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I was also able to hold the 2.5 closed with my right when doing negatives, it wasn't long after I was able to close the 2 that I was doing it from an MMS set, I think I will be able to MMS the 2.5 within a few months

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With my right hand I warmed up with five fast smash reps with the trainer. Then I went for an MMS with the 2.5 missed it by 5mm or so, forced it close and held it for about three seconds. After that I proceeded to do as many reps with the two as I could until I was tired.

With my left I warmed up with the trainer with five fast smash reps. Then I went for the number two hold negative, couldn't hold it shut, I was able to hold it to about 4mm though. After that I was able to get in some good reps with the 1.5.

About ten minutes after my workout I grabbed the 2.5 and slammed it shut with both hands, then I held it shut in my right hand for about twelve seconds, I had to look at the handle afterward to make sure it was a 2.5.

I went for another neg with the two in the left, still missed by at least a couple of mm's

I am starting to practice a little more no setting, and I need to choke the 2.5

any tips are welcome.

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Started the KTA program today, I know that I can't say much about it, but after reading the information I have to say that I think this is really going to help me make some serious gains.

I will CCS the 2.5 in ten weeks

I will be either closing or be very close to closing the number 3 in a choker, these are my goals out of this program.

Finally I will smash the number 2 with the left.

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Day 8 of KTA program, hands are sore, left sholder is sore, but all is great. I feel like this will make my hands stronger, I have been following everything in the program to a T. I haven't ripped my hands open yet but I am missing skin in a few spots and getting new thicker calouses.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 18 of the KTA program, I do not feel any sort of shoulder pain anymore, for that I am very pleased. My hands are more torn than before and I have began to develop a decent amount of callus on the tips of my fingers.

My left hand is definitely stronger than before. I think that I am able to work my right a little harder than my left because it is stronger than my left, however, because of this my right hand is more sore and weaker than my left currently, but the work is going well I can feel my hands becoming stronger.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I decided that my hands were too torn to continue after the fourth week, I have taken a full week off and I am going to start the entire program over again, I did notice an increase in strength especially in the left hand, it was no problem for me to CCS the 1.5 in the left, it felt more like a 1 than a 1.5, and the number 2 in my left seems much easier than it did before.

Today was day one of KTA

with the callous that I have now I don't anticipate my hands tearing as easily.

I'll post again in a week.

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Not really a workout update, but I have ordered my brother a set of grippers for his birthday, he has fooled around with my COC's a for a few months and he can just about get a number two closed. I think that together we will be able to motivate each other and close bigger grippers.

KTA day 3

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Day eleven today, I managed to tear the callous off of the center of my right hand, hoping the skin will grow back much tougher than it was.

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  • 1 year later...

So it's been over a year and still no CCS on the 2.5.

I started the high volume routine Greg and Dave came up with on monday (http://www.gripboard.com/index.php?showtopic=14288) as it starts with lower grippers and my hands are not ready for the heavy stuff again just yet.

Once I finish this routine in about six weeks I intend to give KTA another. As I am not as strong as Dave or Greg my plan is to run through the easier grippers week 1 Guide, then sport, trainer, 1, 1.5, and 2 for Max week. 2.5 for negs ( I may need to switch to 3 for neg as I could close a 2.5 in a choker at one time and I suspect in 5 weeks I may be able to hold the 2.5 shut). The other thing that will be interesting is that the only trainer and 1 I have are filed, this will bring in some fun extra difficulty in the middle of the program.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Today I started with the trainer and to my surprise I was able to get 100 reps in my right with a filed trainer. I did not think that I would be able to do this, I do not believe I was ever able to get much over 50 in the past, with my left I was able to do somewhere around 60.

I am going to start the RRBT program this week, this past couple of weeks is kind of a precursor to RRBT.

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