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World Class Feats?


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Yeah but in this community right now people have trained for years yet some have gone much further some have not, this means that the small group who have closed #4 are world class while it seems everyone in this community is on there way to a #3 or has closed one. Like tearing a deck of cards, almost anyone on here can do it yet only like a few can do 2 decks and even less 3-i think only brokfield maybe few other- So as of now there should be world class feats that in this community are considered amazing feats, that most can't do in this community even with training.

So you wanted world class records only within this community? The olympic example you used was a good one. Lets say someone creates a website and board for olympic athletes. and lets say 1000 people who competed in the olympics are in that board. you want a world class feat among those olympic athletes on top of their world class feat?

so it wasnt a world class feat you were looking for. i think your looking for a record that people cannot do even with training(that only people who were born a grip master can do), but who knows? you can not know that unless someone trains, everyone is different. There have been olympic athletes who didnt have anything or any genetic potential but have made it to a world class level.

I would say that all olympic athletes were definitely not on the low spectrum of genetics, they have to be pretty gifted to win. I'm just curious to know what are amazing feats in grip, not just what anyone can achieve. The reason the olympic scenario works is because it covers A LOT of different sports, in fact it covers probably every single one. So most athletes train in a certain sport, and if there great go to the olympics eventually. Of course not everyone trains grip so its a little different to know what is world class, while an olympic athlete mark is world class like sub 10 sec 100m dash. We already know those world class marks in olympics, yet in the grip world their is no real consensus of what is world class.

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So far there is a consensus on these lifts:

20lb sledge lever to face

6 10's

100+ 2HP

RT 100-110+ (keep in mind, it takes guys like Magnus and Felix with MONSTER PAWS to pull 275+. I have trouble believing someone with 7" hands could do the same)

2 45's 1HP

All the above have been stated at least 2 times :)

My personal opinion, though, is that we simply cannot decide what is world class. Only time will tell. Grip is younger than myself by a few years for goodness sakes! How many people are actually training this stuff seriously? People on this board and that brings the total to a few hundred tops, ON EARTH. No one who competes in a grip comp hasn't either visited this board and entered themselves OR met someone from the board who told them about this stuff and the contests. With such a TINY group to pick from, it's very hard to determine what others are capable of. As Chris said, we all know 90% of the people capable of, and who have performed these feats. Time and ONLY time will tell us what is world class. This debate reminds me of magazine articles I've read from the 60's praising the 500lb benchers of the day(all 2 or 3 of them) as having the biggest benches out there... oh how time can change people's perception of things :happy

In all seriousness, for all we know now, there could be someone out there who can and will pull a 300lb Inch DB, a 300lb 2HP, a 400lb 2" Vbar, 650lb DO Apollon's Axle, a 100lb blob, 7 10's, 3 45's, or No set a GR8 #4. Guess what? They haven't, they probably wont for a LOOOOONG time. But one day lifts like these will be the ones to beat. So, as others have said, we are a very esoteric group, and until grip is more mainstream and people can make a bit of cash on the side in it(like strongman), we wont know what "world class" is.

Besides, grip is becoming more and more popular by the day ;)

i couldn't agree more

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So far there is a consensus on these lifts:

20lb sledge lever to face

6 10's

100+ 2HP

RT 100-110+ (keep in mind, it takes guys like Magnus and Felix with MONSTER PAWS to pull 275+. I have trouble believing someone with 7" hands could do the same)

2 45's 1HP

All the above have been stated at least 2 times :)

My personal opinion, though, is that we simply cannot decide what is world class. Only time will tell. Grip is younger than myself by a few years for goodness sakes! How many people are actually training this stuff seriously? People on this board and that brings the total to a few hundred tops, ON EARTH. No one who competes in a grip comp hasn't either visited this board and entered themselves OR met someone from the board who told them about this stuff and the contests. With such a TINY group to pick from, it's very hard to determine what others are capable of. As Chris said, we all know 90% of the people capable of, and who have performed these feats. Time and ONLY time will tell us what is world class. This debate reminds me of magazine articles I've read from the 60's praising the 500lb benchers of the day(all 2 or 3 of them) as having the biggest benches out there... oh how time can change people's perception of things :happy

