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What Happens When A Wsm Level Athlete Works Pinch


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loz is a bit of a monster, he looks pretty much like a normal guy (only bigger), but he has a lot a power - i fully believe if he can stay injury free, he will deadlift an squat 1000lbs someday, an he wont need suits either

the thing about it is most (if not every single one) of the top strongman were just born strong, loz admits it himself, he does not need to do much of any heavy training to be strong, thats just the way he is naturally - add the fact that he is dedicated an trains very hard an the results are what most consider 'insane'

heres a couple grip feats ive seen him do recently..

- heavy grip tools 78kg inch dumbbell lift with either hand (note this has 2.5" handle an slopes out so you cant really tilt it - it's harder than the orginal inch) - this was done pretty much cold, an without any chalk if i remember correctly

- 53kg baby inch dumbbell snatch >this went up in about half a second

- hard #3 (3.3) close with basically no set (note that he doesn't train grippers)

- 220kg double overhand behind the back hold for 20 seconds on oly bar

- 25kg blob deadlift (i remember the blob50 to be easier than this blob) >he kinda did this with 2 fingers an thumb

- 90kg disk two hand pinch for 4 reps

Err I can do all of that. But then I DO train grip. For Loz it's more of a 'I'll have a go' kinda thing.

Steve those are powerful lifts

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Thanks for that, Steve.

Confirms just what I've been saying on this forum all along: the real grip talent is in those who aren't gripsters.


Aint seen any of em do jack shit bending wise.

Rex i also remember on one of your posts/topics you saying your were sick of messing around[referring to bending]what happened after than :tongue

im shit at bending things, as for the fruit pastils - i dont eat shit like that, im an athleat ;) lol


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Thanks for that, Steve.

Confirms just what I've been saying on this forum all along: the real grip talent is in those who aren't gripsters.


Aint seen any of em do jack shit bending wise.

Rex i also remember on one of your posts/topics you saying your were sick of messing around[referring to bending]what happened after than :tongue

im shit at bending things, as for the fruit pastils - i dont eat shit like that, im an athleat ;) lol


That's not true - I bet you've bent more than you fair share of bars in you time.

See you soon,


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I didn't realize that some had responded to me.

I too do not wish to hijack the thread, though I have a feeling that what I write will cause some to be incapable of biting their tongues. If you want to respond to me, feel free to just quote me in the original post of a new thread.

Do grip guys have the strongest grips in the world – well yes they do thank you – if someone comes from another sport and does a big grip feat – they then are by definition a grip guy automatically and “grip guys” retain their status hehe!

This is a fallacious semantic argument, and I'm betting that Chris did not mean for us to take it seriously. Someone can come in from another sport and do a big grip feat without being a grip specialist, and that is what I intended "gripster" to be synonymous with.

Aint seen any of em do jack shit bending wise.

Rex i also remember on one of your posts/topics you saying your were sick of messing around[referring to bending]what happened after than :tongue

Those who have been following my posts can predict what I think about this. I don't regard bending to be a test of grip. It is mainly a test of upper body strength and mental toughness. So it seems that when it comes to the things that test grip primarily (pinch, axle, etc.), those with the most latent talent--usually made clear with outstanding initial progress and good results with little training--are not grip specialists.

Also, Ryan Klein and I have discussed this relevant point over the phone: bending involves significant risk of injury, pinch, axle, grippers, etc. hardly no risk at all. Those who have the most latent talent tend to be very good at their respective sports; they cannot risk an injury on something that means little to their goals. So this is probably another reason why strongmen and others don't do much bending.

This last reason is in fact why I haven't been doing much bending. After talking to Klein, we agreed that DO bending may not be worth the risk if strongman training is to be my main focus. Klein himself suffered an injury from DO bending that set him back in strongman, and he cautioned me to not make the same mistake.

yea Rex still owes me a mag shiny

Ted is right about this. I did say I would bend one. In fact, if memory serves me, I said I would bend one within some crazy time frame. So if I fail to do this (depending on the time line I stipulated, I may have already failed), I probably should experience some small shame or something like that.


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Why do you and others constantly refer to do bending i mean bending in general not just do style i would not class myself a decent bender unless i could bend a certain bar in atleast 3 styles not just do style.

I weigh 202lbs in my skids right now i bet i would struggle to bench much more than my body weight infact i can probably overhead press just as much :blush I can still deadlift over double bodyweight for reps despite only doing this on and off a few times each year.

I usually get more out of a full isometric workout daily as well as bending and also finding things to push and pull against in my work place.

Again i say you dont have to be big to be strong infact bending wise most of the top all round benders are under 250lbs bodyweight so does it need a man to be a 500lbs bencher or 300plus overhead to be a good bender.

I once went to WALES and visited the HOLLES and Chris James now chris James is a 500 plus bencher 350plus overhead,inch lifter,3 closer as well as other things but he cant use all that strength and power in bending he struggled on a red the sbendingame with mobster hellishly strong in all around grip and strength yet would struggle to Reverse a red nevermind do style just a couple of examples these gents are well above 250lbs bodyweight.

