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John Beatty

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Nick is really coming on here lately. Look for him to just keep getting better and better!

Congratulations everyone, way to go on the top 5 placing and tearing win Nick!

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Congrats to the top 5 and to everyone else as well! Really had a blast John. Got to see some fantastic performances all around. I wanted to stick around and see what place I got, and whether I got a sword out of my shenanigans. Sorry I had to leave early but I just couldn't stand around any longer with my shoulder giving me trouble. It's back in now -doesn't feel like a million bucks- more like $20, haha.

Sorry to hear about the shoulder trouble. Hope it's getting better already!

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#4 close by Chad! :rock


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Congrats to all you competitors!!! Sounds like yall had fun.

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Congrats guys and Chad for the win :rock Well done to John Beatty for his amazing bending. 5/16 CRS sq :blink

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A short addition-

Grippers -

Chad was a monster, easily closing the #4, Josh's 3.5 close was close, open a little, close again (I don't know how to score repping a 3.5, so I left it a tie... :blink ). Paul also had a strong close of the 3.5. There were more misses on grippers than in the past, but still 8 guys closed grippers rated over 150, and 4 guys over 170.

Bending - I went with highest calibration poundage wins, that's just what I prefer. More of a pain to score, but like Zach said, a Shiny shouldn't beat an Insane. It makes a few iffy judgements on some of the high end stuff, but a lot of factors involved, as my Triangle 6" grade 5 was at least 715 per the calibration, and the 5/16 square at 650, but to me the square was harder, as my power is in the 6" range, and I'm not as good at the kink, more of a sweep & crush guy. So I just went by straight poundages. I personally had an awesome day, with a huge PR in the 6" Edgin, then a "what the heck" try & success on the 5/16 square (which I never even considered until Ben said something, and with me, Chad & Ben all attempting it in our flight, it seemed pretty cool). Paul by all rights should have had the 6.5" x 5/16 square, but was off center. Watching him attack the square really go me charged up. I don't even begin to consider myself equal to Paul's bending, just a REALLY good day & some serious adrenaline going. Jeremiah was going for some Grand shiny, but the off center bug was in him, too. That particular bug was in total control of Dan Sweeney, his bends were at least 1" off center, and he still got them. Ben's shoulder was at work, but still got the 6.5" Edgin. Bending was spectacular as usual, Zach & Chad with an Edgin. Ben & Dave with 6.5" Edgins. Me with a 6". And the two 5/16 squares, and Paul's two close attempts on 6.5" x 5/16 square.

Have to get to work, will try to post more tomorrow am.

One thing to mention - Paul's beer & dip contest regimen! Great stuff!

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OK - it's official - I hate myself for not going to BBB this year!

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Just to let everyone know I took a lot of little videos of most people in the contest but not all. I gave it my best shot to get as much as possible but was just always in one spot or another, having a good time and enjoying the conversation with everyone. I did however leave my laptop at John's place but he is shipping it back to me today. Then I will attempt to get the 12 plus gigs off my laptop and try to figure a way to get everyone who was there a copy. Lots of videos of Chad lifting INSANE stuff.

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Just to let everyone know I took a lot of little videos of most people in the contest but not all. I gave it my best shot to get as much as possible but was just always in one spot or another, having a good time and enjoying the conversation with everyone. I did however leave my laptop at John's place but he is shipping it back to me today. Then I will attempt to get the 12 plus gigs off my laptop and try to figure a way to get everyone who was there a copy. Lots of videos of Chad lifting INSANE stuff.

That's awesome news John!!! Even if I'm not in any of those 12+ gigs, I greatly appreciate it!!!

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It was great fun!I didn't finish where I wanted to but I got a new cert with the 1/4 x5 1/2 square and was able to do things and a little more then I did last year with no training at all.I even surprised myself a little.Thanks to John for everything.I would like a copy of the vids too.If you need some cash for the disc and shipping let me know.And when Lacey's pic are available John please let me know.It was good to so all my brothers in grip again.I missed you though geezer.