In all seriousness, for all we know now, there could be someone out there who can and will pull a 300lb Inch DB, a 300lb 2HP, a 400lb 2" Vbar, 650lb DO Apollon's Axle, a 100lb blob, 7 10's, 3 45's, or No set a GR8 #4. Guess what? They haven't, they probably wont for a LOOOOONG time. But one day lifts like these will be the ones to beat. So, as others have said, we are a very esoteric group, and until grip is more mainstream and people can make a bit of cash on the side in it(like strongman), we wont know what "world class" is.

Besides, grip is becoming more and more popular by the day ;)

i couldn't agree more

i hope you read the rest of the thread as well, that was posted earlier.

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240 RT


45 lb. from the hub

6 10's

blob +15

inch DB

2 45's

6'' edgin

16 lb. sledge

12'' crescent wrench

Some of these, I feel, are too high. A couple are too low. It's not a bad list, just a little off, I'd say. I think world class should be doable by a decent number of people, not hundreds for most of these feats, due to the low number of people attempting them, but if you're the only one doing it, that makes you "the best", world class is maybe the top 10-20 doing it in most grip feats, as we are a small group, more in bending & grippers, as that seems to be the more popular exercises in grip. I think we here on the GB get a skewed view as a lot of "the best" are here on the board regularly, or attending comps, so we hear of the best, and are familiar enough with it that it seems normal (but walk into anyplace, even hard core gyms full of strong guys, with a Blob, Bastard, #2, Inch, or most of the items on the list here & see if anyone can do it, including guys that work with their hands all day). The bar has definitely risen, when I got my #3 (A long time ago, well over 10 years - more like 15), that was what only a very few of the best could do, in any form, not just CCS.

There's only about 130-140 names on the #3 list, regardless of the rules, that's it related to how many #3's out there in the world? I'd say a #3 close is still world class, there aren't probably more than a few hundred guys that can close it with a parallel set or wider, and there are millions of grippers of one type or another out there. I think if you're doing what only a few hundred out of a few billion can do (or could ever hope to do), it's world class.

I personally can't lift a Blob, My 172 Inch has never seen air because of me, I can only occasionally close a easy to medium #3, with a parallel set. I think we forget how powerful our hands are compared to the general population & how elite the sport has become. Many of the guys here get little or no credit other than a "congrats, nice job" (which is always appreciated in our ranks, I think), but compared to the truly strong out there in the world, what we do is right up there.

Edited by John Beatty
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a 3.5 would be closer to world class then a #3, so many people are getting very close to closing them all the time and several are closing them. This is also due to the fact they range quite a bit in strength so an hard #3 yeah is pretty tough, but I don't see many people closing a 3.5 any possible way.

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240 RT


45 lb. from the hub

6 10's

blob +15

inch DB

2 45's

6'' edgin

16 lb. sledge

12'' crescent wrench

Some of these, I feel, are too high. A couple are too low. It's not a bad list, just a little off, I'd say. I think world class should be doable by a decent number of people, not hundreds for most of these feats, due to the low number of people attempting them, but if you're the only one doing it, that makes you "the best", world class is maybe the top 10-20 doing it in most grip feats, as we are a small group, more in bending & grippers, as that seems to be the more popular exercises in grip. I think we here on the GB get a skewed view as a lot of "the best" are here on the board regularly, or attending comps, so we hear of the best, and are familiar enough with it that it seems normal (but walk into anyplace, even hard core gyms full of strong guys, with a Blob, Bastard, #2, Inch, or most of the items on the list here & see if anyone can do it, including guys that work with their hands all day). The bar has definitely risen, when I got my #3 (A long time ago, well over 10 years - more like 15), that was what only a very few of the best could do, in any form, not just CCS.

