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Bill's Grip Training Log


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Feel pretty good after a little more then a week of having my hernia surgery. I can actually get up out of bed easily just hard to bend down still but not bad.

Captain of Crush Sport 10x3

Trainer 9x3

IM Tug #1 5x2 bottom two fingers

#2 5x2 bottom two fingers

Finger Extentions heavy rubber band 10x3

Wrist leverage side to side 8x3

Felt great

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Feel pretty good after a little more then a week of having my hernia surgery. I can actually get up out of bed easily just hard to bend down still but not bad.

Captain of Crush Sport 10x3

Trainer 9x3

IM Tug #1 5x2 bottom two fingers

#2 5x2 bottom two fingers

Finger Extentions heavy rubber band 10x3

Wrist leverage side to side 8x3

Felt great

Correction the IM Tug was a 2 and 3

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Well been gone since Thursday to Iowa in the corn fields....Back now and going to hit some training later can't wait to try to get my #2 choked closed since I tried a few times just at random last week before I left i had only 1/8 inch left to go big progress for me....

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Got some grip work in today first day back home from Iowa.

CoC Sport 10x3

Trainer 10x3

#1 2x2

Choked #2 .....1/8" left...

finger extentions heavy rubber bands 12x3

IM Tug #2 15x1

#3 10x2....each one was bottom two fingers

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3lb sledge leverage side to side 10x4

finger extentions 10x4

CoC Sport 15x1

Trainer 8x2


#2 Choked.....1/16" left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IM Tug #2 12x1

#3 8x2 .....Tugs are bottom two fingers....

Almost got that #2 choked maybe next time.....

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Finger extentions 10x4

CoC sport 12x1

trainer 8x2

#1 2x3sets

#2 choked 1 attempt 1/8" left on that one...

IM Tug #3 5x3sets bottom 2 fingers

Went to the doc today and he said I am healing fast and I can start up my training again on monday...easing into it of course....only been 4 weeks suppose to be 6-8 Just shows what training can do for you and being healthy.

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Finally got to train today after over a month of not being able to felt great!!!

Dynamic upper day

Dynamic sledge warm up

Bench 3x10sets

incline 3x10sets

narrow seated rows 5x5

wide grip pulldowns 5x5

BB Shrugs 8x5sets

cable rear lat. raises 8x5sets

B/W Dips 10x4

Close grip bench 5x5

push press 5x5

Done for that tri's are smoked

Grip work

CoC sport 12x1

Trainer 8x2sets

#1 2x3sets

2 hand pinch 70lbs 5x5sec holds

Great day.

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DE Lower Day

Dynamic lower warm up

Box Squats

3x10 sets 45 sec rest between sets

Good Mornings 5x5

lunges 5x5 ......legs screaming

standing calf raises 15x4sets

deadlifts 8x4

Stretch a ton felt good didn't do to much cause it burned so bad after the squats and lunges dont want to over do it to soon, no abs yet I am trying to wait a little longer on those....just in case.

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Well after a long weekend of hunting I got back into the training again today. Yesterday I guess I did some manual labor training in 30 degree weather. 3 feet wide by 2 1/2 feet holes...planted 2 trees pretty taxing ....but it worked out in the end cause I got deer meat on the table.

2 hand pinch grip lifts 5x5 70lbs

wrist curls 15x3 65lbs

reverse wrist curls 12x3 bar...

Felt good but noticed since I haven't really lifted anythign for a month or more My wrists are so week it sucks...

Did a couple 6lb sledge hammer leverages to the face each hand also but again wrists are week so I am going to hit it up hard.

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Sorry I havn't posted like I normally do everyday or so I have been extremely busy with work and will continue to be for a while. This past week and today I have been busy dealing with the visit from the President here today. I got to eat lunch with him say a few words and shake his hand....Long story short when I shook his hand ....(most men give firm hand shakes) I shook his and and gave a slight squeeze and had to stop my self because he didn't squeeze back and his hand felt like play dough.. I thought holy crap I just crushed the Presidents hand. He didn't give any type of facial expression to aware me of this so I think I was good but it felt like I did in my hand....Anyway very cool experiance enjoyed his visit. Hopefully now I will be able to get back to my training.

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2 Handed pinch lifts 8x5sets 80lbs

Reverse wrist curls 55lbs 8x4sets

Wrist curls 85lbs 15x4sets

Had an intresting day.. Been really busy the last few weeks tough to train and get online. Maybe it will slow down now. Anyway I ate lunch with the President today it was a great experiance. Shakes hands very soft felt like play dough but good times. This week is Thanksgiving I just want to say Happy turkey day to all and enjoy your time with your familys.

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Viking Press 3 warm up sets of 12

then 5x5

Bar Bell Curls 8x4sets followed by Reverse Barbell curls for 12x4

Plate Pinch 3 10's for 3sets of 10 sec holds followed by 4 sets of 5 deadlifting 4 dimes.

Felt great finishing this first week of my new grip program I am doing starting a over all grip strength training.

Check out my first video on my blog.

