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21" X 5/8 A36 Hrs (15.89mm)

Paul Knight

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I pretty much agree. I think anything should be allowed up to a point. I think anything that protrudes from the ground would violate #7 as you say even though I know some would say kneeling would be a violation. Look at it this way, in tug-o-war you can wear whatever shoes, chalk your feet whatever but I don't think you could wrap your leg around a tree or chain your feet to the floor.

Anything that would stick your feet to the floor I think gets ridiculous. To bring your own carpet mat and regular shoes and even chalk (just like wraps) would be fine with me but if somebody shows up with velcro on their feet and a big mat of velcro then that is actually sticking your feet to the floor. That's not traction that's something that actually requires effort to pull your feet off the floor. This is another area where the bigger guys might have more of an advantage with the traction thing because I can tell you I've certainly had my foot break loose and fly out to the side.

Basically anything along those lines is what is okay to me. Aiding traction would be okay but making a loop out of rope and putting your feet in it (believe me, I've thought of it) would be a no no.

I personally wouldn't have a big problem with cleats but that's up to you. I've never used cleats so I can't say how much they add.

I really don't think anyone has gotten ridiculous though. Scrolling is sorta an art form as much as a feat of strength so I think that's different. I've seen pics of John Brookfield push a bar into the ground.

I personally wouldn't try my max bend on slick concrete now. Too much risk of pulling a muscle or something.



Tim T - you always seem to be very diplomatic about everything (compliment)

David I agree w/Tim also - Unfortunately you make need to add one more rule - not because someone has already raised brows - but because we can forsee this being an issue in the future, and strangely, alot of us have had some of the same ideas, just never acted on them, ie: cleats, velcro - never thought of the magnetic boots though :laugh Therfore people are already considering this technique. :sleep

I would be fine w/carpet or rubber mat, etc..

because if the bending is taking place in a contest, the mat/carpet piece can be passed or not passed by an official at the contest prior to the bending - the competitor can just bring his/her own piece of foot placement to stand on - what do you think? and everyone else - sound cool? :mellow

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Here could be a good way to test said mat and shoes. Make a competitor take their shoes off and placed them on the mat and push down on them. Pick the mat up and turn it upside down and if the shoes are still stuck to it, out they go :D .


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After re-reading the whole thing again I almost lost sight of one of my primary beliefs. If something's not a problem, dont make another law. I like what you said about braced bending not having alot of rules. I think rule #7 is fine and sensible but as we all see from talking here, we've all THOUGHT about crazy stuff but we've not actually done it so to a large degree I think pride or in some instances shame will keep alot of that out.

It's kinda like somebody thinking of the perfect way to rob a bank or shoplift, but never would actually do it.

We're just pondering hypothetical stuff David so I don't see the need for another rule but that's up to you. Heck you can always make a judgement call if someone submits something shady.



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Well I'm not really worried about the scrolling I am gonna do whatever I want with that as long as I'm not using any mechanical leverage. Noone is judgeing that, it's not a contest. It was just the only thing I can really relate to this with.

I think the carpet thing is a good middle ground. I am not even at the point on the between the legs crush that I am really concerned about it, and I could certainly throw some carpet down wherever when that time comes. So nevermind the cleats I guess, that is probably going a bit far.

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Paul, the magnetic boots I believe I saw on an episode of Star Trek. They were using them to walk on the outside of the ship as you might expect. Then I'd need a darn steel floor though ha ha.

Here's a few other ideas for thigh crushers.

Get 2 super strong electro magnets. Strap the positive to one knee, the negative to the other. When your in the final stages of the thigh crush hit the juice and crush it home!

Hockey skates! Those could provide some real side bite on just about any surface. For added advantage one could tie the laces together.

it's almost fun to think about how crazy you could take it to push the rules. Like I said, almost like Wile E. Coyote.

I have to go order my Acme rocket propelled bending pads now.


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Well I'm not really worried about the scrolling I am gonna do whatever I want with that as long as I'm not using any mechanical leverage. Noone is judgeing that, it's not a contest. It was just the only thing I can really relate to this with.

I think the carpet thing is a good middle ground. I am not even at the point on the between the legs crush that I am really concerned about it, and I could certainly throw some carpet down wherever when that time comes. So nevermind the cleats I guess, that is probably going a bit far.

Exactly. Scrolling is an entirely different thing. Heck I use my foot to make a fish so I do think it's different. Like you say, it's not judged. The artistic nature of your scrolls is what's on display and that is indeed good.

BTW, I still say that frog scroll is one of my all-time favorites if not THE favorite.


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While it's not really related to technical enhancments but I have wondered what might be possible if you learned how to go into a Beserker Trance while on some Methamphetamine.

Not that I would ever try the later.

Unless it was for a big bend.

And thanks for the compliments on the frog Tim. The Raven should beat it soundly whenever I can stop getting sick and wasteing all my free time trying to recover and finish it. Although I do like the elegance and simplicity of that frog for sure.

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Get 2 super strong electro magnets. Strap the positive to one knee, the negative to the other. When your in the final stages of the thigh crush hit the juice and crush it home!

freakin hilarious! wouldn't you crush your bones too then!? :laugh I need to come up w/some creative ideas now! I'll get back on that.

BTW, I still say that frog scroll is one of my all-time favorites if not THE favorite.

My personal fave is his tree! at least until the Raven is complete.

While it's not really related to technical enhancments but I have wondered what might be possible if you learned how to go into a Beserker Trance while on some Methamphetamine.

Not that I would ever try the later.

Unless it was for a big bend.

You mean to tell me methamphetamines could be against the rules to?! :blink Oh?..........I didn't know.......... :laugh

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Wouldn't PCP be the way to go? I mean think about it, you could bend stuff beyond belief and not even feel the broke bones protruding from the skin. Pads? Ahhh who needs em'. Hallucinations might be a hinderance though but what the hey?



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Wouldn't PCP be the way to go? I mean think about it, you could bend stuff beyond belief and not even feel the broke bones protruding from the skin. Pads? Ahhh who needs em'. Hallucinations might be a hinderance though but what the hey?



so should i be able to get this at my steel supplier? :blush

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Wouldn't PCP be the way to go? I mean think about it, you could bend stuff beyond belief and not even feel the broke bones protruding from the skin. Pads? Ahhh who needs em'. Hallucinations might be a hinderance though but what the hey?



Maybe that explains some peoples faces during a bend :D

Edited by White Scorpion
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Yeah Scrolling is an art form, and a show feat of strength that stands on it's own, with really whatever the performer wants to do.

Ok, regarding Braced Bending we'll add no extra rule for the time being. I can even add a poll on a certain question later if you want.

Keep me informed guys, after all it's your list.


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Wouldn't PCP be the way to go? I mean think about it, you could bend stuff beyond belief and not even feel the broke bones protruding from the skin. Pads? Ahhh who needs em'. Hallucinations might be a hinderance though but what the hey?
Maybe that explains some peoples faces during a bend
so should i be able to get this at my steel supplier?


No - but you should be able to get it at your supplier. :laugh:laugh

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Wouldn't PCP be the way to go? I mean think about it, you could bend stuff beyond belief and not even feel the broke bones protruding from the skin. Pads? Ahhh who needs em'. Hallucinations might be a hinderance though but what the hey?
Maybe that explains some peoples faces during a bend
so should i be able to get this at my steel supplier?


No - but you should be able to get it at your supplier. :laugh:laugh

i'll be sure to look one up in the phonebook ;)

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