There's only about 130-140 names on the #3 list, regardless of the rules, that's it related to how many #3's out there in the world? I'd say a #3 close is still world class, there aren't probably more than a few hundred guys that can close it with a parallel set or wider, and there are millions of grippers of one type or another out there. I think if you're doing what only a few hundred out of a few billion can do (or could ever hope to do), it's world class.

I personally can't lift a Blob, My 172 Inch has never seen air because of me, I can only occasionally close a easy to medium #3, with a parallel set. I think we forget how powerful our hands are compared to the general population & how elite the sport has become. Many of the guys here get little or no credit other than a "congrats, nice job" (which is always appreciated in our ranks, I think), but compared to the truly strong out there in the world, what we do is right up there.

i agree the RT was probably low maybe 270 and the hub lift was pretty dumb of me 16 lb. sledge from the floor is pretty high up there i think 2 45's is also pretty low just take everything i said cancel it and keep:

270 RT

#4 MMS

6 10's

blob +15

inch clean

KOAB in IM pads

18 lb. from the floor

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2000 dumbbell

This would be indeed worldclass! But don't tell Newton... :whistel

The Millennium dumbbell was created by Steve (and other guy?) in the year 2000. Thus calling it the "Millennium". I actually didn't know the correct spelling for millennium and I was too lazy to open Microsoft Word. And that's why I called it 2000 instead of Millennium. I thought people would know it. My mistake if it was misleading :blush

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Some opinions on this topic are not too different from saying that current WR on 100 m sprint isn't world class, but going under 9,5 would be. :blink

Great post :rock

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I love these types of lists and have always wondered about this. I've never done pinch training and I'm only beginning general grip so I can't comment on some of these things but the bending I can add my 2 cents. I really agree with John about some of these goals being too high.

Bending - Hard to say because of the different wraps and styles. Anything goes I'd say a good Steelworks 3/8 CRS bend at 7 inches is definately world class. And Edgin is still close I'd say. Ironmind wraps I'd say a shiny is definately WC and probably something more like a shortened bastard. Underhand bastard is still WC in my opinion. Gazza is not World Class, he's an off the charts freak of nature in bending. He's Galaxy class so I almost think you have to do the ol' throw out the high and low when considering his stuff.

Braced bending. 80d spikes that are decently hard, 1/2 inch by 15 inch or under. Long bars is hard to say because it's tough to even get people to try it. 3/4 round shorter than 4 feet is probably where it breaks off.

Grippers. I can't see a #4 being World Class since so very few are doing it. Seems from what I read it has to be an "easier" 4 to even be closed. I'd say a #3 if done with a wider set is still WC and definately think a 3.5 is but I'm new.

An inch seems world class to me. That crazy Circus bell is insane.

Pinch, I don't know enough about to say.

Great topic!


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Great thread! "World Class" is anything you claim to have done, start a topic about without proper video proof and the thread gets closed. :laugh

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I thought I read somewhere that in weightlifting "world class" is considered 75% of the world record in that weight class. I know grip is not weightlifting and we don't have weight classes so we can just go by the absolute records, regardless of bodyweight. Handsize also factors in but that would take a decade to figure out properly. I'd consider the below numbers to at least be "elite." Maybe not world class in all of the 75% calculations but it's a start.

-RT world record is about 300, so 75% of that number is 225

-Hardest gripper close in a contest setting is a 190 calibrated #4. 75% of that number is 142.5

-2HP is 253. 75% of that is 189.

-1" vbar is a bit over 400. 75% of that is 300.

-2" vbar is about 300. 75% of that is 225.

-Axle is 454 DO. 75% of that is 340.

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I thought I read somewhere that in weightlifting "world class" is considered 75% of the world record in that weight class. I know grip is not weightlifting and we don't have weight classes so we can just go by the absolute records, regardless of bodyweight. Handsize also factors in but that would take a decade to figure out properly. I'd consider the below numbers to at least be "elite." Maybe not world class in all of the 75% calculations but it's a start.

