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Cberg's Bending Log


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what do you mean you quit after 30 sec. and all that hype! i was looking forward to that bend all week, what gives?


It was more than 30 secs, but definitely alot less than 5 minutes. Bent the dam thing a fair bit off-center and it was just too awkward to transfer any power into on the crushdown. Sorry man I was really hopin to get it too but it just wasnt my day. It will fall eventually though.

Heh, yeah it was more than 30 seconds. I'll post the video to my YouTube sometime today or tomorrow. I thought you may have grabbed my Grand when you left because it was more off center than I remembered it being, but seeing that picture, you got the right one :) That was WAY off!

Tell your dad thanks for the bolt cutters. You Canadians are too kind!

Look up Chris McDole up there in Winnipeg. I bet he'd be happy to help you get into strongman.

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Are you going to attempt the same piece or a cut a new one since its off center? Oh and when? Do you have to build up to it again or how?


Rico, this piece is a little too off center for me, I'll probably throw it in the garbage or something lol. Won't be attempting another one for awhile. I dont have any more :(.

I put in an order with John the other day for some that are a half inch shorter, should be awhile before I can get one of those though. The good thing about bending is once you've been doing it for awhile and your body is used to it, you can go for a max effort bend every couple days or so. Its not like powerlifting where you have to peak or wait a week or more in between max attempts

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If you're going to be working on those lifts, make sure you're doing them right, i.e. good form, good depth on the squats, etc. Also, if you want to get strong, don't focus too much on those 20 reppers. They won't make you physically strong. Start thinking about heavy triples or five rep maxes once a week followed by higher rep stuff a couple days after each heavy workout. You'd benefit a lot by getting in with a group of experienced lifters so you learn it the right way the first time. And learn to eat, A LOT!

As for static holds, I don't think you'll benefit much from just holding a barbell DO. But you should work on deadlifting without straps. A respectable DO pull IMO is 405+. If you want to do static holds, do it with one bar in each hand (185ish or more on a rotating barbell?), or do hanging one-hand holds. I'm assuming you want to train that for farmers walk, right? Do things that are similar and it will be the most beneficial.

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  • 2 weeks later...

took a 7'' X 5/16'' square and got it to 18 degrees today. It was around 7-8 degrees before. Havent worked with any long stock in a while and my flexibility was giving me some problems. Might have to start doing some dislocates again.


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took a 7'' X 5/16'' square and got it to 18 degrees today. It was around 7-8 degrees before. Havent worked with any long stock in a while and my flexibility was giving me some problems. Might have to start doing some dislocates again.


Is the 5/16" square that tough? I ordered a couple pieces, but this scares me, considering you have a better kink than me! Good work in any case :D

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took a 7'' X 5/16'' square and got it to 18 degrees today. It was around 7-8 degrees before. Havent worked with any long stock in a while and my flexibility was giving me some problems. Might have to start doing some dislocates again.


Is the 5/16" square that tough? I ordered a couple pieces, but this scares me, considering you have a better kink than me! Good work in any case :D

yea dude its pretty beastly. cals at 650 at 7'' whereas the hex cals at 535 lol. let me know how you do with it

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did some pressing today, like the 3rd time ive ever done any overhead lifting lol.

push presses

165 X 5

185 X 3

185 X 3

185 X 3

185 X 3

then did some seated military presses with dumbells and some tate presses for accessory work

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Caolan: are u "natural" born killer? :D

I mean 3rd time and u can press 185 lbsx3 :blink ...

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Caolan: are u "natural" born killer? :D

I mean 3rd time and u can press 185 lbsx3 :blink ...

haha thanks Hugo but im no freak thats for sure. Ive done alot of bench pressing (2-3 years) so Im sure there was a lot of carry over in strength from that. My basement has a low ceiling so I cant lift stuff over my head, so I decided to start working out in an actual gym now. Hopefully my numbers will go up quick

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Yes Caolan , there's (much) more in the tank!

i believe u can lift "little" Darin (overhead) before the summer!... :D

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It's those short little arms...the bar doesn't have to move very far :flame

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It's those short little arms...the bar doesn't have to move very far :flame

hahaha that probably is the reason actually :D.

i look forward to kicking your ass in some clean and press events a couple years down the road :tongue

did some double overhand deadlifting today, just workin up to a max. Was able to get 370 for a rep. Attempted the same weight a couple more times and couldnt get it but im happy with the PR!

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  • 3 weeks later...

tried a fantastic shiny tonight just for fun. didnt feel like measuring, got it to around 65-70 degrees i guess. i am terrified of the crush on this thing lol

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Hey that ting looks thick! When will u finish the bend or were you just paticing kinking, I would think once you got. It that far the rest of the bend would be the easy part.


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nah i was just practicing my kink. when a piece gets this short (its only 3.5 inches long) the crush is almost impossible. i may try it again later, but only Gazza has fully bent this piece and he is not human lol

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got the square to 43 degrees today. it was stuck at 18 before so it was a good day. it was moving a little with every hit but then i took it out of the wraps to check the damage and couldnt get it back in lol. didnt feel like rewrapping either. nice to finally have this thing kinked though

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You're a kinkin fool lately! Now you just need to get your crush down! I hate when I can't get a bar back in my wraps.

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You're a kinkin fool lately! Now you just need to get your crush down! I hate when I can't get a bar back in my wraps.

thanks man, crush still sux though :(. Almost killed the square today got it just under 3.5''. Sure enough i take it out to measure and cant get it back in the wraps again lol, although I dont think it was moving more, i was gassed. Did you try the square yet?

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Awesome progress Caolan! how hard its the square(kink,sweep and crush)?

Please use the 7" triangule edgin and the shiny bastard as an example. thanks:-)

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thanks Hugo! ive never actually tried any cut down edgins but i have tried the brutal hexes. To me, the kink felt like a 5'' hex and the sweep felt a little easier, maybe a little tougher than a 5.5'' hex. Havent tried to crush it down yet, but I would think the crushdown would be easier than the kink and sweep. I do have a little trouble getting 7'' stock under my chin so it might not actually be as hard on the kink for other people as it was for me. i hope this helps

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thanks caolan! i need to find the right technique firdt,because i cant do much damage using the hexes:(

sounds like a nightmare but i want to try them! Darin will send me some:-)

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  • 4 weeks later...
So where are the updates Caolan? Can't drag yourself out of the bars to bend? :laugh


haha pretty much. im being forced to go again tomorrow. Ive actually just been really busy with school and work though. Its been hard to find the time for workouts but my last summer course is almost over so I'll have plenty of free time on my hands soon. gonna have a bending sesh tomorrow for the first time in ages

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