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Timmy, I just can't understand your reasons for all this. What do you gain out of it all? Your grip resume looks pretty bad now, even worse than back when you were heating the spring and stomping the gripper. If you want to be a grip fraud, you are not doing very well as one seeing that it was not too hard for me or others to figure out who you are.

Is this your other youtube channel?


How many id's has he got??

I guess only he can tell.
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Even though you "came out" it still doesn't make it right. Off course you did the right thing admitting who you are. But I'm reminded how Viper/paul savaged got outed as being fake, when he was the real deal. And I think that anyone with a bad video or some big claims regarding a feat will get doubted. Very much because of what you did.

Sure you may have incouraged some people but some may also have gotten discouraged. Some people may also walk around thinking Nathan was crap and he closed a weak #4. Even though you never said that his 4 was weak, the question rose and that's enough to get people thinking.

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Anyone save the comments where Timmy admits to his follies? Because I didn't have access until now and those comments are long gone. I'd like to see what was written. Or Timmy could send them to me via PM...otherwise it might be interesting for all to see a few of his evasive PMs.

The short story is that I would have calibrated Timmy's grippers (even knowing they were actually Timmy's grippers) if he had said he was Timmy and that he only wanted them calibrated for training purposes-not to have me somehow legitimize his efforts and fakery. Since he approached me as "Steels" and was incredibly evasive with my simple questions that pissed me off royally and I called him on it. He did have the balls to admit who he is...however, getting caught and having the integrity to either not do it in the first place or admit to it without coercion are two totally different things.

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No (I just checked). Plus according to his profile he's 'banned'. Too right. Feel free to forward his PM's. I can always post them on one of my forums.

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No (I just checked). Plus according to his profile he's 'banned'. Too right. Feel free to forward his PM's. I can always post them on one of my forums.

Thanks Mob. I will.

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I understand your frustration, but I have fessed up with honesty and integrity. I could of taken the lie down further by repeatively claiming I wasn't Timmy.

Those pranks were only.....well pranks to motivate people. I didn't mean to insult anybody, but just have a fun time.

Now this makes sense

Are you expressing your jealousy toward the greats who earned their strength through hard work (as you also do in your Nathan Holle's #4 thread) and promoting your own "prank" videos by disingenuously acting offended?

You're right Odin! I also said that in his thread were he admits he is timmy. But that thread is gone now. I wish it wasn't removed (any chance of returning it?). I said in that thread that I am sure he is the one to put the grip fruad video on youtube. He is SOOOOO jealous.

And to answer Steve on how many ID he have. Like what teemu said, only he can tell. But I know he has dozens and can view the board anytime he wants. If I was bill I wouldn't have banned him because he returned. Maybe he got better and stopped acting like the child he was. But implying for others that Clay closes/or Morton is his and saying he is not timmy is bad. At least he should have PMed Bill before posting that he is timmy and wants a chance. But he went further by making videos on youtube and saying that grip masters who trained HARD all there life are fruads! THAT is unacceptable!!! :angry: He really deserves more than a Ban and he SHOULD remove those videos right now (I know you're reading this timmy so DELETE THEM NOW). What a shame!

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This is the same idiot who had the cheek to say i was towting a genuine 4 gripper that was only 3.5 in strength :D and piss on the holle boys accomplishments despite never meeting them this is one guy id really like to play peanuts with :D maybe i should send him a real number 4 so he knows the difference between a proper one and not a heat treated foot stomped one like he uses :D

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