-RT world record is about 300, so 75% of that number is 225

-Hardest gripper close in a contest setting is a 190 calibrated #4. 75% of that number is 142.5

-2HP is 253. 75% of that is 189.

-1" vbar is a bit over 400. 75% of that is 300.

-2" vbar is about 300. 75% of that is 225.

-Axle is 454 DO. 75% of that is 340.

Hmm this is very interesting way of getting elite feats, I would think world class would be around 90+% though.

Edited by shizen
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Consider jumbo shrimp. They're only jumbo when contrasted with other shrimp. But throw some non-shrimp things into the contrast class--like bigger crustaceans, or skyscrapers--and jumbo shrimp are suddenly very small, not so jumbo at all. Or consider what counts as a "good" chess player. I'm a good chess player when compared only to those with a ranking of under 2000. Compare me to the class of grandmasters and suddenly I'm not such a good chess player. And who counts as "really tall"? In China, a 6" man is really tall. On an NBA court, a 6" man is not tall at all.

The same point applies to this question. Are we talking about "elite" with respect to the world at large, with respect to athletes as a whole, with respect to athletes who rely on grip strength in their chosen sports, or with respect to top-tier Gripboard members? There's no one contrast class that's the best. So you have to stipulate which one you are implicitly assuming.

If the contrast class is the world at large, a #2 CoC is elite. If the class is Gripboard members, a #3.5 is elite.

It all depends on the contrast class.

Edited by The Natural
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Consider jumbo shrimp. They're only jumbo when contrasted with other shrimp. But throw some non-shrimp things into the contrast class--like bigger crustaceans, or skyscrapers--and jumbo shrimp are suddenly very small, not so jumbo at all. Or consider what counts as a "good" chess player. I'm a good chess player when compared only to those with a ranking of under 2000. Compare me to the class of grandmasters and suddenly I'm not such a good chess player. And who counts as "really tall"? In China, a 6" man is really tall. On an NBA court, a 6" man is not tall at all.

The same point applies to this question. Are we talking about "elite" with respect to the world at large, with respect to athletes as a whole, with respect to athletes who rely on grip strength in their chosen sports, or with respect to top-tier Gripboard members? There's no one contrast class that's the best. So you have to stipulate which one you are implicitly assuming.

If the contrast class is the world at large, a #2 CoC is elite. If the class is Gripboard members, a #3.5 is elite.

It all depends on the contrast class.

I think the contrast class would be other gripsters.

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2000 dumbbell

This would be indeed worldclass! But don't tell Newton... :whistel

The Millennium dumbbell was created by Steve (and other guy?) in the year 2000. Thus calling it the "Millennium". I actually didn't know the correct spelling for millennium and I was too lazy to open Microsoft Word. And that's why I called it 2000 instead of Millennium. I thought people would know it. My mistake if it was misleading :blush

Ah, ok! I thought You mean 200 pound fat dumbbell and this was a typo - just kidding a bit, bro! :D

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Elite level(almost like what matt said)

BB Elite, 2 45s, BLOB, Heavy G5 in IM pads (hard and tough), Inch, 18 pounds sledge lever, 90 KG 2HP..etc

World Class

IM CoC #4 cert, 3 35s, 2 25KG, 110+ 2HP, old shaped BLOB with 5 pounds, KOASB in IM pads, 20+ sledge lever, 2000 (Millenium) dumbbell, ...etc

This is from what I see in the forums.

