keep plugging at it

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well i love deadlift but ugh squats!!!!! they Four score and seven years ago I am the MAN because I swear and I want everyone to know how manly I am by using profanity. me right off! lately iv got into them, started to try more dynamic stuff, love clean and press and dumbell snatch

deadlift 155kgs - clean and press 75k - dumbell snatch 42k

im stil not rocking but im trying!

i only weigh 73kilos tho so i see where your going with this, if i was heavier no doubt id likely be stronger but im trying to not get to big in the wrong way

i value my strenght to weight ratio, id hate not being able to do pull ups for example, training for a one handed pull up at the moment and im so close to doing the splits!

juggling lots of plates isnt a good idea to acheive things quickly but lifes not a short race so i just keep plugging at it

Don't worry about gaining weight and having trouble doing the splits or OAC. I think it was Alexey Voeveda(correct me if I'm wrong armwrestlers) that could do an ugly OAC at 270lbs, there is another guy in the Dale Harder books that could do them at 265. Tom Platz could do the splits with those beastly sequoias he called legs. Dave Whitley, Senior RKC can do them too if I remember right and he's not gymnast skinny ;) I'm actually nearing a full split as well :rock

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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well i love deadlift but ugh squats!!!!! they Four score and seven years ago I am the MAN because I swear and I want everyone to know how manly I am by using profanity. me right off! lately iv got into them, started to try more dynamic stuff, love clean and press and dumbell snatch

deadlift 155kgs - clean and press 75k - dumbell snatch 42k

im stil not rocking but im trying!

i only weigh 73kilos tho so i see where your going with this, if i was heavier no doubt id likely be stronger but im trying to not get to big in the wrong way

i value my strenght to weight ratio, id hate not being able to do pull ups for example, training for a one handed pull up at the moment and im so close to doing the splits!

juggling lots of plates isnt a good idea to acheive things quickly but lifes not a short race so i just keep plugging at it

Don't worry about gaining weight and having trouble doing the splits or OAC. I think it was Alexey Voeveda(correct me if I'm wrong armwrestlers) that could do an ugly OAC at 270lbs, there is another guy in the Dale Harder books that could do them at 265. Tom Platz could do the splits with those beastly sequoias he called legs. Dave Whitley, Senior RKC can do them too if I remember right and he's not gymnast skinny ;) I'm actually nearing a full split as well :rock

Let's not forget Jean Claude van Damme.


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