I thing the comments about getting injured are :D well excuses you can pull a tendon doing big grippers,Chris James ripped his bicep doing V-Bar,i bet mobsters tweaked his back a few times doing the millenium dbell and theres equal risk doing the axle etc ive pulled muscles and tendons in my arms,forearms,fingers,neck ive broken my wrist,lost teeth etc i will tell you this if you frightened of an injury you will never gewt the best out of yourself if the mind is week because its afraid of injury then the body will not go were the mind will not.

Maybe this is what is holding you back from being an okay bender the excuse of getting hurt maybe its time to man it up and experience some real pain :tongue Ive seen your blob work etc your a big strong lad with all the equipment except that one vital ingreediant the killer instinct 2 go were others fear to go ive been there countless times in other peoples shadows etc i just manned it up and even at the cost of injury i new what i had to do and i just sucked it up despite the pain sometimes 2 me almost unbearable pain i kept on going i never thought once that i could not push or ask for that little bit more and when i PRd time after time i still made the mind push the body through the pain for that little bit more and i still do that now.

You mention that bending is not a true test of grip strength in your eyes okay thats your opinion i say okay then it has no effect on the wrists okay what can you reverse bend or weaver stick or sledge lever i bet its not elite level,you seem equiped for the stuff you have the god given assets for biggish hands equal big pinch,blob lifts,axle etc what else do you have weres the gripper power or the dare i say it bending ability yeah i know its usually an upper body strength test :tongue

Do bending does not get contested as much as you say reverse style and du style are a better test of wrist strength infact why not heslep style if your so big brimming with natural talent over us little guys show us what you can bend heslep style thats nearly all wrist can you with all the superior body size do atleast a g5 thought not :inno

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I don't regard bending to be a test of grip. It is mainly a test of upper body strength and mental toughness.
Yup. And that's why Gazza can do flock all with a Blob...no...wait...erm... :unsure
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I don't regard bending to be a test of grip. It is mainly a test of upper body strength and mental toughness.

I love bending but I have to agree with Rex here, i think it indirectly is benefited by a strong grip especiialy with smaller wraps but it defently isnt a "test" of grip strength. I think its almost entirely upperbody strength and wrist. Grip plays a factor but grip plays a factor in alot of things that dont test grip stregnth.

and to Twig, you cant make that connection maybe his insane grip is associated with something else we dont know.

Edited by TKtheGreek
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Why do you and others constantly refer to do bending i mean bending in general not just do style i would not class myself a decent bender unless i could bend a certain bar in atleast 3 styles not just do style.

I agree that the discussion tends to focus on DO bending, but my argument holds for the other styles too. Bending, no matter the style, is not a test of grip.

Again i say you dont have to be big to be strong infact bending wise most of the top all round benders are under 250lbs bodyweight so does it need a man to be a 500lbs bencher or 300plus overhead to be a good bender.

I have always and still do agree with this.

I thing the comments about getting injured are :D well excuses...I will tell you this if you frightened of an injury you will never gewt the best out of yourself if the mind is week because its afraid of injury then the body will not go were the mind will not.

If Barry Bonds chose to not ride a motorcycle, in order to avoid harming his baseball career, wouldn't it be unfair for a motorcycle enthusiast to accuse him of being scared?

your a big strong lad with all the equipment except that one vital ingreediant the killer instinct 2 go were others fear to go

I am not sure that you could find any other person on this board, whether the person likes me or not, who agrees with you that I lack killer instinct. If anything, I'd guess that people think I have it to a fault. I simply apply that instinct to some goals and not others.

what can you reverse bend or weaver stick or sledge lever i bet its not elite level

A couple of months ago you told me that my Red Nail reverse bend is elite. Do you no longer think so? It was top 10 on Horne's list the last time I checked.

Yup. And that's why Gazza can do flock all with a Blob...no...wait...erm... :unsure

The deadlift, for high reps, and with no straps, does not mainly test the grip. Far from it. But it does involve the grip to a significant extent, and so prolonged deadlifting in the manner described can build good grip strength. This is how I developed the base of my grip strength (I can do some things with a blob too). I imagine that bending did the same for Gary. It involves the grip, just like pull-ups and deadlifts do, but it is not a test of grip proper (same for pull-ups and deadlifts).


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Didn't you say something about starting a new topic... yet here we still are.

Incorrect. I asked those who wished to respond to me to start a new one. But I'd be happy to do it if they choose not to do so (as seems to be the case).

New thread started. Gazza and twig can respond to me there.


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Didn't you say something about starting a new topic... yet here we still are.

Incorrect. I asked those who wished to respond to me to start a new one. But I'd be happy to do it if they choose not to do so (as seems to be the case).

New thread started. Gazza and twig can respond to me there.


Incorrect? It doesn't say you said you'd start it - just that you said something (see the word above?). Sheesh. Anyway...

I had a go at pinch today. I got the 111.8-kilos off of the floor but couldn't lock it out. It'll be on my youtube account soon.

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