Ok first I want to say why I choose these world class fearts that people don't agree on with me. The Elite level I think everyone agrees on with me. Now some people don't agree with the world class that I mentioned because they haven't been "done yet". I will go with it step by step and show you how it "was done" (world class for me is something that has been done by at least one person). Anyway lets check IM CoC#4 cert. Yes I agree if you went to IM site you will not see any new one's that has been certed on the #4. But do anyone here remember Joe kinney video? Man he just melted the #4 no set. It was too easy for him. Even some people don't believe it because the #4 was just too easy. Do Joe Kinney did a hard #4 with no set easily (I said hard because I remember someone saying DR.randy brought the #4 for people to try...don't know where...maybe AOBS dinner). Now the 3 35s. Wade and Chad did it. The 2 25s KG. There is a picture of it somewhere here on the board. Some people might not believe it, but like I said, it has been done. And it isnt hard to believe someone can pinch 3 35s but can't do 2 25s KG. I am sure Chad or Wade with little training on this this pinch will lift it. 110+ 2HP has been done. Old shaped BLOB plus 5 pounds has been done by John Brookfield (read his book). KOASB in IM pads has been done by Gazza (Gazza actually did a 5.5 version thus making his a Galaxy class like what Tim T mentioned). 20+ Sledge? I think Dave Morton did it. Bob has done it. Slim for sure. Millenium? More than one. Maybe 7 people got air and few to full deadlift. MR.300 pounds RT will lift it for sure. Done :cool

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Elite level(almost like what matt said)

BB Elite, 2 45s, BLOB, Heavy G5 in IM pads (hard and tough), Inch, 18 pounds sledge lever, 90 KG 2HP..etc

World Class

IM CoC #4 cert, 3 35s, 2 25KG, 110+ 2HP, old shaped BLOB with 5 pounds, KOASB in IM pads, 20+ sledge lever, 2000 (Millenium) dumbbell, ...etc

This is from what I see in the forums.

Ok first I want to say why I choose these world class fearts that people don't agree on with me. The Elite level I think everyone agrees on with me. Now some people don't agree with the world class that I mentioned because they haven't been "done yet". I will go with it step by step and show you how it "was done" (world class for me is something that has been done by at least one person). Anyway lets check IM CoC#4 cert. Yes I agree if you went to IM site you will not see any new one's that has been certed on the #4. But do anyone here remember Joe kinney video? Man he just melted the #4 no set. It was too easy for him. Even some people don't believe it because the #4 was just too easy. Do Joe Kinney did a hard #4 with no set easily (I said hard because I remember someone saying DR.randy brought the #4 for people to try...don't know where...maybe AOBS dinner). Now the 3 35s. Wade and Chad did it. The 2 25s KG. There is a picture of it somewhere here on the board. Some people might not believe it, but like I said, it has been done. And it isnt hard to believe someone can pinch 3 35s but can't do 2 25s KG. I am sure Chad or Wade with little training on this this pinch will lift it. 110+ 2HP has been done. Old shaped BLOB plus 5 pounds has been done by John Brookfield (read his book). KOASB in IM pads has been done by Gazza (Gazza actually did a 5.5 version thus making his a Galaxy class like what Tim T mentioned). 20+ Sledge? I think Dave Morton did it. Bob has done it. Slim for sure. Millenium? More than one. Maybe 7 people got air and few to full deadlift. MR.300 pounds RT will lift it for sure. Done :cool

Why do you know Brookfield used an old shaped York Blob? He used a York Blob, but was it one of the FAT ones?

Bob, Josh and Teemu have a realistic opinion of "world class" grip feats IMO.

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I like Ben's post, and world class should be taken against gripsters, but there, do you use guys that compete? GB members? Everyone that uses a gripper occasionally? If you only use recorded lists, many of the best don't cert, or haven't for a while. Many don't compete, so where's the line? I'd say you'd have to estimate users of grip tools, then take the top 5% maybe? say anywhere fron 3,000 to 10,000 worldwide? so world class being the top 15-50 people depending on the feat?

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This one will, as they say, run and run and comes under the same heading as 'who is the strongest ever'. It is always going to be a matter of opinion.

