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Can A Average Guy Bend 60d Nail

Bossie 308

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FYI, I did do a medium 60d tonight in a cheap dollar store hanky and MAN! Go that route and your show is safe my friends. Much harder than even thin wraps and much harder than a washcloth. I had to start it reverse then finish it overhand. Needless to say there's not much pushing on the ends but one thing about it, you practice it that way and even thin leather wraps will seem like Heaven!

I was quite suprised how hard it was to be honest. Get a really tough 60d like a keystone in a hanky and it's a stud bend in my opinion. Puts the 60ds back in perspective quick. I personally wouldn't do all my bending that way because I think skin issues and injurys would happen but it's nice to do every once in a while.

Nice discussion guys!


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I have to wait and heal allot after doing hard bare hand stuff like 60d's. I was doing some in paper towels and bare hand timber ties. I think maybe building some volume with bare hand timeber ties would condition your hands to do harder stuff without so much pain and penalty. And here I thought I didn't have much use for those any more.

You are right though Tim. I crushed down my stuck 5.5" bastard a bit with loose folded IM wraps after and they felt like big leather crushpads after just the bare hand timber tie and paper towel 60d crushing.

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My new boss played football from little league thru his college years so he built a great base of strength and then he has jumped head first into armwrestling which he just got 4th in 3 weight classes even against the pros at a recent regional contest so to say he is average is inaccurate but I told him the other day that I knew he could bend a 60d nail although he didn't agree. I wrapped up a nail demonstrated a slowed down reverse bend. He is a smart guy that catches on quick so I wrapped him up one and taled him thru it and he managed to put it away in less than two minutes.

I let him rest a few minutes and gave him another and this time learning from his first efforts he had it beat in well under a minute, actually about 45 seconds or so. Now I haven't tested a ton of people but I can say he is the first

"I HAVE SEEN personally" to warp a 60d and do it with no bracing, double underhand and in such quick fashion. I would bet he could muster a Grade 5 x 6" without any practice but after that he would need to train a bit to beat the Grade 8 and surely beyond.

Just my 2 cents

No he wants me to learn how to properly armwrestle so wish me luck guys.

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Something else that might be cool to do with the red nail is to let people try and bend it over the corner of a desk first using all their body weight, they will at best only put a small kink in it and then you can quickly finish it off unbraced. We do this gig a lot with the 5in grade 8's and let the crowd use an anvil to try and bend it on. So far the best anyone has done (including one dude over 400lbs) is a very very small kink less than 5 degrees......Usually progress them from trying to bend it unbraced, to over thigh to the anvil...by then they know real well how hard it is to bend....Brett

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Just to add one thing. I feel the 60D nails that I have feel just as hard as the G5 6" bolt I bent, could even be a little harder. I think I got a tough brand.

Also I think I could've bent one of the easier 60D nails if someone showed me the right technique. I got a few other guys that are powerlifters and I want to try an experiment sometime to give them some instruction. I wouldn't be surprised if they could bend a 60D if they got the technique right.

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I've had many guys get the 60d first try with a little technique coaching and after the see me bend a couple for reference. Even had a few freaks who did bigger first time. biggest was a 5.5G5 first workout. That guy got a red by his 3rd workout.

- Aaron

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