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DE upper day

Dynamic warmup

Bench Press 9 sets of 3 reps

Pec deck 4 sets of 8

Dips B/W 4 sets of 8

Panora press downs 4 sets of 8

Low row 4 sets of 8

wide grip pulldowns 4sets of 8

Shrugs 4sets of 8

Neck work 2 sets of 10 in all directions on the neck machine


Hanging leg raises 4 sets of 10

weighted crunches 4 sets of 10

First day doing abs since surgery felt great the whole training session felt awesome. Got a good "off day" training planned for Wednesday with video of it coming!

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DE Lower day

Morning training

20 min on the elliptical

100 pushups


Leg press 4sets of 8

Lunges 4x8

standing calf raise 4x15

Stopped there had to leave the gym cause people would not stop using the rack for there stupid curls.

Just can't wait until tommrow for tires and sledges!!

Rolling thunder 5x5 work up to 120 from 90

softball crush 5x5 lifts 25-35lbs

wrist curls 4x12

reverse wrist curls 4x15

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Dynamic Lower Day

warm up

Squat 2 warm up set then 10 sets of 3 reps

Leg press 5sets of 5 reps

Leg extensions 3x12

Calf raises 4 sets of 12

Decline abs 40, 30, 20

Grip work

one hand pinch 3 plates x2

4plates each hand x3

2hang pinch 2 45's x3

2 45's +10 x2

Rolling Thunder 4 lifts total don't remember how many each set just fooling around with it. 100lbs

Over all felt great on legs today could have squatted forever. Grip felt weak for some reason maybe to much work lately.

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Finger extentions 3sets of 12 with heavy rubber band

3 dimes one hand pinch 5x5

4 dimes one hand pinch 3sets of 5

CoC trainer 2sets of 10

#1 2 sets of 3

Haven't used my grippers in a while I feel a huge difference feel much weaker.

8lb Sledge hammer levering in all directions 3 sets of 5

Tommrow I plan on buying some bolts to bend for the first time!!! Video will be takin and posted tommrow!!!

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BB wrist curls 3 sets of 12

reverse bb wrist curls 3 sets of 12

3 dimes pinch lift 3x5 lifts

3 dimes + 5lb 3x5 lifts

4 dimes 3x3 lifts

4 dimes + 1 cardboard cut out 2 lifts

Sledge lever all directions 5x5 6lb sledge

CoC Sport 2x15

Trainer 3x10

1/4"x6" bolt bends x 3

Wrist roller 3 sets to failure

Felt good today my hands and forearms are fried right now. I need to get some bending pads soon cause the deerskin gloves only help with the first bend after that its pretty painful. I haven't been able to really post my workouts lately due to work I have been working none stop for hours on end. This week is the same hopefully I can get another session like today in this week!!

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Hit some bends today with 3/16"x6" CRS. Went to Lowe's to pick up some Grade 2 bolts but 2 of the stores we have in the area didn't have any Grade 2 bolts I picked up some grade 5's for future bends and some 60D Timber ties also. I think I am going to get some 1/4" CRS and use that since no one has any Grade 2 bolts. the 3/16" is really easy to bend.....Oh ya and I did some lower body work today. Try to post it later been a hellish day at work.

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Ok I have not been able to be to consistant with my grip training for about the past month hitting random workouts when I can due to my work schdule. Again tonight when everyone is partying on I will be at work. When I get home I am going straight to the garage to hit the years first grip workout. I just ordered another gripper today and got the Ironmind bending wraps on order also. 2009 WILL be more consistant and many PR's will be broken!!! Happy New Year to all.

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Thanks for the visit John I try to get some thing up over there once a day.

This years first workout

sledge hammer lever all directions 3x10

CoC sport 2x15

trainer 3x10

#1 2x1

22lb blockweight lifts/cleans 8sets of 4-5 per very easy need BIGGER

couple bends 3/16 x 5" CRS need to pick up some more stock tommrow and wait for my Ironmind pads to come in the next day or two.

Some card tearing 10-20 cards for one deck...need to try to get back into this my previous max before was 25 cards need the whole deck down by the end of the year!!!

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Bench 4 sets of 10

Incline 4sets of 5

Pec deck 3 sets of 8

Dips 10bw 4 sets bw+25lbs

Overhead extentions 4sets of 8

Pushdowns 3 sets of 8

Low cable rows 4 sets of 8

face pulls 4 sets of 8

DB rows 4 sets of 8

DB Shrugs 4 sets of 8

Back extentions 1 set of 20

ab roller 3 sets of 10

3 bends 3/16"x6"

Iso work on a piece of 1/4"x7" CRS 10 degree kink

Don't understand why I could bend that one grade 5 and now I can't maybe because I was really pissed off that day. I will get it soon no doubt. Ironmind pads are in route.

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CoC sport 1x20

trainer 3x15

3lb sledge lever all directions 3x12

Little work tonight hands are sore from last sessions and fooling around with the #2 at work today. Plan a max effort session in about 3 days. Will conduct some contrast hand baths later...after 300!!

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