At least until the next champion of champions event... ;)

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I agree with Ben as well "world class" is simply what it says. Being in the top percent of the best at that time or the world mark ( being at the near equal competitive level with the best in that sport) I happen to be in a pond with "big fish" here at the Sorin compound and get to see many "world class" feats done in training or by visitors so I am in limbo as what I can comment on. Shutting the #3 is a world class event if done under the COC rules shown in evidence world wide how few now certify worldwide under the cc rule( even though grip now IS so much more popular). How many of those 170 + COC folks can still shut the three by the refined standard? What happened to all the #4 closers? They should be doing a #5 by now if it were "easy" or their training efforts and guts were sufficient to keep them moving ahead. How many right now can ccs a new 3.5 out of the package let alone a #4? I think on this board we should have the integrity , interest, and ability to tell others of grip happenings both great and small and it would be so helpful if the moderators of the board would decide and list the EXACT items to them which are world class so we can follow protocol of their rules accordingly.RS

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Being a mod does not make anyone an expert (speaking as a mod on forums myself). However, the definition/protocol as to what makes a feat world class would be good.

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I agree with Ben as well "world class" is simply what it says. Being in the top percent of the best at that time or the world mark ( being at the near equal competitive level with the best in that sport) I happen to be in a pond with "big fish" here at the Sorin compound and get to see many "world class" feats done in training or by visitors so I am in limbo as what I can comment on. Shutting the #3 is a world class event if done under the COC rules shown in evidence world wide how few now certify worldwide under the cc rule( even though grip now IS so much more popular). How many of those 170 + COC folks can still shut the three by the refined standard? What happened to all the #4 closers? They should be doing a #5 by now if it were "easy" or their training efforts and guts were sufficient to keep them moving ahead. How many right now can ccs a new 3.5 out of the package let alone a #4? I think on this board we should have the integrity , interest, and ability to tell others of grip happenings both great and small and it would be so helpful if the moderators of the board would decide and list the EXACT items to them which are world class so we can follow protocol of their rules accordingly.RS

It's harder for sure, especially if you don't have big hands, but a genuine lack of interest in this method has a lot to do with it. How many people are actually altering their training methods just to appease IM?? CCS has never caught on for obvious reasons and if another company got serious about a gripper cert, IM would lose thatt just like they lost the bending one when they changed the rules and refused to make harder steel.

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some friends here say "worldclass", but think of "worldclass of the worldclass".

because there are more "good grippers" here, then "weak grippers" (like me).

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some friends here say "worldclass", but think of "worldclass of the worldclass".

because there are more "good grippers" here, then "weak grippers" (like me).

You have closed a #2 your not a weak gripper, not sure how long you been training them though I'm sure you'll hit a #3 soon. Also you have benched 500lbs, thats incredible if you started bending you would be good at it since natural strength helps in that a lot.

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I agree with Ben as well "world class" is simply what it says. Being in the top percent of the best at that time or the world mark ( being at the near equal competitive level with the best in that sport) I happen to be in a pond with "big fish" here at the Sorin compound and get to see many "world class" feats done in training or by visitors so I am in limbo as what I can comment on. Shutting the #3 is a world class event if done under the COC rules shown in evidence world wide how few now certify worldwide under the cc rule( even though grip now IS so much more popular). How many of those 170 + COC folks can still shut the three by the refined standard? What happened to all the #4 closers? They should be doing a #5 by now if it were "easy" or their training efforts and guts were sufficient to keep them moving ahead. How many right now can ccs a new 3.5 out of the package let alone a #4? I think on this board we should have the integrity , interest, and ability to tell others of grip happenings both great and small and it would be so helpful if the moderators of the board would decide and list the EXACT items to them which are world class so we can follow protocol of their rules accordingly.RS

It's harder for sure, especially if you don't have big hands, but a genuine lack of interest in this method has a lot to do with it. How many people are actually altering their training methods just to appease IM?? CCS has never caught on for obvious reasons and if another company got serious about a gripper cert, IM would lose thatt just like they lost the bending one when they changed the rules and refused to make harder steel.

The obvious reason being - it's harder.

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