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When Can I Expect To Close The #3 Mms?

Captain Sam

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Hi everybody! its me again :) I have told myself that i am going to close the nr 3 before the year is over but for now it feels hard. My personal best is 2 mm from closed whith my left hand.

My question is, When can i expect to close the nr 3? I can CCS the 2,5 but must i be able to no-set it first or even do full reps with it?

What is your basic progressionprogram for going to work on one level upp gripper?

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Hi everybody! its me again :) I have told myself that i am going to close the nr 3 before the year is over but for now it feels hard. My personal best is 2 mm from closed whith my left hand.

My question is, When can i expect to close the nr 3? I can CCS the 2,5 but must i be able to no-set it first or even do full reps with it?

What is your basic progressionprogram for going to work on one level upp gripper?

I've been stuck with the #3 at around 1/4" for around a year and a half. When I first closed my BBSM I expected to close the #3 a few months later. That didn't happen. Some guys it might be a couple weeks, and for others, years. Nobody can answer that question.

I do negitives and choked closes with harder grippers. I have been adding a lot more NS stuff since it is so awkard for me and so I can kinda back down and use an easier gripper from time to time.

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You can never "expect" to close the #3. You've got to take a page out of Tim Gunn's notebook (Project Runway) and "make it happen." I know you're working hard for it, but don't let yourself think for a second that the #3 close will just fall in your lap at a predetermined time. Make it happen man! Change up your training if you think what you're doing now could be more efficient. Teemu's got some excellent gripper advice. So do some other guys here. Search the training logs. Search the articles. Search training blogs. Continue working hard, but my advice to you is to learn as much as you can about setting (watch John Eaton's and the Diesel Crew's gripper setting videos!!!), recovery, training methods, and then you will have that #3 trembling in fear.

Search YouTube for videos of grippers being closed. There might be some form or technique tip that will make the vital difference for you. With only 2mm to go you are very close already. You can never refine your setting technique too much or be too knowledgeable about grip training though. Consider all of this to be research for your next gripper goals.

Have you tried: hoseclamps, negatives, strapholds, coin holds, beyond the range training? There's probably a lot of training left untapped. Keep building your base and you'll get there.

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I really like your advice Ben!!! I have also been after my #3 for a long time and I have actually closed it twice about a month or so apart. This is some tough stuff. I am going to start some beyond the range work and hopefully one day I will be able to close it on camera. Good luck guys :rock

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Ok bencrush. I had alook on youtube about setting the gripper and i havent done exactly as they did so there might be a little progress to be made there, Thanx!! Hopfully its all i need, i will let you know...

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Ok bencrush. I had alook on youtube about setting the gripper and i havent done exactly as they did so there might be a little progress to be made there, Thanx!! Hopfully its all i need, i will let you know...

Best of luck man! Glad you took the tough love advice.

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I really like your advice Ben!!! I have also been after my #3 for a long time and I have actually closed it twice about a month or so apart. This is some tough stuff. I am going to start some beyond the range work and hopefully one day I will be able to close it on camera. Good luck guys :rock

yeah. pretty motivating. he should give the personal training gig another go.

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I really like your advice Ben!!! I have also been after my #3 for a long time and I have actually closed it twice about a month or so apart. This is some tough stuff. I am going to start some beyond the range work and hopefully one day I will be able to close it on camera. Good luck guys :rock

yeah. pretty motivating. he should give the personal training gig another go.

Thanks. I still do a bit of personal training here and there, mostly online and by e-mail, but now I don't charge for it. I only help those I really have time for. And my time is running shorter and shorter so the list will naturally dwindle until there are none left. I found out quickly that with the personal trainining, if someone needed me to motivate them every workout, they were in the wrong place and should probably find another hobby that suits them better. Like knitting. Or reading about knitting. I can't infuse someone with motivation but I did try.

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Well, whenever I have a lot of energy on a particular day, or if I come home pretty annoyed about something I go for my heaviest gripper. I've found in the past that I can move the handles in significantly more when I'm worked up. I also find (and you may not necessarily share this belief) that after I do intense cardio, my blood is flowing very quickly through all my muscles and I feel more powerful in my hands after, say, doing a good long workout on a stationary bike. 2mm is really close, I think you can do it under the right conditions.

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