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Can't wait to see the vids sounds like a ton of fun had by all.

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Another good Contest, and a lot of fun. The tearing and Hercules hold were a good change of pace. As always the food was great. Missed a few guys this year, but the others stepped up.

I came in strong, but the tearing event pretty much put me out of the running. We had to change the phone book tears to quarters, and my grip and rip style wasn't any good for crossway's tears. Learned popping after I got home, makes the quartering easy.

Bent 2 very easy Edgins. Tried a 6" Grade 5 and it was hard from the start.

The best way I can describe the Hercules Hold is Overpowering. My hands started to open from the start. Some of the strongest guys only held on for a few seconds. Hopefully it will be back next year just as heavy. It was a blast being able to try it. :)

John Beatty ended up beating me by a point I think. I don't think he did anything wrong for the whole Contest. I seems like his time on the Hercules hold was better this year than last, with more than double weight. :)

Big Congratulations to John for a good contest!!

Met Paul Knight, good guy and STRONG. Gave the #4 gripper a good try and had some excellent bending attempts. Did better than his placing shows.

Chad W. just kept on going after the Contest, if he got tired I didn't see it.

Nick Rosendaul showed us how well rounded he is. No bad events.

Along the same lines as John Beatty. HEAVY Lifting and a bit of grip training and watch out!

Thanks to John and family, and Jerry for a good Contest, definitely one of my favorites.

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Another good Contest, and a lot of fun. The tearing and Hercules hold were a good change of pace. As always the food was great. Missed a few guys this year, but the others stepped up.

I came in strong, but the tearing event pretty much put me out of the running. We had to change the phone book tears to quarters, and my grip and rip style wasn't any good for crossway's tears. Learned popping after I got home, makes the quartering easy.

Bent 2 very easy Edgins. Tried a 6" Grade 5 and it was hard from the start.

The best way I can describe the Hercules Hold is Overpowering. My hands started to open from the start. Some of the strongest guys only held on for a few seconds. Hopefully it will be back next year just as heavy. It was a blast being able to try it. :)

John Beatty ended up beating me by a point I think. I don't think he did anything wrong for the whole Contest. I seems like his time on the Hercules hold was better this year than last, with more than double weight. :)

Big Congratulations to John for a good contest!!

Met Paul Knight, good guy and STRONG. Gave the #4 gripper a good try and had some excellent bending attempts. Did better than his placing shows.

Chad W. just kept on going after the Contest, if he got tired I didn't see it.

Nick Rosendaul showed us how well rounded he is. No bad events.

Along the same lines as John Beatty. HEAVY Lifting and a bit of grip training and watch out!

Thanks to John and family, and Jerry for a good Contest, definitely one of my favorites.

Good write up. Dave it was nice meeting you Sat. you had a really good contest. I hope one day to even come close to lifting some of the weights that you did.

Edited by John III
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Good write up. Dave it was nice meeting you Sat. you had a really good contest. I hope one day to even come close to lifting some of the weights that you did.

Glad you made it John!

I was worried you wouldn't make it for awhile.

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This was another outstanding comp put on by John Beatty :rock :rock :rock

It was great meeting all the new guys...and seeing some of my old grip friends.

This was a tough comp and with me having to go second the entire day...made it VERY challenging for me. All the events were great and I look forward to the next one :rock

Oh...and the food was DELICIOUS and it was cool meeting Big Toney...and his cheese cakes ROCK :rock

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I didn't have time this am to get results in, but wanted to put up my thoughts on the BBB. Other than moving a bit slow, my fault, I hadn't seen Big Tony in 2 years & we were talking too much. Really thought we could have had it done by 6pm. I'll work on that next year.

