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The Road To 700

The Natural

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Pause squats

Warm ups

425, 3x5. BIG PR. In fact, this is what my goal was from the beginning. I hit the goal about four weeks earlier than planned. My squat should be around 585 right now, a 25 pound PR. I may max soon.



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Did some good mornings today with the Safety Squat Bar. 6x6. Anticipating some soreness.

Then did a few lighter rack pulls from bottom of knee position. Worked up to 635 for 3 singles. Could have gone much heavier but didn't want to do that.

No adrenaline burned for this workout. Saving up for my workout next Friday.

Rows, PR.

Glute ham raises. Finally was able to do my last set with a 45 pound plate. PR.


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Monday morning, I did pause squats again.

435 pounds. 3x5. Another 10 pound PR. That's a 40 pound increase in work weight in about 5 weeks.



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Had a very disappointing training day today.

I was wanting to hit 630 for a double (630 is 90 percent of my projected max). I failed.

I could not get my new suit to work properly. It's so close to the meet that I will probably just choose to lift raw. I'd feel irresponsible about this but it's not my fault. Titan backed out on me and so I had to find another suit off the shelf.

Which means the 700 will have to wait and I will go for a raw PR.

Really fried from the workout. Not good. I worked till 4:30 AM at the night club after training. I need rest.


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Did some sled dragging today just to have something to do during the load deloading period.

backwards dragging. 80 feet.

2 trips with two plates

2 trips with three plates

2 trips with four plates


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Will you deadlift again before the meet? What do you think will be your opener?

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Will you deadlift again before the meet? What do you think will be your opener?


We're very different in this regard. You seem to pull even right up to the week before the meet.

I don't pull at all 3-4 weeks before a meet. No pulling. And I cut the squats too 10 days out.

I'll open with 600 pounds, I think.

Going for 650 pounds raw.


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good luck in your meet. Rex can you explain what pause squats are. Like is this when you put the bar on the safety bars at the bottom position and squat it form there?

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good luck in your meet. Rex can you explain what pause squats are. Like is this when you put the bar on the safety bars at the bottom position and squat it form there?

Yeah, you just set the safety bars so that when the bar is resting on them, you are at parallel. Do a normal squat, but when you feel the bar touch the safety bars, stop until the bar on your back stops vibrating completely (ususally about a second is what it takes), and then explode up; don't bounce off the safety bars. I've found this to be one of the most effective exercises I've ever done. I'll always do them from now on. Probably will alternate between a six week cycle of front squats and a six week cycle of pause back squats.

Let me know if you try them. I like 3x5 with the same weight, and I choose a weight that makes the last set hard but not grinding.


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Best of luck with the 650 dead. :rock:rock

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I know I said I wouldn't wear a suit for this meet, but I got to talking to Ken Anderson, and he pulled out some goodies, and the next thing you know...

688.7 pounds.

16.5 pound PR.

3rd out of 3 (or maybe 4) guys in the Open Men (308 class).

1st in Junior Men, as there was no competition.

Thanks to my friend Ryan Klein for showing up and supporting me.

The 700 is right there!

1st Attempt: 611. Three white lights.

2nd Attempt: 666. Three white lights.

3rd Attempt 688. Three white lights.

Viva Las Vegas!


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Good work Rex.

Thanks man!

The guy who placed one ahead of me--with a 694 DL--is a Gripboard member who trains with Odd Haugen. Big Asian fellow.

Congrats to him. Strong guy.


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Good work Rex.

Thanks man!

The guy who placed one ahead of me--with a 694 DL--is a Gripboard member who trains with Odd Haugen. Big Asian fellow.

Congrats to him. Strong guy.


Ronnie Castro? I believe he is Philipino...Good guy.

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Wow! Trouble with your last workout, trouble with fitting your suit, and no trouble at all with 688. I know this feels Grrreeeaaat! Congratulations, Rex! :rock

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Good work Rex.

Thanks man!

The guy who placed one ahead of me--with a 694 DL--is a Gripboard member who trains with Odd Haugen. Big Asian fellow.

Congrats to him. Strong guy.


Ronnie Castro? I believe he is Philipino...Good guy.

Yeah, that's him. We were helping each other get ready backstage, changing weights, etc.. Sometimes I even surprise myself.


Wow! Trouble with your last workout, trouble with fitting your suit, and no trouble at all with 688. I know this feels Grrreeeaaat! Congratulations, Rex! :rock

Thanks Eric. Looks like we'll be going after 700 together.


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Rex, do you have any videos of you pulling big?

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Rex, do you have any videos of you pulling big?

Man, I wish I did. I had the camera and everything, but when me, Klein, and my two other friends walked over to the hotel event room, the flight before mine was already well under way and I was in a rush to just get warmed up. I bought some pictures of the final lift for me and my family, though.

It was a grinder. A better weight could not have been chosen. I'd say four seconds at least just to get it from above the knees to lockout.


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