Grippers are grippers, it's kind of a must, but fairly boring to me. Watching the really high end guys was, as always, cool, and when guys got PR's, but I suck at grippers, so my interest is minimal. It'll probably always be in there, but it's slow & not really too exciting. Excellent work by everyone, though. It's much more fun to see the guys fighting the last tiny bit. I got pretty much what I get every year, despite actually training this time, so a little down on my performance here.

Bending - extremely good work by all, as with every year I get a huge rush from the collective adrenaline. To me bending is awesome from the beginner to the most advanced guy, the visual is better, it's cool to see the excitement & seems like more PR's get hit at comps. I had a great day, so I was happy. The energy on bending is always great. Paul is an animal here. Very cool to watch. Ben is a great motivator. I'd love to have him closer to actually motivate me to bend all year round.

2 hand medley - Fun! Should have gone a hair lighter, maybe 20 lbs less on the axle, then maybe a few more guys would have gone through to the Blobs & Inches. I liked it though, it'll probably be back some year. Chad is a freaking monster. Him rowing the Inches was unreal. Dave T is probably one of my favorite guys to watch, it's like

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Congrats to everyone! :rock Sounds like a great time was had by all.

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Is there any pics or vids of comp up yet? Again, well done to all who competed. :rock

I'm not sure who all else took videos but I do have quite a few. I left my laptop at John's and he shipped it back to me. Just checked FedEx and it is in transit to my house. I will update everyone when I get them. I think Nick might have been taking some videos, and Paul took some of me and others after the comp. There was a lady there taking pics with quite a nice camera and lens. Local news?

Edited by John III
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Local news was a no show, no reason why. Lacy took 600+ pics of the first 3 events, then had to leave for a family thing. I'm going over to check out the pics Sun, then we'll see what we'll do. I'm hoping she can just give me a CD with all the pics, or 2 CD's, & I can take them to Walmart & get copies made. Looking forward to vids.

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Local news was a no show, no reason why. Lacy took 600+ pics of the first 3 events, then had to leave for a family thing. I'm going over to check out the pics Sun, then we'll see what we'll do. I'm hoping she can just give me a CD with all the pics, or 2 CD's, & I can take them to Walmart & get copies made. Looking forward to vids.

John, I just got my laptop 30 min ago. It was delivered first thing this morning. I will check out all of the videos when I get off work and try to get them on a couple of DVDs then try to figure out how to get them to all of the competetors. I will let you know.

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Had a lot of fun as usual, food was amazing as usual, and the prizes were great! My favorite prize is the straps with the naked ladies sewn on them. I don't even use straps but I'm going to look for an excuse to wear those to the gym. I was too blown out to try anything afterwards and we wanted to get back to the hotel to watch the fights but it sounds like we missed quite a show.

Congratulations to Chad for breaking the American record on grippers! :rock He JUST missed the 199 SE which is not only 4# higher BUT the sweep is murder. He'll kill that 199 #4 of Eaton's. Chad was dominant as usual. As Dan was telling Russ and Vic; "Chad just competes with himself and then there is everybody else".

John Beatty had a huge contest. He won/tied the bending event, upset some guys on the pinch, had great times as far as the best of the rest in the 2H and tearing medley and then had a monster HH time with only you know who beating him.

Dave did his usual, top 3-5 in every event and pulled out his usual top 3 finish. The guy never makes a mistake and his pinch was on fire yestereday!

Nick had a great contest and his strategy was top notch. He did the bending event perfect, picked up huge points when he had to on the tearing medley, and hit make or break weight in the 2HP. Very smart contest and as someone who enjoys the strategy portion of these things as much as anything, my hat's off to him :rock

Met Paul and we had a blast. We've decided next time we tie in an event we're doing a SFII match as the tiebreaker; shoryuken biotch! That boy has some serious gripper power and look for him to hit the MM3 no problem.

Thanks again to Dan, Vic, and Russ for letting me stay with you guys. I've got to head off to dinner with the family. Looking forward to doing it again next year.

:laugh .......... Sonic boom biiiiiooooootch!

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